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package accessctl
import (
type filterCommitMatchTest struct {
descr string
filter FilterInterface
req CommitRequest
match bool
// assumes match == true, and will ensure that the returned wrapped error is
// this one.
matchErr error
func runCommitMatchTests(t *testing.T, tests []filterCommitMatchTest) {
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.descr, func(t *testing.T) {
err := test.filter.MatchCommit(test.req)
shouldMatch := test.match && test.matchErr == nil
if shouldMatch && err != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected to match, got %v", err)
} else if shouldMatch {
} else if fErr := new(ErrFilterNoMatch); !errors.As(err, fErr) {
t.Fatalf("expected ErrFilterNoMatch, got %#v", err)
} else if test.matchErr != nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(fErr.Err, test.matchErr) {
t.Fatalf("expected err %#v, not %#v", test.matchErr, fErr.Err)
func TestFilterCommitType(t *testing.T) {
mkReq := func(commitType string) CommitRequest {
return CommitRequest{Type: commitType}
runCommitMatchTests(t, []filterCommitMatchTest{
descr: "single match",
filter: FilterCommitType{
Type: "foo",
req: mkReq("foo"),
match: true,
descr: "single no match",
filter: FilterCommitType{
Type: "foo",
req: mkReq("bar"),
match: false,
descr: "multi match first",
filter: FilterCommitType{
Types: []string{"foo", "bar"},
req: mkReq("foo"),
match: true,
descr: "multi match second",
filter: FilterCommitType{
Types: []string{"foo", "bar"},
req: mkReq("bar"),
match: true,
descr: "multi no match",
filter: FilterCommitType{
Types: []string{"foo", "bar"},
req: mkReq("baz"),
match: false,
Support non-fastforward commits --- type: change message: |- Support non-fastforward commits This includes: * adding a filter to accessctl which can be used to allow non-ff commits, and augmenting the default access controls to deny non-ff commits for master. VerifyCommits was then modified to use that new functionality, and then tests were added to cover that. * adding a `VerifyBranchCanSetHEADTo` method, and using that in the pre-receive hook rather than putting all the logic in the hook itself. `VerifyBranchCanSetHEADTo` is thoroughly tested, and the tests for it ended up uncovering some broken aspects of `VerifyCommits` as well, so those are fixed too. change_hash: ACTyCsTFBnAjGAek355IU3I6MioLIx5mb1mS4YjMUrF5 credentials: - type: pgp_signature pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC body: 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 account: mediocregopher
4 years ago
func TestFilterCommitAttributes(t *testing.T) {
mkReq := func(nonFF bool) CommitRequest {
return CommitRequest{NonFastForward: nonFF}
runCommitMatchTests(t, []filterCommitMatchTest{
descr: "ff with empty filter",
filter: FilterCommitAttributes{},
req: mkReq(false),
match: true,
descr: "non-ff with empty filter",
filter: FilterCommitAttributes{},
req: mkReq(true),
match: true,
descr: "ff with non-ff filter",
filter: FilterCommitAttributes{NonFastForward: true},
req: mkReq(false),
match: false,
descr: "non-ff with non-ff filter",
filter: FilterCommitAttributes{NonFastForward: true},
req: mkReq(true),
match: true,
descr: "ff with inverted non-ff filter",
filter: FilterNot{Filter: Filter{
CommitAttributes: &FilterCommitAttributes{NonFastForward: true},
req: mkReq(false),
match: true,
descr: "non-ff with inverted non-ff filter",
filter: FilterNot{Filter: Filter{
CommitAttributes: &FilterCommitAttributes{NonFastForward: true},
req: mkReq(true),
match: false,