mediocregopher 6176b9ffbc add change_description field to credential commits
type: change
description: |-
  add change_description field to credential commits

  This also involved changing how commit range change fingerprints are handled, so
  that the description can be more variable, and using that flexibility to allow
  the cli tool the ability to ask for the change description prior to creating a
  credential commit. Credential commit creation via the cli tool has been further
  improved in that it will check if it's been told to make a cred based on a
  specific credential commit, and if so just append the new credential and
  re-commit, speeding things up a bit for everyone.
fingerprint: AGWXqPM1Lxf3kvV/V3w65jNiUQyrQfemqfCcImSWjHJl
- type: pgp_signature
  pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC
  body: 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
  account: mediocregopher
2020-05-13 22:19:04 -06:00

177 lines
5.5 KiB

package dehub
import (
// PayloadChange describes the structure of a change payload.
type PayloadChange struct {
Description string `yaml:"description"`
// LegacyMessage is no longer used, use Description instead
LegacyMessage string `yaml:"message,omitempty"`
var _ Payload = PayloadChange{}
// NewPayloadChange constructs a PayloadUnion populated with a PayloadChange
// encompassing the currently staged file changes. The Credentials of the
// returned PayloadUnion will _not_ be filled in.
func (proj *Project) NewPayloadChange(description string) (PayloadUnion, error) {
headTree := new(object.Tree)
if head, err := proj.GetHeadCommit(); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, ErrHeadIsZero) {
return PayloadUnion{}, fmt.Errorf("getting HEAD commit: %w", err)
} else if err == nil {
headTree = head.TreeObject
_, stagedTree, err := fs.FromStagedChangesTree(proj.GitRepo)
if err != nil {
return PayloadUnion{}, err
changedFiles, err := ChangedFilesBetweenTrees(headTree, stagedTree)
if err != nil {
return PayloadUnion{}, fmt.Errorf("calculating diff between HEAD and staged changes: %w", err)
payCh := PayloadChange{Description: description}
fingerprint, err := payCh.Fingerprint(changedFiles)
if err != nil {
return PayloadUnion{}, err
return PayloadUnion{
Change: &payCh,
Common: PayloadCommon{Fingerprint: fingerprint},
}, nil
// MessageHead implements the method for the Payload interface.
func (payCh PayloadChange) MessageHead(PayloadCommon) string {
return payCh.Description
// Fingerprint implements the method for the Payload interface.
func (payCh PayloadChange) Fingerprint(changedFiles []ChangedFile) ([]byte, error) {
return genChangeFingerprint(nil, payCh.Description, changedFiles), nil
// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (payCh *PayloadChange) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var wrap struct {
Inner PayloadChange `yaml:",inline"`
if err := unmarshal(&wrap); err != nil {
return err
*payCh = wrap.Inner
if payCh.LegacyMessage != "" {
payCh.Description = payCh.LegacyMessage
payCh.LegacyMessage = ""
return nil
// CombinePayloadChanges takes all changes in the given range, combines them
// into a single PayloadChange, and commits it. The resulting payload will have
// the same message as the latest change payload in the range. If the
// fingerprint of the PayloadChange produced by this method has any matching
// Credentials in the range, those will be included in the payload as well.
// The combined commit is committed to the project with the given revision as
// its parent. If the diff across the given range and the diff from onto to the
// end of the range are different then this will return an error.
func (proj *Project) CombinePayloadChanges(commits []Commit, onto plumbing.ReferenceName) (Commit, error) {
info, err := proj.changeRangeInfo(commits)
if err != nil {
return Commit{}, err
commitsFingerprint, err := info.changeFingerprint(info.changeDescription)
if err != nil {
return Commit{}, err
authors := make([]string, 0, len(info.authors))
for author := range info.authors {
authors = append(authors, author)
ontoBranchName, err := proj.ReferenceToBranchName(onto)
if err != nil {
return Commit{}, fmt.Errorf("resolving %q into a branch name: %w", onto, err)
// now determine the change hash from onto->end, to ensure that it remains
// the same as from start->end
ontoCommit, err := proj.GetCommitByRevision(plumbing.Revision(onto))
if err != nil {
return Commit{}, fmt.Errorf("resolving revision %q: %w", onto, err)
ontoEndChangedFiles, err := ChangedFilesBetweenTrees(ontoCommit.TreeObject, info.endTree)
if err != nil {
return Commit{}, fmt.Errorf("calculating file changes between %q and %q: %w",
ontoCommit.Hash, commits[len(commits)-1].Hash, err)
ontoEndChangeFingerprint := genChangeFingerprint(nil, info.changeDescription, ontoEndChangedFiles)
if !bytes.Equal(ontoEndChangeFingerprint, commitsFingerprint) {
// TODO figure out what files to show as being the "problem files" in
// the error message
return Commit{}, fmt.Errorf("combining onto %q would produce a different change fingerprint, aborting combine", onto.Short())
var creds []sigcred.CredentialUnion
for _, commit := range commits {
if bytes.Equal(commit.Payload.Common.Fingerprint, commitsFingerprint) {
creds = append(creds, commit.Payload.Common.Credentials...)
// this is mostly to make tests easier
sort.Slice(creds, func(i, j int) bool {
return creds[i].AccountID < creds[j].AccountID
payUn := PayloadUnion{
Change: &PayloadChange{
Description: info.changeDescription,
Common: PayloadCommon{
Fingerprint: commitsFingerprint,
Credentials: creds,
commit, err := proj.CommitDirect(CommitDirectParams{
PayloadUnion: payUn,
Author: strings.Join(authors, ","),
ParentHash: ontoCommit.Hash,
GitTree: info.endTree,
if err != nil {
return Commit{}, fmt.Errorf("storing commit: %w", err)
// set the onto branch to this new commit
newHeadRef := plumbing.NewHashReference(ontoBranchName, commit.Hash)
if err := proj.GitRepo.Storer.SetReference(newHeadRef); err != nil {
return Commit{}, fmt.Errorf("setting reference %q to new commit hash %q: %w",
ontoBranchName, commit.Hash, err)
return commit, nil