--- layout: post title: Random Terrain Generation, A Clojure Walkthrough --- ![terrain][terrain] I recently started looking into the diamond-square algorithm (you can find a great article on it [here][diamondsquare]). The following is a short-ish walkthrough of how I tackled the problem in clojure and the results. You can find the [leiningen][lein] repo [here][repo] and follow along within that, or simply read the code below to get an idea. ```clojure (ns diamond-square.core) ; == The Goal == ; Create a fractal terrain generator using clojure ; == The Algorithm == ; Diamond-Square. We start with a grid of points, each with a height of 0. ; ; 1. Take each corner point of the square, average the heights, and assign that ; to be the height of the midpoint of the square. Apply some random error to ; the midpoint. ; ; 2. Creating a line from the midpoint to each corner we get four half-diamonds. ; Average the heights of the points (with some random error) and assign the ; heights to the midpoints of the diamonds. ; ; 3. We now have four square sections, start at 1 for each of them (with ; decreasing amount of error for each iteration). ; ; This picture explains it better than I can: ; https://raw2.github.com/mediocregopher/diamond-square/master/resources/dsalg.png ; (http://nbickford.wordpress.com/2012/12/21/creating-fake-landscapes/dsalg/) ; ; == The Strategy == ; We begin with a vector of vectors of numbers, and iterate over it, filling in ; spots as they become available. Our grid will have the top-left being (0,0), ; y being pointing down and x going to the right. The outermost vector ; indicating row number (y) and the inner vectors indicate the column number (x) ; ; = Utility = ; First we create some utility functions for dealing with vectors of vectors. (defn print-m "Prints a grid in a nice way" [m] (doseq [n m] (println n))) (defn get-m "Gets a value at the given x,y coordinate of the grid, with [0,0] being in the top left" [m x y] ((m y) x)) (defn set-m "Sets a value at the given x,y coordinat of the grid, with [0,0] being in the top left" [m x y v] (assoc m y (assoc (m y) x v))) (defn add-m "Like set-m, but adds the given value to the current on instead of overwriting it" [m x y v] (set-m m x y (+ (get-m m x y) v))) (defn avg "Returns the truncated average of all the given arguments" [& l] (int (/ (reduce + l) (count l)))) ; = Grid size = ; Since we're starting with a blank grid we need to find out what sizes the ; grids can be. For convenience the size (height and width) should be odd, so we ; easily get a midpoint. And on each iteration we'll be halfing the grid, so ; whenever we do that the two resultrant grids should be odd and halfable as ; well, and so on. ; ; The algorithm that fits this is size = 2^n + 1, where 1 <= n. For the rest of ; this guide I'll be referring to n as the "degree" of the grid. (def exp2-pre-compute (vec (map #(int (Math/pow 2 %)) (range 31)))) (defn exp2 "Returns 2^n as an integer. Uses pre-computed values since we end up doing this so much" [n] (exp2-pre-compute n)) (def grid-sizes (vec (map #(inc (exp2 %)) (range 1 31)))) (defn grid-size [degree] (inc (exp2 degree))) ; Available grid heights/widths are as follows: ;[3 5 9 17 33 65 129 257 513 1025 2049 4097 8193 16385 32769 65537 131073 ;262145 524289 1048577 2097153 4194305 8388609 16777217 33554433 67108865 ;134217729 268435457 536870913 1073741825]) (defn blank-grid "Generates a grid of the given degree, filled in with zeros" [degree] (let [gsize (grid-size degree)] (vec (repeat gsize (vec (repeat gsize 0)))))) (comment (print-m (blank-grid 3)) ) ; = Coordinate Pattern (The Tricky Part) = ; We now have to figure out which coordinates need to be filled in on each pass. ; A pass is defined as a square step followed by a diamond step. The next pass ; will be the square/dimaond steps on all the smaller squares generated in the ; pass. It works out that the number of passes required to fill in the grid is ; the same as the degree of the grid, where the first pass is 1. ; ; So we can easily find patterns in the coordinates for a given degree/pass, ; I've laid out below all the coordinates for each pass for a 3rd degree grid ; (which is 9x9). ; Degree 3 Pass 1 Square ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . 