A read-only clone of the dehub project, for until dehub.dev can be brought back online.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

257 lines
7.2 KiB

package main
import (
func cmdCommit(ctx context.Context, cmd *dcmd.Cmd) {
flag := cmd.FlagSet()
accountID := flag.String("as", "", "Account to accredit commit with")
pgpKeyID := flag.String("anon-pgp-key", "", "ID of pgp key to sign with instead of using an account")
var repo repo
accreditAndCommit := func(commit dehub.Commit) error {
var sigInt sigcred.SignifierInterface
if *accountID != "" {
cfg, err := repo.LoadConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
var account dehub.Account
var ok bool
for _, account = range cfg.Accounts {
if account.ID == *accountID {
ok = true
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("account ID %q not found in config", *accountID)
} else if l := len(account.Signifiers); l == 0 || l > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("account %q has %d signifiers, only one is supported right now", *accountID, l)
sig := account.Signifiers[0]
sigInt, err = sig.Interface(*accountID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("casting %#v to SignifierInterface: %w", sig, err)
} else {
var err error
if sigInt, err = sigcred.LoadSignifierPGP(*pgpKeyID, true); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading pgp key %q: %w", *pgpKeyID, err)
commit, err := repo.AccreditCommit(commit, sigInt)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("accrediting commit: %w", err)
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
gitCommit, err := repo.Commit(commit, *accountID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("committing to git: %w", err)
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
fmt.Printf("committed to HEAD as %s\n", gitCommit.GitCommit.Hash)
return nil
var hasStaged bool
body := func() (context.Context, error) {
if *accountID == "" && *pgpKeyID == "" {
return nil, errors.New("-as or -anon-pgp-key is required")
if err := repo.openRepo(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var err error
if hasStaged, err = repo.HasStagedChanges(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("determining if any changes have been staged: %w", err)
return ctx, nil
cmd.SubCmd("change", "Commit file changes",
func(ctx context.Context, cmd *dcmd.Cmd) {
flag := cmd.FlagSet()
msg := flag.String("msg", "", "Commit message")
amend := flag.Bool("amend", false, "Add changes to HEAD commit, amend its message, and re-accredit it")
cmd.Run(func() (context.Context, error) {
if !hasStaged && !*amend {
return nil, errors.New("no changes have been staged for commit")
var prevMsg string
if *amend {
oldHead, err := repo.softReset("change")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prevMsg = oldHead.Commit.Change.Message
if *msg == "" {
var err error
if *msg, err = tmpFileMsg(defaultCommitFileMsgTpl, prevMsg); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error collecting commit message from user: %w", err)
} else if *msg == "" {
return nil, errors.New("empty commit message, not doing anything")
commit, err := repo.NewCommitChange(*msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not construct change commit: %w", err)
} else if err := accreditAndCommit(commit); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
cmd.SubCmd("credential", "Commit credential of one or more change commits",
func(ctx context.Context, cmd *dcmd.Cmd) {
flag := cmd.FlagSet()
startRev := flag.String("start", "", "Revision of the starting commit to accredit (when accrediting a range of changes)")
endRev := flag.String("end", "HEAD", "Revision of the ending commit to accredit (when accrediting a range of changes)")
rev := flag.String("rev", "", "Revision of commit to accredit (when accrediting a single commit)")
cmd.Run(func() (context.Context, error) {
if *rev == "" && *startRev == "" {
return nil, errors.New("-rev or -start is required")
} else if hasStaged {
return nil, errors.New("credential commit cannot have staged changes")
var credCommit dehub.Commit
if *rev != "" {
gitCommit, err := repo.GetGitRevision(plumbing.Revision(*rev))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("resolving revision %q: %w", *rev, err)
gitCommits := []dehub.GitCommit{gitCommit}
if credCommit, err = repo.NewCommitCredentialFromChanges(gitCommits); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("constructing credential commit: %w", err)
} else {
gitCommits, err := repo.GetGitRevisionRange(
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("resolving revisions %q to %q: %w",
*startRev, *endRev, err)
} else if credCommit, err = repo.NewCommitCredentialFromChanges(gitCommits); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("constructing credential commit: %w", err)
