A read-only clone of the dehub project, for until dehub.dev can be brought back online.
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package dehub
import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v2"
// Account represents a single account defined in the Config.
type Account struct {
ID string `yaml:"id"`
Signifiers []sigcred.Signifier `yaml:"signifiers"`
Meta map[string]string `yaml:"meta,omitempty"`
// Config represents the structure of the main dehub configuration file, and is
// used to marshal/unmarshal the yaml file.
type Config struct {
Refactor access controls to support multiple branches message: |- Refactor access controls to support multiple branches This was a big lift. It implements a backwards incompatible change to overhaul access control patterns to also encompass which branch is being interacted with, not only which files. The `accessctl` package was significantly rewritten to support this, as well as some of the code modifying it. The INTRODUCTION and SPEC were also appropriately updated. The change to the SPEC is _technically_ backwards incompatible, but it won't effect anything. The `access_control` previously being used will just be ignored, and the changes to `accessctl` include the definition of fallback access controls which will automatically be applied if nothing else matches, so when verifying the older history of this repo those will be used. change_hash: AIfNYLmOLGpuyTiVodT3hDe9lF4E+5DbOTgSdkbjJONb credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
Accounts []Account `yaml:"accounts"`
AccessControls []accessctl.BranchAccessControl `yaml:"access_controls"`
func (r *Repo) loadConfig(fs fs.FS) (Config, error) {
rc, err := fs.Open(ConfigPath)
if err != nil {
return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("could not open config.yml: %w", err)
defer rc.Close()
var cfg Config
if err := yaml.NewDecoder(rc).Decode(&cfg); err != nil {
return cfg, fmt.Errorf("could not decode config.yml: %w", err)
// TODO validate Config
return cfg, nil
// LoadConfig loads the Config object from the HEAD of the repo, or directly
// from the filesystem if there is no HEAD yet.
func (r *Repo) LoadConfig() (Config, error) {
headFS, err := r.HeadFS()
if err != nil {
return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving repo HEAD: %w", err)
return r.loadConfig(headFS)
func (r *Repo) signifierForCredential(fs fs.FS, cred sigcred.Credential) (sigcred.SignifierInterface, error) {
cfg, err := r.loadConfig(fs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading config: %w", err)
var account Account
var ok bool
for _, account = range cfg.Accounts {
if account.ID == cred.AccountID {
ok = true
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no account object for account id %q present in config", cred.AccountID)
for i, sig := range account.Signifiers {
Modify how SignifierInterface is produced so it always sets AccountID on Credentials --- type: change message: |- Modify how SignifierInterface is produced so it always sets AccountID on Credentials Previously it was the responsibility of the caller of the Sign method to set the AccountID on the produced Credential, but this didn't really make sense. This commit makes it so that all SignifierInterface's produced by Signifier implicitly set the AccountID field. The solution here is still a bit hacky, and ultimately the real solution will probably be to refactor the structore of Credential, so that it doesn't have AccountID. change_hash: ADPuz04GuyxWwjo/0/jc7DcsPMl5rK0osSpaqmUxv818 credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
if sigInt, err := sig.Interface(cred.AccountID); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting signifier index:%d to inteface: %w", i, err)
} else if ok, err := sigInt.Signed(fs, cred); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking if signfier index:%d signed credential: %w", i, err)
} else if ok {
return sigInt, nil
return nil, errors.New("no signifier found for credential")