
211 lines
4.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package terminal
import (
// Reset all custom styles
const ansiReset = "\033[0m"
// Color describes the foreground or background color of text
type Color int
// Available Color values
const (
// whatever the terminal's default color scheme is
Default = iota
type bufStyle struct {
fgColor Color
bgColor Color
// returns foreground and background ansi codes
func (bf bufStyle) ansi() (string, string) {
var fg, bg string
if bf.fgColor != Default {
fg = "\033[0;3" + strconv.Itoa(int(bf.fgColor)-1) + "m"
if bf.bgColor != Default {
bg = "\033[0;4" + strconv.Itoa(int(bf.bgColor)-1) + "m"
return fg, bg
// returns the ansi sequence which would modify the style to the given one
func (bf bufStyle) diffTo(bf2 bufStyle) string {
// this implementation is naive, but whatever
if bf == bf2 {
return ""
fg, bg := bf2.ansi()
if (bf == bufStyle{}) {
return fg + bg
return ansiReset + fg + bg
type bufPoint struct {
r rune
// Buffer describes an infinitely sized terminal buffer to which anything may be
// drawn, and which will efficiently generate strings representing the drawn
// text.
type Buffer struct {
currStyle bufStyle
currPos geo.XY
m *mat
max geo.XY
// NewBuffer initializes and returns a new empty buffer. The proper way to clear
// a buffer is to toss the old one and generate a new one.
func NewBuffer() *Buffer {
return &Buffer{
m: newMat(),
max: geo.XY{-1, -1},
// Copy creates a new identical instance of this Buffer and returns it.
func (b *Buffer) Copy() *Buffer {
b2 := NewBuffer()
b.m.iter(func(x, y int, v interface{}) bool {
b2.setRune(geo.XY{x, y}, v.(bufPoint))
return true
b2.currStyle = b.currStyle
b2.currPos = b.currPos
return b2
func (b *Buffer) setRune(at geo.XY, p bufPoint) {
b.m.set(at[0], at[1], p)
b.max = b.max.Max(at)
// WriteRune writes the given rune to the Buffer at whatever the current
// position is, with whatever the current styling is.
func (b *Buffer) WriteRune(r rune) {
if r == '\n' {
b.currPos[0], b.currPos[1] = 0, b.currPos[1]+1
} else if r == '\r' {
b.currPos[0] = 0
} else if !unicode.IsPrint(r) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("character %q is not supported by terminal.Buffer", r))
b.setRune(b.currPos, bufPoint{
r: r,
bufStyle: b.currStyle,
// WriteString writes the given string to the Buffer at whatever the current
// position is, with whatever the current styling is.
func (b *Buffer) WriteString(s string) {
for _, r := range s {
// SetPos sets the cursor position in the Buffer, so Print operations will begin
// at that point. Remember that the origin is at point (0, 0).
func (b *Buffer) SetPos(xy geo.XY) {
b.currPos = xy
// SetFGColor sets subsequent text's foreground color.
func (b *Buffer) SetFGColor(c Color) {
b.currStyle.fgColor = c
// SetBGColor sets subsequent text's background color.
func (b *Buffer) SetBGColor(c Color) {
b.currStyle.bgColor = c
// ResetStyle unsets all text styling options which have been set.
func (b *Buffer) ResetStyle() {
b.currStyle = bufStyle{}
// String renders and returns a string which, when printed to a terminal, will
// print the Buffer's contents at the terminal's current cursor position.
func (b *Buffer) String() string {
s := ansiReset // always start with a reset
var style bufStyle
var pos geo.XY
move := func(to geo.XY) {
diff := to.Sub(pos)
if diff[0] > 0 {
s += "\033[" + strconv.Itoa(diff[0]) + "C"
} else if diff[0] < 0 {
s += "\033[" + strconv.Itoa(-diff[0]) + "D"
if diff[1] > 0 {
s += "\033[" + strconv.Itoa(diff[1]) + "B"
} else if diff[1] < 0 {
s += "\033[" + strconv.Itoa(-diff[1]) + "A"
pos = to
b.m.iter(func(x, y int, v interface{}) bool {
p := v.(bufPoint)
move(geo.XY{x, y})
s += style.diffTo(p.bufStyle)
style = p.bufStyle
s += string(p.r)
return true
return s
// DrawBuffer copies the given Buffer onto this one, with the given's top-left
// corner being at the given position. The given buffer may be the same as this
// one.
// Calling this method does not affect this Buffer's current cursor position or
// style.
func (b *Buffer) DrawBuffer(at geo.XY, b2 *Buffer) {
if b == b2 {
b2 = b2.Copy()
b2.m.iter(func(x, y int, v interface{}) bool {
x += at[0]
y += at[1]
if x < 0 || y < 0 {
return true
b.setRune(geo.XY{x, y}, v.(bufPoint))
return true
// Size returns the dimensions of the Buffer's current area which has been
// written to.
func (b *Buffer) Size() geo.XY {
return b.max.Add(geo.XY{1, 1})