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2022-03-15 04:31:59 +00:00
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2022-03-16 03:34:16 +00:00
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<h1 style="margin-bottom:1rem;">Brian Picciano</h1>
<h2 style="margin-bottom:0;font-size:2rem;">Senior Systems and Backend Programmer</h2>
<h2 style="font-size:1.8rem;">University of Florida 2013 · BS Software Engineering · Mathematics Minor</h2>
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2022-03-16 03:34:16 +00:00
<em>10+ years</em> of experience across backend systems,
databases, and application development. Passionate about
clean interfaces, good documentation, and open source.
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<strong>Extensively experienced with:</strong><br/>
Go, Javascript-HTML-CSS, Nix, Bash, Lua, Clojure, Erlang;<br/>
Redis, Postgres/MariaDB, Cassandra/Scylla, Mongo;<br/>
Nginx, Caddy, Prometheus/Grafana, ELK stack, Ansible, GCE;<br/>
Many flavors of Linux; Docker.
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2022-03-16 03:34:16 +00:00
<em>5+ years</em> of experience working remotely as a
developer. Well-versed in communicating over slack, zoom,
and email, and in maintaining good working relationships
across large timezone differences.
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I also have past experience with many other languages and
tools which I could easily pick back up.
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<div class="four columns">
May 2015 - January 2018<br/>
Senior Backend Developer<br/>
<a href=""></a> is a
platform to help publishers analyze and recover revenue
being lost due to adblocking users.
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Wrote a custom analytics platform in Go, using Google
BigTable as backing store and Redis/Mongo as aggregation
caches. Handled a global load of &gt;27 million new rows
an hour, with up-to-the-hour analytics for all
Implemented a custom, dc-aware service discovery system
for our microservices based app, using Etcd &amp;
SkyDNS. Included health checking, metrics,
rolling-restarts, and more.
Designed Go-based framework for implementing
microservices which automatically handled configuration,
logging, health checks, metrics, RPC/service discovery,
and more.
Implemented an internal RFC process for new product
features and maintained the internal technical
documentation wiki.
Contributed to designing and implementing the
provisioning/deployment system using Ansible, and began
work on migrating to Kubernetes.
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Senior Systems Engineer (from intern)<br/>
2010 - Apr 2015<br/>
Grooveshark was a web-based music streaming site in the
same vein as Spotify.
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Wrote client-to-client communication server in Erlang
(with Redis backend) which served as the backbone of the
Broadcasts feature, where users host their own
radio-like channels, complete with voting, real-time
chat, and moderation.
Designed and implemented Feeds feature using PHP and
Mongo, where users could see the recent listening
activites of their friends in a Facebook-like feed.
Managed and fine-tuned LAMP stack, as well as oversaw
migration from Apache to nginx/php-fpm. Maintained
complex nginx setup, including use of the lua-scripting
module on some domains.
Wrote and maintained the deployment scripts for frontend
code, and contributed significantly to the Chef-based
provisioning system.
Initiated and oversaw the migration of frontend devs
from using a shared development server to individual
Vagrant setups.
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<h4>Open-Source/Personal Projects</h4>
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<a href=""></a>
contains much of my public work. Most of it is throw-away
projects, but listed here are a few which are actively
developed and much loved.
I frequently document the progress of my various projects
on <a href="">my blog</a>.
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<div class="eight columns">
2022-03-16 03:34:16 +00:00
Author of one of the recommended Redis drivers for Go,
<a href="">radix</a>.
Author of one of <a href="">dehub</a>, a
git project hosting platform baked into the project's
commit history itself. It's not much used, even by me, but
it's functional and I'm proud of it.
Working on an unreleased project, where we are creating
the foundation for community-run cloud infrastructures.
Long-term work on a toy (so far)
<a href="">programming language</a>.
You can follow the progress of the language at
Author of small art projects such as
<a href="">viz</a>
and others featured at
<a href=""></a>,
mostly written in Clojure.
2022-03-15 04:31:59 +00:00
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