
My name is Brian Picciano. I'm a full-stack developer with a focus on designing scalable backend architectures for web applications.

I have been in the web development industry for over ten years, and during that time have been involved in every aspect of building a web app. If you're having a problem, there's a good chance I've solved it before.

What I Do

I help you solve your problems, no matter what stage of development you're at. Offerings include:

  • Development of a technology roadmap, so your app can scale globally starting from now.
  • Analysis of your current architecture to find the weaknesses and bottlenecks which are going to afflict your team down the line, and develop strategies for mitigating them.
  • Getting down into the weeds to track down those impossible-to-find bugs, so you don't have to waste valuable development time chasing them yourself.
  • Actual hands-to-keyboard coding! If you just need one more person to grind out that crucial feature before deadline, I can be there.