Refactor URL construction a bit

BlogHTTPURL and BlogGeminiURL are now used specifically to construct
absolute URLs to their respective endpoints.
Brian Picciano 1 year ago
parent 63cc6cb217
commit 6b3933282e
  1. 1
  2. 8
  3. 4
  4. 3
  5. 4
  6. 19
  7. 50
  8. 2
  9. 28

@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ func main() {
httpParams.PostAssetStore = postAssetStore
httpParams.PostDraftStore = postDraftStore
httpParams.MailingList = ml
httpParams.GeminiPublicURL = gmiParams.PublicURL
logger.Info(ctx, "starting http api")
httpAPI, err := http.New(httpParams)

@ -161,6 +161,9 @@ func (a *api) tplHandler() (gemini.Handler, error) {
BlogHTTPURL: func(path string) string {
return blogURL(a.params.HTTPPublicURL, path, true)
BlogGeminiURL: func(path string) string {
return blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, path, true)
AssetURL: func(id string) string {
path := filepath.Join("assets", id)
return blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, path, false)
@ -193,12 +196,9 @@ func (a *api) tplHandler() (gemini.Handler, error) {
allTpls := template.New("")
"BlogURLAbs": func(path string) string {
return blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, path, true)
"PostURLAbs": func(id string) string {
path := filepath.Join("posts", id) + ".gmi"
return blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, path, true)

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><feed xmlns="">
<title>mediocregopher's lil web corner</title>
<id>{{ BlogURLAbs "/" }}</id>
<id>{{ BlogGeminiURL "/" }}</id>
{{ if gt (len $posts) 0 -}}
<updated>{{ (index $posts 0).PublishedAt.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}</updated>
{{ end -}}
<link href="{{ BlogURLAbs "/" }}"></link>
<link href="{{ BlogGeminiURL "/" }}"></link>

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package http
import (
@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ func (a *api) renderFeedHandler() http.Handler {
feed.Updated = post.LastUpdatedAt
postURL := publicURL + filepath.Join("/posts", post.ID)
postURL := a.postURL(post.ID, true)
item := &feeds.Item{
Title: post.Title,

@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ type Params struct {
// PublicURL is the base URL which site visitors can navigate to.
PublicURL *url.URL
// GeminiPublicURL is the base URL which gemini site visitors can navigate
// to.
GeminiPublicURL *url.URL
// ListenProto and ListenAddr are passed into net.Listen to create the
// API's listener. Both "tcp" and "unix" protocols are explicitly
// supported.

