A read-only clone of the dehub project, for until dehub.dev can be brought back online.
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package accessctl
import (
// ConditionInterface describes the methods that all Signifiers must implement.
type ConditionInterface interface {
// Satisfied asserts that the Condition is satisfied by the given set of
// Credentials. If it is not (or something else went wrong) then an error is
// returned.
// NOTE that Satisfied assumes the Credential has already been Verify'd.
Satisfied([]sigcred.Credential) error
// Condition represents an access control condition being defined in the Config.
// Only one of its fields may be filled in at a time.
type Condition struct {
Never *ConditionNever `type:"never"`
Signature *ConditionSignature `type:"signature"`
// MarshalYAML implements the yaml.Marshaler interface.
func (c Condition) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
return typeobj.MarshalYAML(c)
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (c *Condition) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
return typeobj.UnmarshalYAML(c, unmarshal)
// Interface returns the ConditionInterface encapsulated by this Condition
// object.
func (c Condition) Interface() (ConditionInterface, error) {
el, _, err := typeobj.Element(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return el.(ConditionInterface), nil
// ConditionNever is a Condition which is never satisfied.
type ConditionNever struct{}
// Satisfied always returns an error, because ConditionNever cannot be
// satisfied.
func (condNever ConditionNever) Satisfied([]sigcred.Credential) error {
return errors.New("condition of type 'never' cannot be satisfied")
// ConditionSignature represents the configuration of an access control
// condition which requires one or more signatures to be present on a commit.
// Either AccountIDs or AnyAccount must be filled in.
type ConditionSignature struct {
AccountIDs []string `yaml:"account_ids,omitempty"`
AnyAccount bool `yaml:"any_account,omitempty"`
Count string `yaml:"count"`
var _ ConditionInterface = ConditionSignature{}
func (condSig ConditionSignature) targetNum() (int, error) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(condSig.Count, "%") {
return strconv.Atoi(condSig.Count)
} else if condSig.AnyAccount {
return 0, errors.New("cannot use AnyAccount and a percent Count together")
percentStr := strings.TrimRight(condSig.Count, "%")
percent, err := strconv.ParseFloat(percentStr, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not parse Count as percent %q: %w", condSig.Count, err)
targetF := float64(len(condSig.AccountIDs)) * percent / 100
targetF = math.Ceil(targetF)
return int(targetF), nil
// ErrConditionSignatureUnsatisfied is returned from ConditionSignature's
// Satisfied method when the Condition has not been satisfied.
type ErrConditionSignatureUnsatisfied struct {
TargetNumAccounts, NumAccounts int
func (err ErrConditionSignatureUnsatisfied) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("not enough valid signature credentials, requires %d but only had %d",
err.TargetNumAccounts, err.NumAccounts)
// Satisfied asserts that the given Credentials contains enough signatures to be
// satisfied.
func (condSig ConditionSignature) Satisfied(creds []sigcred.Credential) error {
targetN, err := condSig.targetNum()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not compute ConditionSignature target number of accounts: %w", err)
credAccountIDs := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, cred := range creds {
// TODO currently only signature credentials are implemented, so we can
// just assume that the given AccountID has provided a sig. In the
// future this may not be true.
credAccountIDs[cred.AccountID] = struct{}{}
var n int
if condSig.AnyAccount {
// TODO this doesn't actually check that the accounts are defined in the
// Config.
n = len(credAccountIDs)
} else {
targetAccountIDs := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, accountID := range condSig.AccountIDs {
targetAccountIDs[accountID] = struct{}{}
for accountID := range targetAccountIDs {
if _, ok := credAccountIDs[accountID]; ok {
if n < targetN {
return ErrConditionSignatureUnsatisfied{
TargetNumAccounts: targetN,
NumAccounts: n,
return nil