A read-only clone of the dehub project, for until dehub.dev can be brought back online.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

484 lines
15 KiB

package dehub
import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v2"
// CommitInterface describes the methods which must be implemented by the
// different commit types.
type CommitInterface interface {
// MessageHead returns the head of the commit message (i.e. the first line).
// The CommitCommon of the outer Commit is passed in for added context, if
// necessary.
MessageHead(CommitCommon) (string, error)
// Hash returns the raw hash which Signifiers can sign to accredit this
// commit. The tree objects given describe the filesystem state of the
// parent commit, and the filesystem state of this commit.
// This method should _not_ change any fields on the commit.
Hash(parent, this *object.Tree) ([]byte, error)
// GetHash returns the signable Hash embedded in the commit, which should
// hopefully correspond to the Commit's Credentials.
GetHash() []byte
// CommitCommon describes the fields common to all Commit objects.
type CommitCommon struct {
// Credentials represent all created Credentials for this commit, and can be
// set on all Commit objects regardless of other fields being set.
Credentials []sigcred.Credential `yaml:"credentials"`
func (cc CommitCommon) credAccountIDs() []string {
m := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, cred := range cc.Credentials {
m[cred.AccountID] = struct{}{}
s := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for accountID := range m {
s = append(s, accountID)
return s
func abbrevCommitMessage(msg string) string {
i := strings.Index(msg, "\n")
if i > 0 {
msg = msg[:i]
if len(msg) > 80 {
msg = msg[:80] + "..."
return msg
// Commit represents a single Commit which is being added to a branch. Only one
// field should be set on a Commit, unless otherwise noted.
type Commit struct {
Change *CommitChange `type:"change,default"`
Credential *CommitCredential `type:"credential"`
Comment *CommitComment `type:"comment"`
Common CommitCommon `yaml:",inline"`
// MarshalYAML implements the yaml.Marshaler interface.
func (c Commit) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
return typeobj.MarshalYAML(c)
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (c *Commit) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
return typeobj.UnmarshalYAML(c, unmarshal)
// Interface returns the CommitInterface instance encapsulated by this Commit
// object.
func (c Commit) Interface() (CommitInterface, error) {
el, _, err := typeobj.Element(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return el.(CommitInterface), nil
// Type returns the Commit's type (as would be used in its YAML "type" field).
func (c Commit) Type() (string, error) {
_, typeStr, err := typeobj.Element(c)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return typeStr, nil
// MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface by returning the
// form the Commit object takes in the git commit message.
func (c Commit) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
commitInt, err := c.Interface()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not cast Commit %+v to interface : %w", c, err)
msgHead, err := commitInt.MessageHead(c.Common)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error constructing message head: %w", err)
msgBodyB, err := yaml.Marshal(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error marshaling commit %+v as yaml: %w", c, err)
w := new(bytes.Buffer)
return w.Bytes(), nil
// UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface by decoding a
// Commit object which has been encoded into a git commit message.
func (c *Commit) UnmarshalText(msg []byte) error {
i := bytes.Index(msg, []byte("\n"))
if i < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("commit message %q is malformed, it has no body", msg)
msgBody := msg[i:]
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(msgBody, c); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal Commit message from yaml: %w", err)
} else if reflect.DeepEqual(*c, Commit{}) {
// a basic check, but worthwhile
return errors.New("commit message is malformed, could not unmarshal yaml object")
return nil
// AccreditCommit returns the given Commit with an appended Credential provided
Modify how SignifierInterface is produced so it always sets AccountID on Credentials --- type: change message: |- Modify how SignifierInterface is produced so it always sets AccountID on Credentials Previously it was the responsibility of the caller of the Sign method to set the AccountID on the produced Credential, but this didn't really make sense. This commit makes it so that all SignifierInterface's produced by Signifier implicitly set the AccountID field. The solution here is still a bit hacky, and ultimately the real solution will probably be to refactor the structore of Credential, so that it doesn't have AccountID. change_hash: ADPuz04GuyxWwjo/0/jc7DcsPMl5rK0osSpaqmUxv818 credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
// by the given SignifierInterface.
func (r *Repo) AccreditCommit(commit Commit, sigInt sigcred.SignifierInterface) (Commit, error) {
commitInt, err := commit.Interface()
if err != nil {
return commit, fmt.Errorf("could not cast commit %+v to interface: %w", commit, err)
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
headFS, err := r.headFS()
if err != nil {
return commit, fmt.Errorf("could not grab snapshot of HEAD fs: %w", err)
cred, err := sigInt.Sign(headFS, commitInt.GetHash())
if err != nil {
return commit, fmt.Errorf("could not accredit change commit: %w", err)
commit.Common.Credentials = append(commit.Common.Credentials, cred)
return commit, nil
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
// CommitBareParams are the parameters to the CommitBare method. All are
// required, unless otherwise noted.
