// Copyright (C) 2021 Mike Cugini // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . use std::error::Error; use std::fs::File; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::io::{self, BufReader}; use argh::FromArgs; #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh(description = "\ chop off bits of file\n\n\ chop will take produce --count files of --lines lines from the beginning of a\n\ file or stdin. Any remaining lines will be written to a final catchall file.")] struct Options { /// number of lines in each chunk #[argh(option, short = 'n')] lines: usize, /// count of chunks to produce (default 1) #[argh(option, short = 'c', default = "1")] count: usize, /// optional prefix to use for generated files (default "") #[argh(option, short = 'p', default = "String::from(\"\")")] prefix: String, /// use numeric suffixes starting with 0, not alphabetic #[argh(switch, short = 'd')] numeric: bool, /// use numeric suffixes starting with this value #[argh(option, long = "numeric-start")] numeric_start: Option, /// filename to read from, or "-" for stdin (default "-") #[argh(positional, default = "String::from(\"-\")")] filename: String, } struct AlphabeticSuffixGenerator { suffix: Vec, remaining: usize, } impl AlphabeticSuffixGenerator { fn new(count: usize) -> AlphabeticSuffixGenerator { let suffix_length = AlphabeticSuffixGenerator::calculate_suffix_length(count); let mut suffix = vec![b'a'; suffix_length]; suffix[suffix_length - 1] -= 1; AlphabeticSuffixGenerator { suffix, remaining: count, } } fn calculate_suffix_length(count: usize) -> usize { let mut suffix_length = 1; let mut remainder = count as f64; loop { if remainder <= 26.0 { break; } suffix_length += 1; remainder /= 26.0; } suffix_length } } impl Iterator for AlphabeticSuffixGenerator { type Item = String; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.remaining == 0 { return None; } for idx in (0..self.suffix.len()).rev() { if self.suffix[idx] < b'z' { self.suffix[idx] += 1; break; } else { self.suffix[idx] = b'a'; } } self.remaining -= 1; Some(String::from_utf8(self.suffix.to_vec()).expect("invalid suffix generated")) } } fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box> { let opts: Options = argh::from_env(); // open source file let input: Box = match opts.filename.as_str() { "-" => Box::new(io::stdin()), path => match File::open(path) { Err(why) => panic!("failed to open {}: {}", path, why), Ok(file) => Box::new(file), }, }; let mut reader = BufReader::new(input); // build prefix format let prefix = match opts.prefix.as_str() { "" => String::from(""), _ => opts.prefix + "_", }; // use numeric suffixes if --numeric or --numeric-start are passed let use_numeric = opts.numeric || opts.numeric_start.is_some(); let suffix_gen: Box> = if use_numeric { let numeric_start = match opts.numeric_start { Some(num) => num, None => 0, }; Box::new((numeric_start..(numeric_start + opts.count)).map(|num| format!("{}", num))) } else { Box::new(AlphabeticSuffixGenerator::new(opts.count)) }; let mut line = String::new(); for suffix in suffix_gen { // do a test read to see if there's any/another line before creating a new file let read = reader.read_line(&mut line)?; if read == 0 { break; } let mut out_file = File::create(format!