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package sigcred
import (
// CredentialPGPSignature describes a PGP signature which has been used to sign
// a commit.
type CredentialPGPSignature struct {
PubKeyID string `yaml:"pub_key_id"`
PubKeyBody string `yaml:"pub_key_body,omitempty"`
Body yamlutil.Blob `yaml:"body"`
// SelfVerify will only work if PubKeyBody is filled in. If so, Body will
// attempt to be verified by that public key.
func (c *CredentialPGPSignature) SelfVerify(data []byte) error {
if c.PubKeyBody == "" {
return ErrNotSelfVerifying{
Subject: "PGP signature Credential with no pub_key_body field",
sig := SignifierPGP{Body: c.PubKeyBody}
return sig.Verify(nil, data, Credential{PGPSignature: c})
type pgpPubKey struct {
pubKey *packet.PublicKey
func newPGPPubKey(r io.Reader) (pgpPubKey, error) {
// TODO support non-armored keys as well
block, err := armor.Decode(r)
if err != nil {
return pgpPubKey{}, fmt.Errorf("could not decode armored PGP public key: %w", err)
pkt, err := packet.Read(block.Body)
if err != nil {
return pgpPubKey{}, fmt.Errorf("could not read PGP public key: %w", err)
pubKey, ok := pkt.(*packet.PublicKey)
if !ok {
return pgpPubKey{}, fmt.Errorf("packet is not a public key, it's a %T", pkt)
return pgpPubKey{pubKey: pubKey}, nil
func (s pgpPubKey) Signed(_ fs.FS, cred Credential) (bool, error) {
if cred.PGPSignature == nil {
return false, nil
return cred.PGPSignature.PubKeyID == s.pubKey.KeyIdString(), nil
func (s pgpPubKey) Verify(_ fs.FS, data []byte, cred Credential) error {
credSig := cred.PGPSignature
if credSig == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("SignifierPGPFile cannot verify %+v", cred)
pkt, err := packet.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(credSig.Body))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not read signature packet: %w", err)
sigPkt, ok := pkt.(*packet.Signature)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("signature bytes were parsed as a %T, not a signature", pkt)
// The gpg process which is invoked during normal signing automatically
// hashes whatever is piped to it. The VerifySignature method in the openpgp
// package expects you to do it yourself.
h := sigPkt.Hash.New()
return s.pubKey.VerifySignature(h, sigPkt)
func (s pgpPubKey) encode() ([]byte, error) {
body := new(bytes.Buffer)
armorEncoder, err := armor.Encode(body, "PGP PUBLIC KEY", nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error initializing armor encoder: %w", err)
} else if err := s.pubKey.Serialize(armorEncoder); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error encoding public key: %w", err)
} else if err := armorEncoder.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error closing armor encoder: %w", err)
return body.Bytes(), nil
func (s pgpPubKey) asSignfier() (SignifierPGP, error) {
body, err := s.encode()
if err != nil {
return SignifierPGP{}, err
return SignifierPGP{
Body: string(body),
}, nil
type pgpPrivKey struct {
privKey *packet.PrivateKey
// SignifierPGPTmp returns a direct implementation of the SignifierInterface
// which uses a random private key generated in memory, as well as an armored
// version of its public key.
func SignifierPGPTmp(accountID string, randReader io.Reader) (SignifierInterface, []byte) {
rawPrivKey, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P521(), randReader)
if err != nil {
privKeyRaw := packet.NewECDSAPrivateKey(time.Now(), rawPrivKey)
privKey := pgpPrivKey{
pgpPubKey: pgpPubKey{
pubKey: &privKeyRaw.PublicKey,
privKey: privKeyRaw,
pubKeyBody, err := privKey.pgpPubKey.encode()
if err != nil {
return accountSignifier(accountID, privKey), pubKeyBody
func (s pgpPrivKey) Sign(_ fs.FS, data []byte) (Credential, error) {
h := sha256.New()
var sig packet.Signature
sig.Hash = crypto.SHA256
sig.PubKeyAlgo = s.pubKey.PubKeyAlgo
if err := sig.Sign(h, s.privKey, nil); err != nil {
return Credential{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to sign data: %w", err)
body := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := sig.Serialize(body); err != nil {
return Credential{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize signature: %w", err)
return Credential{
PGPSignature: &CredentialPGPSignature{
PubKeyID: s.pubKey.KeyIdString(),
Body: body.Bytes(),
}, nil
// SignifierPGP describes a pgp public key whose corresponding private key will
// be used as a signing key. The public key can be described by one of multiple
// fields, each being a different method of loading the public key. Only one
// field should be set.
