# Functions Functions are first-class citizens in ginger. The simplest anonymous function can be created like so: ``` (. fn [x] (: + x 1)) ``` This function takes in a single number and returns that number plus one. It could be assigned to a variable on the package using `def`, or by using the shortcut `defn`. The following two statements are equivalent: ``` (def incr (. fn [x] (: + x 1))) (. defn incr [x] (: + x 1)) ``` ## Variadic function Functions may take in any number of variables using the `...` syntax, similar to how go does variadic functions. The variadic variable must be the last in the function's argument list, and is used as a list inside of the function. A list may also be used as the input for a variadic function, also using the `...` syntax. The following is an example of both defining a variadic function and both ways of using it. `+` is a variadic function in this example: ``` (. defn avg [...x] (/ (+ x...) (len x))) (: fmt.Println (avg 1 2 3 4 5)) ```