package main import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "os" "os/signal" "strings" "time" "" ) const ( // Reset all custom styles ansiReset = "\033[0m" // Reset to default color ansiResetColor = "\033[32m" // Return curor to start of line and clean it ansiResetLine = "\r\033[K" ) // List of possible colors const ( black = iota red green yellow blue magenta cyan white ) func getFgColor(code int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("\033[3%dm", code) } func getBgColor(code int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("\033[4%dm", code) } func fgColor(str string, color int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", getFgColor(color), str, ansiReset) } func bgColor(str string, color int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", getBgColor(color), str, ansiReset) } type xy [2]int func (p xy) x() int { return p[0] } func (p xy) y() int { return p[1] } func (p xy) add(p2 xy) xy { p[0] += p2[0] p[1] += p2[1] return p } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type terminal struct { cursorPos xy } func (t *terminal) moveAbs(to xy) { t.cursorPos = to goterm.MoveCursor(to.x()+1, to.y()+1) } func (t *terminal) size() xy { return xy{goterm.Width(), goterm.Height()} } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const ( boxBorderHoriz = iota boxBorderVert boxBorderTL boxBorderTR boxBorderBL boxBorderBR ) var boxDefault = []string{ "─", "│", "┌", "┐", "└", "┘", } type box struct { pos xy size xy // if unset, auto-determined body string transparent bool } func (b box) lines() []string { lines := strings.Split(b.body, "\n") // if the last line is empty don't include it, it means there was a trailing // newline (or the whole string is empty) if lines[len(lines)-1] == "" { lines = lines[:len(lines)-1] } return lines } func (b box) getSize() xy { if b.size != (xy{}) { return b.size } var size xy for _, line := range b.lines() { size[1]++ if l := len(line); l > size[0] { size[0] = l } } return size } func (b box) draw(term *terminal) { chars := boxDefault pos := b.pos size := b.getSize() w, h := size.x(), size.y() // draw top line term.moveAbs(pos) goterm.Print(chars[boxBorderTL]) for i := 0; i < w; i++ { goterm.Print(chars[boxBorderHoriz]) } goterm.Print(chars[boxBorderTR]) drawLine := func(line string) { pos[1]++ term.moveAbs(pos) goterm.Print(chars[boxBorderVert]) if len(line) > w { line = line[:w] } goterm.Print(line) if b.transparent { term.moveAbs(pos.add(xy{w + 1, 0})) } else { goterm.Print(strings.Repeat(" ", w-len(line))) } goterm.Print(chars[boxBorderVert]) } // truncate lines if necessary lines := b.lines() if len(lines) > h { lines = lines[:h] } // draw body for _, line := range lines { drawLine(line) } // draw empty lines for i := 0; i < h-len(lines); i++ { drawLine("") } // draw bottom line pos[1]++ term.moveAbs(pos) goterm.Print(chars[boxBorderBL]) for i := 0; i < w; i++ { goterm.Print(chars[boxBorderHoriz]) } goterm.Print(chars[boxBorderBR]) } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const ( framerate = 30 frameperiod = time.Second / time.Duration(framerate) ) func debugf(str string, args ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, str, args...) } func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) { // exit signal handling, cause ctrl-c doesn't work with goterm otherwise c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt) go func() { <-c goterm.Clear() goterm.Flush() os.Stdout.Sync() os.Exit(0) }() } term := new(terminal) type movingBox struct { box xRight bool yDown bool } randBox := func() movingBox { tsize := term.size() return movingBox{ box: box{ pos: xy{rand.Intn(tsize[0]), rand.Intn(tsize[1])}, }, xRight: rand.Intn(1) == 0, yDown: rand.Intn(1) == 0, } } boxes := []movingBox{ randBox(), randBox(), randBox(), randBox(), randBox(), } for range time.Tick(frameperiod) { goterm.Clear() termSize := term.size() now := time.Now() for i := range boxes { b := &boxes[i] b.body = fmt.Sprintf("%d\n%s", now.Unix(), now.String()) size := b.getSize() if b.pos[0] <= 0 { b.xRight = true } else if b.pos[0]+size[0]+2 > termSize[0] { b.xRight = false } if b.pos[1] <= 0 { b.yDown = true } else if b.pos[1]+size[1]+2 > termSize[1] { b.yDown = false } if b.xRight { b.pos[0] += 3 } else { b.pos[0] -= 3 } if b.yDown { b.pos[1]++ } else { b.pos[1]-- } b.draw(term) } goterm.Flush() } }