@ -66,14 +66,16 @@ type postTplPayload struct {
Body template.HTML
func (a *api) postToPostTplPayload(storedPost post.StoredPost) (postTplPayload, error) {
preprocessFuncs := post.PreprocessFunctions{
func (a *api) postPreprocessFuncs() post.PreprocessFunctions {
return post.PreprocessFunctions{
BlogURL: func(path string) string {
return a.blogURL(path, false)
return a.blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, path, false)
BlogHTTPURL: func(path string) string {
return a.blogURL(path, false)
return a.blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, path, true)
BlogGeminiURL: func(path string) string {
return a.blogURL(a.params.GeminiPublicURL, path, true)
AssetURL: func(id string) string {
return a.assetURL(id, false)
@ -83,10 +85,15 @@ func (a *api) postToPostTplPayload(storedPost post.StoredPost) (postTplPayload,
StaticURL: func(path string) string {
path = filepath.Join("static", path)
return a.blogURL(path, false)
return a.blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, path, false)
Image: a.postPreprocessFuncImage,
func (a *api) postToPostTplPayload(storedPost post.StoredPost) (postTplPayload, error) {
preprocessFuncs := a.postPreprocessFuncs()
bodyBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -27,28 +28,28 @@ func mustReadTplFile(fileName string) string {
return string(b)
func (a *api) blogURL(path string, abs bool) string {
func (a *api) blogURL(base *url.URL, path string, abs bool) string {
// filepath.Join strips trailing slash, but we want to keep it
trailingSlash := strings.HasSuffix(path, "/")
res := filepath.Join("/", a.params.PublicURL.Path, path)
path = filepath.Join("/", base.Path, path)
if trailingSlash && res != "/" {
res += "/"
if trailingSlash && path != "/" {
path += "/"
if abs {
u := *a.params.PublicURL
u.Path = res
res = u.String()
if !abs {
return path
return res
u := *base
u.Path = path
return u.String()
func (a *api) postURL(id string, abs bool) string {
path := filepath.Join("posts", id)
return a.blogURL(path, abs)
return a.blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, path, abs)
func (a *api) editPostURL(id string, abs bool) string {
@ -56,21 +57,21 @@ func (a *api) editPostURL(id string, abs bool) string {
func (a *api) managePostsURL(abs bool) string {
return a.blogURL("posts?method=manage", abs)
return a.blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, "posts?method=manage", abs)
func (a *api) manageAssetsURL(abs bool) string {
return a.blogURL("assets?method=manage", abs)
return a.blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, "assets?method=manage", abs)
func (a *api) assetURL(id string, abs bool) string {
path := filepath.Join("assets", id)
return a.blogURL(path, false)
return a.blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, path, false)
func (a *api) draftPostURL(id string, abs bool) string {
path := filepath.Join("drafts", id)
return a.blogURL(path, abs)
return a.blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, path, abs)
func (a *api) editDraftPostURL(id string, abs bool) string {
@ -78,36 +79,20 @@ func (a *api) editDraftPostURL(id string, abs bool) string {
func (a *api) manageDraftPostsURL(abs bool) string {
return a.blogURL("drafts", abs) + "?method=manage"
return a.blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, "drafts", abs) + "?method=manage"
func (a *api) draftsURL(abs bool) string {
return a.blogURL("drafts", abs)
return a.blogURL(a.params.PublicURL, "drafts", abs)
func (a *api) tplFuncs() template.FuncMap {
return template.FuncMap{
"BlogURL": func(path string) string {
return a.blogURL(path, false)
"BlogURLAbs": func(path string) string {
return a.blogURL(path, true)
"StaticURL": func(path string) string {
path = filepath.Join("static", path)
return a.blogURL(path, false)
"StaticInlineCSS": func(path string) (template.CSS, error) {
path = filepath.Join("static", path)
b, err := staticFS.ReadFile(path)
return template.CSS(b), err
"PostURL": func(id string) string {
return a.postURL(id, false)
"AssetURL": func(id string) string {
return a.assetURL(id, false)
"DraftURL": func(id string) string {
return a.draftPostURL(id, false)
@ -121,6 +106,7 @@ func (a *api) parseTpl(name, tplBody string) (*template.Template, error) {
tpl := template.New(name)
tpl = tpl.Funcs(a.tplFuncs())
tpl = tpl.Funcs(template.FuncMap(a.postPreprocessFuncs().ToFuncMap()))
var err error

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ emailSubscribe.onclick = async () => {
<a href="{{ BlogURLAbs "feed.xml" }}">{{ BlogURLAbs "feed.xml" }}</a>
<a href="{{ BlogHTTPURL "feed.xml" }}">{{ BlogHTTPURL "feed.xml" }}</a>

@ -17,12 +17,19 @@ type PreprocessFunctions struct {
// The given path should not have a leading slash.
BlogURL func(path string) string
// BlogURL returns the given string, rooted to the base URL of the blog's
// HTTP server (which may or may not include path components itself).
// BlogHTTPURL returns the given string, rooted to the base URL of the
// blog's HTTP server (which may or may not include path components itself).
// The given path should not have a leading slash.
BlogHTTPURL func(path string) string
// BlogGeminiURL returns the given string, rooted to the base URL of the
// blog's gemini server (which may or may not include path components
// itself).
// The given path should not have a leading slash.
BlogGeminiURL func(path string) string
// AssetURL returns the URL of the asset with the given ID.
AssetURL func(id string) string
@ -43,14 +50,15 @@ type PreprocessFunctions struct {
Image func(args ...string) (string, error)
func (funcs PreprocessFunctions) ToFuncsMap() template.FuncMap {
func (funcs PreprocessFunctions) ToFuncMap() template.FuncMap {
return template.FuncMap{
"BlogURL": funcs.BlogURL,
"BlogHTTPURL": funcs.BlogHTTPURL,
"AssetURL": funcs.AssetURL,
"PostURL": funcs.PostURL,
"StaticURL": funcs.StaticURL,
"Image": funcs.Image,
"BlogURL": funcs.BlogURL,
"BlogHTTPURL": funcs.BlogHTTPURL,
"BlogGeminiURL": funcs.BlogGeminiURL,
"AssetURL": funcs.AssetURL,
"PostURL": funcs.PostURL,
"StaticURL": funcs.StaticURL,
"Image": funcs.Image,
@ -61,7 +69,7 @@ func (p Post) PreprocessBody(into io.Writer, funcs PreprocessFunctions) error {
tpl := template.New("")
tpl, err := tpl.Parse(p.Body)
