# Ginger Fibonacci function in ginger: ``` fib = { decr = { out = add < (in; -1;); }; out = { n = 0 < in; a = 1 < in; b = 2 < in; out < if < ( zero? < n; a; recur < (decr < n; b; add < (a;b;); ); ); } < (in; 0; 1;); }; ``` Usage of the function to generate the 6th fibonnaci number: ``` fib < 5; ``` ## Development Current efforts on ginger are focused on a golang-based virtual machine, which will then be used to bootstrap the language. go >=1.18 is required for this vm. If you are on a linux-amd64 machine with nix installed, you can run: ``` nix-shell -A shell ``` from the repo root and you will be dropped into a shell with all dependencies (including the correct go version) in your PATH, ready to use. This could probably be expanded to other OSs/architectures easily, if you care to do so please check out the `default.nix` file and submit a PR!