some old wip shit

Brian Picciano 7 years ago
parent 305642b5a4
commit 72099ccf22
  1. 92

@ -1,40 +1,78 @@
I need to figure out how the compiler-time vs run-time execution is going to
work, and how I'm going to differentiate between the two in the language.
# Types
main := MainFunc()
foo := main.Int(1)
## Axioms
incrFunc := main.NewFunction(inType, outType)
in := incrFunc.In()
add := incrFunc.Var("add") // should be macro?
out := incrFunc.Call(add, incrFunc.Int(1), in)
incrFunc.Return(out) // ugly
The syntax described only applies within this document.
main.Return(main.Call(incrFunc, foo))
- All defined things below are values, all values have a type, all types have a
definition which is itself a value.
compiler := NewCompiler()
- A type definition is displayed as a value wrapped in angle brackets, like
- A type definition with no value, `<>`, is the empty type
type val { type, llvmVal }
- A type definition may have more than one type, as in `<int,string>`, to
indicate that a value with that type is actually a combination of each
type in sequence (i.e. a tuple)
type func { type, llvmVal }
- Tuples can be wrapped in parenthesis to indicate sub-groupings. I.e.
`<string,(int,int)>` is a tuple of 2 sub-types, the first being a
`<string>` and the second being a tuple of 2 `<ints>`.
- Any type definition can be used in place of `<any>`.
MACRO DISPATCHER as the thing which has a set of exposed methods. defmacro like
thing can be built on top of it.
- `1` is an example of a value of type `<int>`.
TYPED HEAP. Kind of like a typed map mixed with a set. Maybe looks like
- The type of value `<int>` is `<typedef,int>`.
- Any `lowercaseAlphaNumeric` string is an atom value, of type `<atom>`.
- `V<someType>` is a placeholder for a value of type `<someType>`. It is used
when matching a pattern.
- `(declareType, V<any>)` is understood to declare a type definition. A type
definition can then be used as `<typedef>`.
- `(declareFunction, V<atom>, <any>, <any>)` is a tuple understood to declare a
function, named after the atom, where the type definitions of the input and
output are also given.
## Type declarations.
h := make(heap[float64], 10)
id := h.add(8.5)
eightPointFive := h.get(id)
(declareType, atom)
(declareType, bool)
(declareType, int)
// general purpose functions for working with all types.
(declareFunction, concat, <any, any>, <any>)
(declareFunction, slice, <any,int,int>, <any>)
(declareFunction, len, <any>, <int>)
(declareFunction, eq, <any,any>, <bool>)
// functions for working with integers
(declareFunction, plus, <int,int>, <int>)
(declareFunction, mult, <int,int>, <int>)
(declareFunction, minus, <int,int>, <int>)
// these two may return false if divide by zero
(declareFunction, div, <int,int>, <int,bool>)
(declareFunction, mod, <int,int>, <int,bool>)
// a general iterator
(declareType, (iter,any))
(declareFunction, next, <iter,any>, <(iter,any),any,bool>)
// TODO structurally, what's the difference between `<int,int>` and
// `<iter,any>`? the latter's first element isn't a valid typedef on its own,
// but other than that there seems to be no difference?
Since the heap is a known size and each element in it is as well it can be
statically allocated at one spot in the stack and the pointer to it passed
farther into the stack as needed.
//(declareCompound, graph, T)
//(declareFunction, addEdge, (tup,(graph,T),T,T), (tup,graph,T))
//(declareFunction, rmEdge, (tup,(graph,T),T,T), (tup,graph,T))
//// the order of elements returned by parents/children is the same as the order
//// the edges between the nodes were added.
//(declareFunction, parents, (tup,(graph,T),T), (tup,(iter,T)))
//(declareFunction, children, (tup,(graph,T),T), (tup,(iter,T)))
//(declareFunction, has, (tup,(graph,T),T), bool)