("{}{}", prefix, suffix))?; for _ in 0..opts.lines { line.clear(); match reader.read_line(&mut line)? { 0 => { break; } _ => { out_file.write_all(line.as_bytes())?; } }; } } // see if there's anything left for the remainder file let read = reader.read_line(&mut line)?; if read > 0 { let mut out_file = File::create(format!("{}rest", prefix))?; out_file.write_all(line.as_bytes())?; for result in reader.lines() { // lines() strips newline characters, so add one out_file.write_all((result? + "\n").as_bytes())?; } } Ok(()) } fn main() { // display nicer, non-debug representation of the error if let Err(err) = try_main() { eprintln!("{}", err); std::process::exit(1); } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn test_alpha_suffix_generator_min_digits() { // tuple of count => expected min length of suffix let testcases = vec![ (1, 1), (10, 1), (26, 1), (27, 2), (30, 2), (700, 3), (50_000, 4), ]; for (count, expected) in testcases { let actual = AlphabeticSuffixGenerator::calculate_suffix_length(count); assert_eq!( actual, expected, "for count {} expected suffix length {} got {}", count, expected, actual ); } } #[test] fn test_alpha_suffix_generator_output() { // tuple of count => expected suffix vector let testcases = vec![ (3, vec!["a", "b", "c"]), ( 30, vec![ "aa", "ab", "ac", "ad", "ae", "af", "ag", "ah", "ai", "aj", "ak", "al", "am", "an", "ao", "ap", "aq", "ar", "as", "at", "au", "av", "aw", "ax", "ay", "az", "ba", "bb", "bc", "bd", ], ), ( 700, vec![ "aaa", "aab", "aac", "aad", "aae", "aaf", "aag", "aah", "aai", "aaj", "aak", "aal", "aam", "aan", "aao", "aap", "aaq", "aar", "aas", "aat", "aau", "aav", "aaw", "aax", "aay", "aaz", "aba", "abb", "abc", "abd", "abe", "abf", "abg", "abh", "abi", "abj", "abk", "abl", "abm", "abn", "abo", "abp", "abq", "abr", "abs", "abt", "abu", "abv", "abw", "abx", "aby", "abz", "aca", "acb", "acc", "acd", "ace", "acf", "acg", "ach", "aci", "acj", "ack", "acl", "acm", "acn", "aco", "acp", "acq", "acr", "acs", "act", "acu", "acv", "acw", "acx", "acy", "acz", "ada", "adb", "adc", "add", "ade", "adf", "adg", "adh", "adi", "adj", "adk", "adl", "adm", "adn", "ado", "adp", "adq", "adr", "ads", "adt", "adu", "adv", "adw", "adx", "ady", "adz", "aea", "aeb", "aec", "aed", "aee", "aef", "aeg", "aeh", "aei", "aej", "aek", "ael", "aem", "aen", "aeo", "aep", "aeq", "aer", "aes", "aet", "aeu", "aev", "aew", "aex", "aey", "aez", "afa", "afb", "afc", "afd", "afe", "aff", "afg", "afh", "afi", "afj", "afk", "afl", "afm", "afn", "afo", "afp", "afq", "afr", "afs", "aft", "afu", "afv", "afw", "afx", "afy", "afz", "aga", "agb", "agc", "agd", "age", "agf", "agg", "agh", "agi", "agj", "agk", "agl", "agm", "agn", "ago", "agp", "agq", "agr", "ags", "agt", "agu", "agv", "agw", "agx", "agy", "agz", "aha", "ahb", "ahc", "ahd", "ahe", "ahf", "ahg", "ahh", "ahi", "ahj", "ahk", "ahl", "ahm", "ahn", "aho", "ahp", "ahq", "ahr", "ahs", "aht", "ahu", "ahv", "ahw", "ahx", "ahy", "ahz", "aia", "aib", "aic", "aid", "aie", "aif", "aig", "aih", "aii", "aij", "aik", "ail", "aim", "ain", "aio", "aip", "aiq", "air", "ais", "ait", "aiu", "aiv", "aiw", "aix", "aiy", "aiz", "aja", "ajb", "ajc", "ajd", "aje", "ajf", "ajg", "ajh", "aji", "ajj", "ajk", "ajl", "ajm", "ajn", "ajo", "ajp", "ajq", "ajr", "ajs", "ajt", "aju", "ajv", "ajw", "ajx", "ajy", "ajz", "aka", "akb", "akc", "akd", "ake", "akf", "akg", "akh", "aki", "akj", "akk", "akl", "akm", "akn", "ako", "akp", "akq", "akr", "aks", "akt", "aku", "akv", "akw", "akx", "aky", "akz", "ala", "alb", "alc", "ald", "ale", "alf", "alg", "alh", "ali", "alj", "alk", "all", "alm", "aln", "alo", "alp", "alq", "alr", "als", "alt", "alu", "alv", "alw", "alx", "aly", "alz", "ama", "amb", "amc", "amd", "ame", "amf", "amg", "amh", "ami", "amj", "amk", "aml", "amm", "amn", "amo", "amp", "amq", "amr", "ams", "amt", "amu", "amv", "amw", "amx", "amy", "amz", "ana", "anb", "anc", "and", "ane", "anf", "ang", "anh", "ani", "anj", "ank", "anl", "anm", "ann", "ano", "anp", "anq", "anr", "ans", "ant", "anu", "anv", "anw", "anx", "any", "anz", "aoa", "aob", "aoc", "aod", "aoe", "aof", "aog", "aoh", "aoi", "aoj", "aok", "aol", "aom", "aon", "aoo", "aop", "aoq", "aor", "aos", "aot", "aou", "aov", "aow", "aox", "aoy", "aoz", "apa", "apb", "apc", "apd", "ape", "apf", "apg", "aph", "api", "apj", "apk", "apl", "apm", "apn", "apo", "app", "apq", "apr", "aps", "apt", "apu", "apv", "apw", "apx", "apy", "apz", "aqa", "aqb", "aqc", "aqd", "aqe", "aqf", "aqg", "aqh", "aqi", "aqj", "aqk", "aql", "aqm", "aqn", "aqo", "aqp", "aqq", "aqr", "aqs", "aqt", "aqu", "aqv", "aqw", "aqx", "aqy", "aqz", "ara", "arb", "arc", "ard", "are", "arf", "arg", "arh", "ari", "arj", "ark", "arl", "arm", "arn", "aro", "arp", "arq", "arr", "ars", "art", "aru", "arv", "arw", "arx", "ary", "arz", "asa", "asb", "asc", "asd", "ase", "asf", "asg", "ash", "asi", "asj", "ask", "asl", "asm", "asn", "aso", "asp", "asq", "asr", "ass", "ast", "asu", "asv", "asw", "asx", "asy", "asz", "ata", "atb", "atc", "atd", "ate", "atf", "atg", "ath", "ati", "atj", "atk", "atl", "atm", "atn", "ato", "atp", "atq", "atr", "ats", "att", "atu", "atv", "atw", "atx", "aty", "atz", "aua", "aub", "auc", "aud", "aue", "auf", "aug", "auh", "aui", "auj", "auk", "aul", "aum", "aun", "auo", "aup", "auq", "aur", "aus", "aut", "auu", "auv", "auw", "aux", "auy", "auz", "ava", "avb", "avc", "avd", "ave", "avf", "avg", "avh", "avi", "avj", "avk", "avl", "avm", "avn", "avo", "avp", "avq", "avr", "avs", "avt", "avu", "avv", "avw", "avx", "avy", "avz", "awa", "awb", "awc", "awd", "awe", "awf", "awg", "awh", "awi", "awj", "awk", "awl", "awm", "awn", "awo", "awp", "awq", "awr", "aws", "awt", "awu", "awv", "aww", "awx", "awy", "awz", "axa", "axb", "axc", "axd", "axe", "axf", "axg", "axh", "axi", "axj", "axk", "axl", "axm", "axn", "axo", "axp", "axq", "axr", "axs", "axt", "axu", "axv", "axw", "axx", "axy", "axz", "aya", "ayb", "ayc", "ayd", "aye", "ayf", "ayg", "ayh", "ayi", "ayj", "ayk", "ayl", "aym", "ayn", "ayo", "ayp", "ayq", "ayr", "ays", "ayt", "ayu", "ayv", "ayw", "ayx", "ayy", "ayz", "aza", "azb", "azc", "azd", "aze", "azf", "azg", "azh", "azi", "azj", "azk", "azl", "azm", "azn", "azo", "azp", "azq", "azr", "azs", "azt", "azu", "azv", "azw", "azx", "azy", "azz", "baa", "bab", "bac", "bad", "bae", "baf", "bag", "bah", "bai", "baj", "bak", "bal", "bam", "ban", "bao", "bap", "baq", "bar", "bas", "bat", "bau", "bav", "baw", "bax", ], ), ]; for (count, expected) in testcases { let gen = AlphabeticSuffixGenerator::new(count); let actual: Vec = gen.collect(); assert_eq!( actual, expected, "unexpected suffix list for count {}", count ); } } }