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package sigcred
import (
// There are not currently tests for testing pgp signature creation, as they
// require calls out to the gpg executable. Wrapping tests in docker containers
// would make this doable.
func TestPGPVerification(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
descr string
init func(pubKeyBody []byte) (SignifierInterface, fs.FS)
descr: "SignifierPGP",
init: func(pubKeyBody []byte) (SignifierInterface, fs.FS) {
return SignifierPGP{Body: string(pubKeyBody)}, nil
descr: "SignifierPGPFile",
init: func(pubKeyBody []byte) (SignifierInterface, fs.FS) {
pubKeyPath := "some/dir/pubkey.asc"
fs := fs.Stub{pubKeyPath: pubKeyBody}
sigPGPFile := SignifierPGPFile{Path: pubKeyPath}
return sigPGPFile, fs
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.descr, func(t *testing.T) {
seed := time.Now().UnixNano()
t.Logf("seed: %d", seed)
rand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
Modify how SignifierInterface is produced so it always sets AccountID on Credentials --- type: change message: |- Modify how SignifierInterface is produced so it always sets AccountID on Credentials Previously it was the responsibility of the caller of the Sign method to set the AccountID on the produced Credential, but this didn't really make sense. This commit makes it so that all SignifierInterface's produced by Signifier implicitly set the AccountID field. The solution here is still a bit hacky, and ultimately the real solution will probably be to refactor the structore of Credential, so that it doesn't have AccountID. change_hash: ADPuz04GuyxWwjo/0/jc7DcsPMl5rK0osSpaqmUxv818 credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
privKey, pubKeyBody := SignifierPGPTmp("foo", rand)
sig, fs := test.init(pubKeyBody)
data := make([]byte, rand.Intn(1024))
if _, err := rand.Read(data); err != nil {
cred, err := privKey.Sign(nil, data)
if err != nil {
signed, err := sig.Signed(fs, cred)
if err != nil {
} else if !signed {
t.Fatal("expected signed to be true")
if err := sig.Verify(fs, data, cred); err != nil {