if err := accreditAndCommit(credCommit); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
cmd.SubCmd("comment", "Commit a comment to a branch",
func(ctx context.Context, cmd *dcmd.Cmd) {
flag := cmd.FlagSet()
msg := flag.String("msg", "", "Comment message")
amend := flag.Bool("amend", false, "Amend the comment message currently in HEAD")
cmd.Run(func() (context.Context, error) {
if hasStaged {
return nil, errors.New("comment commit cannot have staged changes")
var prevMsg string
if *amend {
oldHead, err := repo.softReset("comment")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prevMsg = oldHead.Commit.Comment.Message
if *msg == "" {
var err error
if *msg, err = tmpFileMsg(defaultCommitFileMsgTpl, prevMsg); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("collecting comment message from user: %w", err)
} else if *msg == "" {
return nil, errors.New("empty comment message, not doing anything")
commit, err := repo.NewCommitComment(*msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("constructing comment commit: %w", err)
return nil, accreditAndCommit(commit)
Implement commit combining --- type: change message: |- Implement commit combining Adds a method CombineCommitChanges which takes in a range of commits and a branch. It determines what the change_hash of the range is (using the message of the last change commit in the range, and the file diff across the full range), collects all credentials for that hash, and creates a new change commit with all that information. That new change commit is then added onto the given branch (but only if the change_hash would remain the same by doing so). A corresponding combine command has also been added to the dehub binary. change_hash: ALpURxN61PHUo5uzN9GTlM5V+4YcirKWpZr4G9llZVdu credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
func cmdCombine(ctx context.Context, cmd *dcmd.Cmd) {
flag := cmd.FlagSet()
onto := flag.String("onto", "", "Branch the new commit should be put onto")
startRev := flag.String("start", "", "Revision of the starting commit to combine")
endRev := flag.String("end", "", "Revision of the ending commit to combine")
var repo repo
Implement commit combining --- type: change message: |- Implement commit combining Adds a method CombineCommitChanges which takes in a range of commits and a branch. It determines what the change_hash of the range is (using the message of the last change commit in the range, and the file diff across the full range), collects all credentials for that hash, and creates a new change commit with all that information. That new change commit is then added onto the given branch (but only if the change_hash would remain the same by doing so). A corresponding combine command has also been added to the dehub binary. change_hash: ALpURxN61PHUo5uzN9GTlM5V+4YcirKWpZr4G9llZVdu credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
cmd.Run(func() (context.Context, error) {
if *onto == "" ||
*startRev == "" ||
*endRev == "" {
return nil, errors.New("-onto, -start, and -end are required")
if err := repo.openRepo(); err != nil {
return nil, err
commits, err := repo.GetGitRevisionRange(
Implement commit combining --- type: change message: |- Implement commit combining Adds a method CombineCommitChanges which takes in a range of commits and a branch. It determines what the change_hash of the range is (using the message of the last change commit in the range, and the file diff across the full range), collects all credentials for that hash, and creates a new change commit with all that information. That new change commit is then added onto the given branch (but only if the change_hash would remain the same by doing so). A corresponding combine command has also been added to the dehub binary. change_hash: ALpURxN61PHUo5uzN9GTlM5V+4YcirKWpZr4G9llZVdu credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting commits %q to %q: %w",
*startRev, *endRev, err)
ontoBranch := plumbing.NewBranchReferenceName(*onto)
gitCommit, err := repo.CombineCommitChanges(commits, ontoBranch)
Implement commit combining --- type: change message: |- Implement commit combining Adds a method CombineCommitChanges which takes in a range of commits and a branch. It determines what the change_hash of the range is (using the message of the last change commit in the range, and the file diff across the full range), collects all credentials for that hash, and creates a new change commit with all that information. That new change commit is then added onto the given branch (but only if the change_hash would remain the same by doing so). A corresponding combine command has also been added to the dehub binary. change_hash: ALpURxN61PHUo5uzN9GTlM5V+4YcirKWpZr4G9llZVdu credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Printf("new commit %q added to branch %q\n",
gitCommit.GitCommit.Hash, ontoBranch.Short())
return nil, nil