type CommitBareParams struct {
Commit Commit
Author string
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
ParentHash plumbing.Hash // can be zero if the commit has no parents (Q_Q)
GitTree *object.Tree
// CommitBare constructs a git commit object and and stores it, returning the
// resulting GitCommit. This method does not interact with HEAD at all.
func (r *Repo) CommitBare(params CommitBareParams) (GitCommit, error) {
msgB, err := params.Commit.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: iQIzBAABAgAdFiEEJ6tQKp6olvZKJ0lwlcRvpqQRSKwFAl53+qwACgkQlcRvpqQRSKzXuQ/9HBnrwB3zYSsLsQrNTlZ6MW5DaH/y1pypba6eD57fC6Tl3ipuDvTLrjiRMdPkS8LFvPOkT8FUFRZH7farBZBZGRnoAL88ELPB/h5Ip7FaUu+syfuTsHnBvWPs2hPN/sEhceIy+io3P03vIKSYCPMAhhigkWhoZZa+SJNQyTTJ/WzbGmuopCYhe3/4JDfpLNIvfOzJb40jVXqmqZ4Lf82uqf9DIh8LjNRhhOBeVFOVyQ4FOHh6a/T7D4qNSMPi/RRFg9VSXlNV5tp2ykdQdzyS6vdBBxV5j8pz8DyTDZYxlqkHyb5Blkl4vcndoJOYjyacVqVuXMgvjf0a8cmuhDEmC1vRDepx4jKZQwKyl1HQ9X0+KodMAxrx671+m7Zga9OcyCdNdyaH+Tl2W4c6apaEv2lcx5DalSLW2uoDbo5B4uutBOFrL12ML2tnnyF93tRSZkcNibo69/88qjFjaYEAjOhupgNtrbU+92Dsj/8UGYKFQgfx7DSHGXhs8fzphzPvZifWoiGV49iXvOauNlUzolX3h4bmxcXAnl/+tC4F1a19TGl7TG7HAC8kajXAf01pSD+WxJGMN+gerOYHOCrlQVx+sWhQBh22yfsaAJXPLl4R/2bUKqSTXjHHp3/WTqK4HdRRN/L728YhOxBCy6Ue0CjAZKpi+cQWQUUxpCKQiXs= account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
return GitCommit{}, fmt.Errorf("encoding %T to message string: %w",
params.Commit, err)
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
author := object.Signature{
Name: params.Author,
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
When: time.Now(),
commit := &object.Commit{
Author: author,
Committer: author,
Message: string(msgB),
TreeHash: params.GitTree.Hash,
if params.ParentHash != plumbing.ZeroHash {
commit.ParentHashes = []plumbing.Hash{params.ParentHash}
commitObj := r.GitRepo.Storer.NewEncodedObject()
if err := commit.Encode(commitObj); err != nil {
return GitCommit{}, fmt.Errorf("encoding commit object: %w", err)
commitHash, err := r.GitRepo.Storer.SetEncodedObject(commitObj)
if err != nil {
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
return GitCommit{}, fmt.Errorf("setting encoded object: %w", err)
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
return r.GetGitCommit(commitHash)
// Commit uses the given Commit to create a git commit object (with the
// specified accountID as the author) and commits it to the current HEAD,
// returning the full GitCommit.
func (r *Repo) Commit(commit Commit, accountID string) (GitCommit, error) {
headRef, err := r.TraverseReferenceChain(plumbing.HEAD, func(ref *plumbing.Reference) bool {
return ref.Type() == plumbing.HashReference
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
if err != nil {
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
return GitCommit{}, fmt.Errorf("resolving HEAD to a hash reference: %w", err)
headRefName := headRef.Name()
headHash, err := r.ReferenceToHash(headRefName)
if err != nil {
return GitCommit{}, fmt.Errorf("resolving ref %q (HEAD): %w", headRefName, err)
// TODO this is also used in the same way in NewCommitChange. It might make
// sense to refactor this logic out, it might not be needed in fs at all.
