A fast and simple blog backend.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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layout: page
title: "Follow the Blog"
nofollow: true
Here's your options for receiving updates about new blog posts:
## Option 1: RSS
RSS is the classic way to follow any blog. It comes from a time before
aggregators like reddit and twitter stole the show, when people felt capable to
manage their own content feeds. We should use it again.
To follow over RSS give any RSS reader the following URL...
<a href="{{site.url}}/feed.xml">{{site.url}}/feed.xml</a>
...and posts from this blog will show up in your RSS feed as soon as they are
published. There are literally thousands of RSS readers out there. Here's some
* [Google Chrome Browser Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/rss-feed-reader/pnjaodmkngahhkoihejjehlcdlnohgmp)
* [spaRSS](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.etuldan.sparss.floss/) is my
preferred android RSS reader, but you'll need to install
[f-droid](https://f-droid.org/) on your device to use it (a good thing to do
anyway, imo).
* [NetNewsWire](https://ranchero.com/netnewswire/) is a good reader for
iPhone/iPad/Mac devices, so I'm told. Their homepage description makes a much
better sales pitch for RSS than I ever could.
## Option 2: Twitter
New posts are automatically published to [my Twitter](https://twitter.com/{{
site.twitter_username }}). Simply follow me there and pray the algorithm smiles
upon my tweets enough to show them to you! :pray: :pray: :pray:
## Option 3: Email?
I tried setting up an RSS-to-Email list thing on Mailchimp but it doesn't seem
to like my RSS feed. If anyone knows a better alternative please [email