playing around with the basic definition of graphs

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Brian Picciano 2017-10-07 16:03:52 -06:00
parent e3b997cc7d
commit d0260a7d68

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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# Graphs
## Definitions
- All values are immutable
- All values have a type. These are the types necessary to construct and
traverse graphs:
- Tuple
- Contains zero or more member values, each possibly of different types
- Size is finite and known upon creation
- Iterator
- Produces zero or more values in sequence, each being of the same type
- Bool
- Binary value, true or false
- Graph
- Unordered set of edges
- Edge
- Identified by a 2-tuple of (Vertex, Vertex), with each tuple being
unique within a graph
- Has exactly one attribute value attached
- Vertex
- Has ordered set of in edges
- Has ordered set of out edges
- 3 types of vertices
- Node
- Contains exactly one value of any type
- Is unique within graph, based on its value
- Has at least one edge (either in or out)
- Junction
- Has two or more in edges
- Has exactly one out edge
- Fork
- Has exactly one in edge
- Has one or more out edges
- Half-edge
- Has no properties, simply exists
### Example graph
Here is a graph which will, when interpreted and compiled in a certain way,
take the average of an input tuple containing only integers:
+ \
|------- |
| | /
in --- | |---- out
| size |
|------- |
- The first "wall" of pipe characters represents a fork, where the input is
copied into two different edges. In the top edge the elements of the input
tuple are summed using the `+` attribute. In the bottom edge the
number of elements in the input tuple are counted using the `size` attribute.
- The second "wall" of pipe characters represents a junction (note the top and
bottom slashes to differentiate from a fork). A junction combines its input
edges into a new tuple. So this junction creates a 2-tuple, the first element
being the sum of the `in` tuple's elements, the second being the count of how
many elements there were in `in`.
- Finally, the members of that 2-tuple are divided using the `/` attribute on
the edge leaving the junction. As this edge is the input into the `out` node,
the result of the division becomes the output of this graph.
## Operations
* Each operation has exactly one input value and one output value, and specifies
the type of each.
* A string preceded by `$` indicates any value of any type. The string gives
context as to how that value will be used.
* Abbreviations
- `($T0,...,$Tn)`: Tuple containing zero or more members of varying types
- `($T...)` : Tuple containing zero or more members of the same type
- `V`: vertex of any type (node, junction, or fork)
- `E`: edge
- `e`: half-edge
- `G`: graph
- `it<$T>`: iterator whose values are all type `$T`
# Operation syntax:
# name : input -> output
# Tuple and iterator basics
tup_it : ($T...) -> it<$T>
it_next : it<$T> -> (it<$T>, $T, bool)
# Graph construction
graph_mk_edge_from : ($val, $attr) -> e
graph_mk_edge_to : (e, $val) -> G
graph_mk_fork : (e, $attr) -> e
graph_mk_junction : (it<e>, $attr) -> e
graph_merge : (G, G) -> G
# Graph traversal
graph_edge_in : E -> V
graph_edge_out : E -> V
graph_edge_attr : E -> $attr
graph_vertex_ins : V -> it<E>
graph_vertex_outs : V -> it<E>
graph_vertex_node_val : V -> ($val, bool)
graph_nodes : G -> it<V>
graph_node : (G,$val) -> (V, bool) # maybe not needed?
### Example graph construction
The graph above could be constructed in the following way:
eIn = graph_mk_edge_from(in, ())
eSum = graph_mk_fork(eIn, +)
eCount = graph_mk_fork(eIn, size)
eAvg = graph_mk_junction(tup_it(eSum, eCount), /)
G = graph_mk_edge_to(eAvg, out)
return G
## Notes
- Assuming _only_ the given operations are used:
- It is impossible to construct an invalid graph.
- It is impossible to call any graph traversal operations in an invalid or
undefined way.