_, stagedTree, err := fs.FromStagedChangesTree(r.GitRepo)
if err != nil {
return GitCommit{}, fmt.Errorf("getting staged changes: %w", err)
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
gitCommit, err := r.CommitBare(CommitBareParams{
Commit: commit,
Author: accountID,
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
ParentHash: headHash,
GitTree: stagedTree,
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
if err != nil {
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
return GitCommit{}, err
// now set the branch to this new commit
newHeadRef := plumbing.NewHashReference(headRefName, gitCommit.GitCommit.Hash)
if err := r.GitRepo.Storer.SetReference(newHeadRef); err != nil {
return GitCommit{}, fmt.Errorf("setting reference %q to new commit hash %q: %w",
headRefName, gitCommit.GitCommit.Hash, err)
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
return gitCommit, nil
// HasStagedChanges returns true if there are file changes which have been
// staged (e.g. via "git add").
func (r *Repo) HasStagedChanges() (bool, error) {
w, err := r.GitRepo.Worktree()
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving worktree: %w", err)
status, err := w.Status()
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving worktree status: %w", err)
var any bool
for _, fileStatus := range status {
if fileStatus.Staging != git.Unmodified {
any = true
return any, nil
type verificationCtx struct {
commit *object.Commit
commitTree, parentTree *object.Tree
// non-gophers gonna hate on this method, but I say it's fine
func (r *Repo) verificationCtx(h plumbing.Hash) (vctx verificationCtx, err error) {
if vctx.commit, err = r.GitRepo.CommitObject(h); err != nil {
return vctx, fmt.Errorf("retrieving commit object: %w", err)
} else if vctx.commitTree, err = r.GitRepo.TreeObject(vctx.commit.TreeHash); err != nil {
return vctx, fmt.Errorf("retrieving commit tree object %q: %w",
vctx.commit.TreeHash, err)
} else if parent, err := vctx.commit.Parent(0); err != nil {
return vctx, fmt.Errorf("retrieving commit parent: %w", err)
} else if vctx.parentTree, err = r.GitRepo.TreeObject(parent.TreeHash); err != nil {
return vctx, fmt.Errorf("retrieving commit parent tree object %q: %w",
parent.Hash, err)
return vctx, nil
func (r *Repo) assertAccessControls(
acl []accessctl.AccessControl,
commit Commit, vctx verificationCtx, branch plumbing.ReferenceName,
) (err error) {
filesChanged, err := calcDiff(vctx.parentTree, vctx.commitTree)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("calculating diff from tree %q to tree %q: %w",
vctx.parentTree.Hash, vctx.commitTree.Hash, err)
} else if len(filesChanged) > 0 && commit.Change == nil {
return errors.New("files changes but commit is not a change commit")
pathsChanged := make([]string, len(filesChanged))
for i := range filesChanged {
pathsChanged[i] = filesChanged[i].path
commitType, err := commit.Type()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("determining type of commit %+v: %w", commit, err)
return accessctl.AssertCanCommit(acl, accessctl.CommitRequest{
Type: commitType,
Branch: branch.Short(),
Credentials: commit.Common.Credentials,
FilesChanged: pathsChanged,
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
// VerifyCommits verifies that the given commits, which are presumably on the
// given branch, are gucci.
func (r *Repo) VerifyCommits(branch plumbing.ReferenceName, gitCommits []GitCommit) error {
for i, gitCommit := range gitCommits {
// It's not a requirement that the given GitCommits are in ancestral
// order, but usually they are, so we can help verifyCommit not have to
// calculate the parentTree if the previous commit is the parent of this
// one.
var parentTree *object.Tree
if i > 0 && gitCommits[i-1].GitCommit.Hash == gitCommit.GitCommit.ParentHashes[0] {
parentTree = gitCommits[i-1].GitTree
if err := r.verifyCommit(branch, gitCommit, parentTree); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("verifying commit %q: %w",
gitCommit.GitCommit.Hash, err)
return nil
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
// parentTree returns the tree of the parent commit of the given commit. If the
// given commit has no parents then a bare tree is returned.
func (r *Repo) parentTree(commitObj *object.Commit) (*object.Tree, error) {
switch commitObj.NumParents() {
case 0:
return new(object.Tree), nil
case 1:
if parentCommitObj, err := commitObj.Parent(0); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting parent commit %q: %w",
commitObj.ParentHashes[0], err)
} else if parentTree, err := r.GitRepo.TreeObject(parentCommitObj.TreeHash); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting parent tree object %q: %w",
parentCommitObj.TreeHash, err)
} else {
return parentTree, nil
return nil, errors.New("commit has multiple parents")
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
// if parentTree is nil then it will be inferred.