type SignifierPGP struct {
// An armored string encoding of the public key, as exported via
// `gpg -a --export <key-id>`
Body string `yaml:"body,omitempty"`
// Path, relative to the root of the repo, of the armored public key file.
Path string `yaml:"path,omitempty"`
var _ SignifierInterface = SignifierPGP{}
func cmdGPG(stdin []byte, args ...string) ([]byte, error) {
args = append([]string{"--openpgp"}, args...)
stderr := new(bytes.Buffer)
cmd := exec.Command("gpg", args...)
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewBuffer(stdin)
cmd.Stderr = stderr
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("calling gpg command (%v): %s", err, stderr.String())
return out, nil
// SignifierPGPFromKeyID loads a pgp key using the given identifier. The key is
// assumed to be stored. in the client's keyring already.
// If setPubKeyBody is true, then CredentialPGPSignature instances produced by
// the returned Signifier will have their PubKeyBody field set.
func SignifierPGPFromKeyID(keyID string, setPubKeyBody bool) (SignifierInterface, error) {
pubKey, err := cmdGPG(nil, "-a", "--export", keyID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("loading public key: %w", err)
var sigInt SignifierInterface = &SignifierPGP{Body: string(pubKey)}
if setPubKeyBody {
sigInt = signifierMiddleware{
SignifierInterface: sigInt,
signCallback: func(cred *Credential) {
cred.PGPSignature.PubKeyBody = string(pubKey)
return sigInt, nil
func (s SignifierPGP) load(fs fs.FS) (pgpPubKey, error) {
if s.Body != "" {
return newPGPPubKey(strings.NewReader(s.Body))
path := filepath.Clean(s.Path)
fr, err := fs.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return pgpPubKey{}, fmt.Errorf("opening PGP public key file at %q: %w", path, err)
defer fr.Close()
pubKeyB, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fr)
if err != nil {
return pgpPubKey{}, fmt.Errorf("reading PGP public key from file at %q: %w", s.Path, err)
return SignifierPGP{Body: string(pubKeyB)}.load(fs)
// Sign will sign the given arbitrary bytes using the private key corresponding
// to the pgp public key embedded in this Signifier.
func (s SignifierPGP) Sign(fs fs.FS, data []byte) (Credential, error) {
sigPGP, err := s.load(fs)
if err != nil {
return Credential{}, err
sig, err := cmdGPG(data, "--detach-sign", "--local-user", sigPGP.pubKey.KeyIdString())
if err != nil {
return Credential{}, fmt.Errorf("signing with pgp key: %w", err)
return Credential{
PGPSignature: &CredentialPGPSignature{
PubKeyID: sigPGP.pubKey.KeyIdString(),
Body: sig,
}, nil
// Signed returns true if the private key corresponding to the pgp public key
// embedded in this Signifier was used to produce the given Credential.
func (s SignifierPGP) Signed(fs fs.FS, cred Credential) (bool, error) {
sigPGP, err := s.load(fs)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return sigPGP.Signed(fs, cred)
// Verify asserts that the given signature was produced by this key signing the
// given piece of data.
func (s SignifierPGP) Verify(fs fs.FS, data []byte, cred Credential) error {
sigPGP, err := s.load(fs)
if err != nil {
return err
return sigPGP.Verify(fs, data, cred)
// SignifierPGPFile is deprecated and should not be used, use the Path field of
// SignifierPGP instead.
type SignifierPGPFile struct {
Path string `yaml:"path"`