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August 12, 2013
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<h1 class="title">Another sample</h1>
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<p>Tattooed roof party <em>vinyl</em> freegan single-origin coffee wayfarers tousled, umami yr
meggings hella selvage. Butcher bespoke seitan, cornhole umami gentrify put a bird
on it occupy trust fund. Umami whatever kitsch, locavore fingerstache Tumblr pork belly
<a href="#">keffiyeh</a>. Chia Echo Park Pitchfork, Blue Bottle <a href="#">hashtag</a> stumptown skateboard selvage
mixtape. Echo Park retro butcher banjo cardigan, seitan flannel Brooklyn paleo fixie
Truffaut. Forage mustache Thundercats next level disrupt. Bicycle rights forage tattooed
chia, <strong>wayfarers</strong> swag raw denim hashtag biodiesel occupy gastropub!</p>
<h1>It&#39;s all in the game.</h1>
<h2>You come at the king, you best not miss.</h2>
<h3>Be subtle with it, man. You know what subtle means?</h3>
<p>VHS post-ironic cred <strong>bespoke</strong> banjo. Yr wayfarers literally gentrify, flexitarian fap
dreamcatcher plaid cornhole Intelligentsia paleo. Beard try-hard direct trade, shabby chic
Helvetica <code>look ma, I can code</code>. Lo-fi American Apparel tattooed <a href="#">Vice</a> tofu, yr vinyl.
Williamsburg butcher hella mumblecore fixie mlkshk, cliche wolf keytar mixtape kitsch banh mi
salvia. High Life Odd Future <em>chambray</em> kale chips hoodie, cray pop-up. Helvetica narwhal
iPhone try-hard jean shorts.</p>
<p>This is a quote from someone famous about productivity</p>
<p>Syntax highlighting with Solarized theme.</p>
<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="ruby"><span class="k">class</span> <span class="nc">User</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span> <span class="ss">ActiveRecord</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="ss">:Base</span>
<span class="n">attr_accessible</span> <span class="ss">:email</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="ss">:name</span>
<span class="o">.</span><span class="n">.</span><span class="o">.</span> <span class="n">tons</span> <span class="n">of</span> <span class="n">other</span> <span class="n">crap</span> <span class="o">.</span><span class="n">.</span><span class="o">.</span>
<span class="k">end</span>
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<span>20 Aug 2013 &raquo;</span> <a href="/blog/2013/08/20/sample-post.html">Sample post</a>
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