got AppImage build working on my desktop

On my desktop the AppImage build kept picking up the `Htop.desktop`
file, whereas on my laptop it would pick up the
`medicore-loadout.desktop` file as expected. I'm not sure of why the
discrepancy, maybe some difference in the directory listing order. In
any case, I fixed it by deleting all desktop files, except the
loadout's, from the AppDir.
mediocregopher 3 years ago
parent 07ab3a77b4
commit 0cd135b57d
  1. 30
  2. 57

@ -73,31 +73,33 @@ binary:
./Mediocre_Loadout-x86_64.AppImage nvim
NOTE that the AppImage doesn't like working with files within `/tmp`. I don't
know of a workaround for this at the moment.
# Available Components
Components of the loadout can be run separate from the others, depending on what
you're trying to do. The following components are available to be run:
* `zsh` (`shell` in the AppImage): My terminal shell. There's some customization
* `zsh`: My terminal shell. There's some customization
to it but it should be pretty self-explanatory to "just use".
* `nvim` (`editor` in the AppImage): My neovim development environment, plus all
plugins I use. I mostly work in golang, so it's most tuned for that, but it
does fine for general dev work. `Ctrl-N` will open NerdTree, `<backslash>tn`
will open a terminal tab, and `<backslash>th`/`<backslash>tl` can be used to
navigate tabs. There's a lot more customization that's been done, see the
`nvim/init.vim` file.
* `nvim`: My neovim development environment, plus all plugins I use. I mostly
work in golang, so it's most tuned for that, but it does fine for general dev
work. `Ctrl-N` will open NerdTree, `<backslash>tn` will open a terminal tab,
and `<backslash>th`/`<backslash>tl` can be used to navigate tabs. There's a
lot more customization that's been done, see the `nvim/init.vim` file.
* `alacritty` (`gui` in the AppImage, might be broken): Terminal which I use.
Yes, I always use a light-mode theme, because I work in well lit spaces
generally. There's not much else to this.
* `alacritty`: Terminal GUI which I use. Yes, I always use a light-mode theme,
because I work in well lit spaces generally. There's not much else to this.
* `awesome` (`wm` in the AppImage, almost definitely broken): My window manager.
There's so much customization I couldn't begin to start. `Meta+Enter` should
open a terminal, where `Meta` is probably the windows key on your keyboard.
* `awesome`: My window manager. There's so much customization I couldn't begin
to start. `Meta+Enter` should open a terminal, where `Meta` is probably the
windows key on your keyboard.
# Status
This configuration is still fairly new, and so expect it to be fairly broken.
I'll be updating it as I go though, so it should stabalize into something
functional. I don't test the AppImage build very much, it's more of a gimick,
but the shell and dev environment should work well from it at least.

@ -69,62 +69,55 @@
appimageEntrypoint = pkgs.writeScriptBin "mediocre-loadout" ''
appimageEntrypoint = pkgs.writeScript "mediocre-loadout" ''
cmd="$1"; shift;
if [ "$cmd" = "editor" ]; then exec nvim "$@"; fi
if [ "$cmd" = "shell" ]; then exec zsh "$@"; fi
if [ "$cmd" = "gui" ]; then exec alacritty "$@"; fi
if [ "$cmd" = "wm" ]; then exec awesome "$@"; fi
if [ "$cmd" = "nvim" ]; then exec nvim "$@"; fi
if [ "$cmd" = "zsh" ]; then exec zsh "$@"; fi
if [ "$cmd" = "alacritty" ]; then exec alacritty "$@"; fi
if [ "$cmd" = "awesome" ]; then exec awesome "$@"; fi
echo "USAGE: $0 [editor|shell|gui|wm] [passthrough args...]"
echo "USAGE: $0 [nvim|zsh|alacritty|awesome] [passthrough args...]"
exit 1
appimageIcon = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "mediocre-loadout-icon";
src = ./bonzi.png;
builder = builtins.toFile "" ''
source $stdenv/setup
mkdir -p "$out"/$dir
cp $src "$out"/$dir/mediocre-loadout.png
appimageDesktopFile = pkgs.writeTextDir "share/applications/mediocre-loadout.desktop" ''
appimageDesktopFile = builtins.toFile "mediocre-loadout.desktop" ''
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Mediocre Loadout
Exec=mediocre-loadout gui
Exec=mediocre-loadout alacritty
appimageTarget = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "mediocre-loadout-target";
paths = [
appimageTargetFlat = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
appdir = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "mediocre-loadout-target-flat";
src = appimageTarget;
inherit appimageEntrypoint appimageDesktopFile;
appimageIcon = ./bonzi.png;
src = loadout;
builder = builtins.toFile "" ''
source $stdenv/setup
cp -rL "$src" "$out"
chmod -R +w "$out"
rm -rf "$out"/share/applications/*
cp "$appimageDesktopFile" "$out"/share/applications/mediocre-loadout.desktop
cp "$appimageEntrypoint" "$out"/bin/mediocre-loadout
mkdir -p "$out"/$icondir
cp "$appimageIcon" "$out"/$icondir/mediocre-loadout.png
appimage = ((import ./appimage.nix) { pkgsSrc = pkgsSrc; }) {
name = "mediocre-loadout";
target = appimageTargetFlat;
target = appdir;