func (r *Repo) verifyCommit(branch plumbing.ReferenceName, gitCommit GitCommit, parentTree *object.Tree) error {
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
parentTree, err := r.parentTree(gitCommit.GitCommit)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("retrieving parent tree of commit: %w", err)
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
vctx := verificationCtx{
commit: gitCommit.GitCommit,
commitTree: gitCommit.GitTree,
parentTree: parentTree,
var sigFS fs.FS
refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done --- type: change message: |- refactor how commits are created, as well as how reference following is done In light of the upcoming combine commit feature, it will be necessary to have more fine-grained control over how commits are created and stored. This change attempts to address that, by adding a CommitBare method, which the Commit method then uses. CommitBare merely creates and stores a commit, without updating HEAD. Since Commit now has to figure out the parent commit of the HEAD, and deal with the case of HEAD not being set (a new repo, or an orphan branch), the logic for reference traversal had to be refactored some as well. change_hash: AKwHmb4T5APrl3EL7Ox27ABGWrjqjlOGvBD1cOycgPcN credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
if gitCommit.Root() {
sigFS = fs.FromTree(vctx.commitTree)
} else {
sigFS = fs.FromTree(vctx.parentTree)
cfg, err := r.loadConfig(sigFS)
if err != nil {
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
return fmt.Errorf("loading config of parent %q: %w",
gitCommit.GitCommit.ParentHashes[0], err)
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
err = r.assertAccessControls(cfg.AccessControls, gitCommit.Commit, vctx, branch)
if err != nil {
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
return fmt.Errorf("enforcing access controls: %w", err)
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
changeHash := gitCommit.Interface.GetHash()
expectedChangeHash, err := gitCommit.Interface.Hash(vctx.parentTree, vctx.commitTree)
if err != nil {
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
return fmt.Errorf("calculating expected change hash: %w", err)
} else if !bytes.Equal(changeHash, expectedChangeHash) {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed change_hash in commit body, is %s but should be %s",
for _, cred := range gitCommit.Commit.Common.Credentials {
sig, err := r.signifierForCredential(sigFS, cred)
if err != nil {
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
return fmt.Errorf("finding signifier for credential %+v: %w", cred, err)
} else if err := sig.Verify(sigFS, expectedChangeHash, cred); err != nil {
normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits --- type: change message: |- normalize how git commits are interacted with, including changing VerifyComit -> VerifyCommits This commit attempts to normalize git commit interactions in order to reduce the amount of manual `GitRepo.CommitObject`, `GitRepo.TreeObject`, `Commit.UnmarshalText`, and `Commit.Interface` calls are done, by creating a single structure (`GitCommit`) which holds the output of those calls, and is only created by a single method (`GetGitCommit`), which is then used by a bunch of other methods to expand its functionality, including implementing a range request which can be used by verify and the pre-receive hook (though it's only used by the hook, currently). change_hash: AMae4PL6+jrxhn2KEGHejstcdT37Gw/jjkl/UuovHcgd credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
return fmt.Errorf("verifying credential %+v: %w", cred, err)
return nil
type changeRangeInfo struct {
changeCommits []GitCommit
authors map[string]struct{}
msg string
startTree, endTree *object.Tree
changeHash []byte
// changeRangeInfo returns various pieces of information about a range of
// commits' changes.
func (r *Repo) changeRangeInfo(commits []GitCommit) (changeRangeInfo, error) {
info := changeRangeInfo{
authors: map[string]struct{}{},
for _, commit := range commits {
if _, ok := commit.Interface.(*CommitChange); ok {
info.changeCommits = append(info.changeCommits, commit)
for _, cred := range commit.Commit.Common.Credentials {
info.authors[cred.AccountID] = struct{}{}
if len(info.changeCommits) == 0 {
return changeRangeInfo{}, errors.New("no change commits found")
// startTree has to be the tree of the parent of the first commit, which
// isn't included in commits. Determine it the hard way.
var err error
if info.startTree, err = r.parentTree(commits[0].GitCommit); err != nil {
return changeRangeInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("getting tree of parent of %q: %w",
commits[0].GitCommit.Hash, err)
lastChangeCommit := info.changeCommits[len(info.changeCommits)-1]
info.msg = lastChangeCommit.Commit.Change.Message
info.endTree = lastChangeCommit.GitTree
info.changeHash = genChangeHash(nil, info.msg, info.startTree, info.endTree)
return info, nil