package dehub import ( "errors" "fmt" "strings" "" ) // CommitComment describes the structure of a comment commit message. type CommitComment struct { Message string `yaml:"message"` MessageHash yamlutil.Blob `yaml:"message_hash"` } var _ CommitInterface = CommitComment{} // NewCommitComment constructs and returns a Commit populated with a // CommitComment encompassing the given message. The Credentials of the returned // Commit will _not_ be filled in. func (r *Repo) NewCommitComment(msg string) (Commit, error) { cc := CommitComment{Message: msg} var err error if cc.MessageHash, err = cc.ExpectedHash(nil); err != nil { return Commit{}, fmt.Errorf("calculating comment hash: %w", err) } return Commit{Comment: &cc}, nil } // MessageHead implements the method for the CommitInterface interface. func (cc CommitComment) MessageHead(common CommitCommon) (string, error) { msgAbbrev := abbrevCommitMessage(cc.Message) credIDs := strings.Join(common.credIDs(), ", ") return fmt.Sprintf("Comment by %s: %s", credIDs, msgAbbrev), nil } // ExpectedHash implements the method for the CommitInterface. func (cc CommitComment) ExpectedHash(changes []ChangedFile) ([]byte, error) { if len(changes) > 0 { return nil, errors.New("CommitComment cannot have any changed files") } return genCommentHash(nil, cc.Message), nil } // StoredHash implements the method for the CommitInterface. func (cc CommitComment) StoredHash() []byte { return cc.MessageHash }