1 . . . .] (4,4) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; Degree 3 Pass 1 Diamond ; [. . . . 2 . . . .] (4,0) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [2 . . . . . . . 2] (0,4) (8,4) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . 2 . . . .] (4,8) ; Degree 3 Pass 2 Square ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . 3 . . . 3 . .] (2,2) (6,2) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . 3 . . . 3 . .] (2,6) (6,6) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; Degree 3 Pass 2 Diamond ; [. . 4 . . . 4 . .] (2,0) (6,0) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [4 . . . 4 . . . 4] (0,2) (4,2) (8,2) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . 4 . . . 4 . .] (2,4) (6,4) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [4 . . . 4 . . . 4] (0,6) (4,6) (8,6) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. . 4 . . . 4 . .] (2,8) (6,8) ; Degree 3 Pass 3 Square ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. 5 . 5 . 5 . 5 .] (1,1) (3,1) (5,1) (7,1) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. 5 . 5 . 5 . 5 .] (1,3) (3,3) (5,3) (7,3) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. 5 . 5 . 5 . 5 .] (1,5) (3,5) (5,5) (7,5) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; [. 5 . 5 . 5 . 5 .] (1,7) (3,7) (5,7) (7,7) ; [. . . . . . . . .] ; Degree 3 Pass 3 Square ; [. 6 . 6 . 6 . 6 .] (1,0) (3,0) (5,0) (7,0) ; [6 . 6 . 6 . 6 . 6] (0,1) (2,1) (4,1) (6,1) (8,1) ; [. 6 . 6 . 6 . 6 .] (1,2) (3,2) (5,2) (7,2) ; [6 . 6 . 6 . 6 . 6] (0,3) (2,3) (4,3) (6,3) (8,3) ; [. 6 . 6 . 6 . 6 .] (1,4) (3,4) (5,4) (7,4) ; [6 . 6 . 6 . 6 . 6] (0,5) (2,5) (4,5) (6,5) (8,5) ; [. 6 . 6 . 6 . 6 .] (1,6) (3,6) (5,6) (7,6) ; [6 . 6 . 6 . 6 . 6] (0,7) (2,7) (4,7) (6,7) (8,7) ; [. 6 . 6 . 6 . 6 .] (1,8) (3,8) (5,8) (7,8) ; ; I make two different functions, one to give the coordinates for the square ; portion of each pass and one for the diamond portion of each pass. To find the ; actual patterns it was useful to first look only at the pattern in the ; y-coordinates, and figure out how that translated into the pattern for the ; x-coordinates. (defn grid-square-coords "Given a grid degree and pass number, returns all the coordinates which need to be computed for the square step of that pass" [degree pass] (let [gsize (grid-size degree) start (exp2 (- degree pass)) interval (* 2 start) coords (map #(+ start (* interval %)) (range (exp2 (dec pass))))] (mapcat (fn [y] (map #(vector % y) coords)) coords))) ; ; (grid-square-coords 3 2) ; => ([2 2] [6 2] [2 6] [6 6]) (defn grid-diamond-coords "Given a grid degree and a pass number, returns all the coordinates which need to be computed for the diamond step of that pass" [degree pass] (let [gsize (grid-size degree) interval (exp2 (- degree pass)) num-coords (grid-size pass) coords (map #(* interval %) (range 0 num-coords))] (mapcat (fn [y] (if (even? (/ y interval)) (map #(vector % y) (take-nth 2 (drop 1 coords))) (map #(vector % y) (take-nth 2 coords)))) coords))) ; (grid-diamond-coords 3 2) ; => ([2 0] [6 0] [0 2] [4 2] [8 2] [2 4] [6 4] [0 6] [4 6] [8 6] [2 8] [6 8]) ; = Height Generation = ; We now work on functions which, given a coordinate, will return what value ; coordinate will have. (defn avg-points "Given a grid and an arbitrary number of points (of the form [x y]) returns the average of all the given points that are on the map. Any points which are off the map are ignored" [m & coords] (let [grid-size (count m)] (apply avg (map #(apply get-m m %) (filter (fn [[x y]] (and (< -1 x) (> grid-size x) (< -1 y) (> grid-size y))) coords))))) (defn error "Returns a number between -e and e, inclusive" [e] (- (rand-int (inc (* 2 e))) e)) ; The next function is a little weird. It primarily takes in a point, then ; figures out the distance from that point to the points we'll take the average ; of. The locf (locator function) is used to return back the actual points to ; use. For the square portion it'll be the points diagonal from the given one, ; for the diamond portion it'll be the points to the top/bottom/left/right from ; the given one. ; ; Once it has those points, it finds the average and applies the error. The ; error function is nothing more than a number between -interval and +interval, ; where interval is the distance between the given point and one of the averaged ; points. It is important that the error decreases the more passes you do, which ; is why the interval is used. ; ; The error function is what should be messed with primarily if you want to ; change what kind of terrain you generate (a giant mountain instead of ; hills/valleys, for example). The one we use is uniform for all intervals, so ; it generates a uniform terrain. (defn- grid-fill-point [locf m degree pass x y] (let [interval (exp2 (- degree pass)) leftx (- x interval) rightx (+ x interval) upy (- y interval) downy (+ y interval) v (apply avg-points m (locf x y leftx rightx upy downy))] (add-m m x y (+ v (error interval))))) (def grid-fill-point-square "Given a grid, the grid's degree, the current pass number, and a point on the grid, fills in that point with the average (plus some error) of the appropriate corner points, and returns the resultant grid" (partial grid-fill-point (fn [_ _ leftx rightx upy downy] [[leftx upy] [rightx upy] [leftx downy] [rightx downy]]))) (def grid-fill-point-diamond "Given a grid, the grid's degree, the current pass number, and a point on the grid, fills in that point with the average (plus some error) of the appropriate edge points, and returns the resultant grid" (partial grid-fill-point (fn [x y leftx rightx upy downy] [[leftx y] [rightx y] [x upy] [x downy]]))) ; = Filling in the Grid = ; We finally compose the functions we've been creating to fill in the entire ; grid (defn- grid-fill-point-passes "Given a grid, a function to fill in coordinates, and a function to generate those coordinates, fills in all coordinates for a given pass, returning the resultant grid" [m fill-f coord-f degree pass] (reduce (fn [macc [x y]] (fill-f macc degree pass x y)) m (coord-f degree pass))) (defn grid-pass "Given a grid and a pass number, does the square then the diamond portion of the pass" [m degree pass] (-> m (grid-fill-point-passes grid-fill-point-square grid-square-coords degree pass) (grid-fill-point-passes grid-fill-point-diamond grid-diamond-coords degree pass))) ; The most important function in this guide, does all the work (defn terrain "Given a grid degree, generates a uniformly random terrain on a grid of that degree" ([degree] (terrain (blank-grid degree) degree)) ([m degree] (reduce #(grid-pass %1 degree %2) m (range 1 (inc degree))))) (comment (print-m (terrain 5)) ) ; == The Results == ; We now have a generated terrain, probably. We should check it. First we'll ; create an ASCII representation. But to do that we'll need some utility ; functions. (defn max-terrain-height "Returns the maximum height found in the given terrain grid" [m] (reduce max (map #(reduce max %) m))) (defn min-terrain-height "Returns the minimum height found in the given terrain grid" [m] (reduce min (map #(reduce min %) m))) (defn norm "Given x in the range (A,B), normalizes it into the range (0,new-height)" [A B new-height x] (int (/ (* (- x A) new-height) (- B A)))) (defn normalize-terrain "Given a terrain map and a number of \"steps\", normalizes the terrain so all heights in it are in the range (0,steps)" [m steps] (let [max-height (max-terrain-height m) min-height (min-terrain-height m) norm-f (partial norm min-height max-height steps)] (vec (map #(vec (map norm-f %)) m)))) ; We now define which ASCII characters we want to use for which heights. The ; vector starts with the character for the lowest height and ends with the ; character for the heighest height. (def tiles [\~ \~ \" \" \x \x \X \$ \% \# \@]) (defn tile-terrain "Given a terrain map, converts it into an ASCII tile map" [m] (vec (map #(vec (map tiles %)) (normalize-terrain m (dec (count tiles)))))) (comment (print-m (tile-terrain (terrain 5))) ; [~ ~ " " x x x X % $ $ $ X X X X X X $ x x x X X X x x x x " " " ~] ; [" ~ " " x x X X $ $ $ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x x x x " " " "] ; [" " " x x x X X % $ % $ % $ $ X X X X $ $ $ X X X X x x x x " " "] ; [" " " x x X $ % % % % % $ % $ $ X X $ $ $ $ X X x x x x x x " " x] ; [" x x x x X $ $ # % % % % % % $ X $ X X % $ % X X x x x x x x x x] ; [x x x X $ $ $ % % % % % $ % $ $ $ % % $ $ $ $ X X x x x x x x x x] ; [X X X $ % $ % % # % % $ $ % % % % $ % $ $ X $ X $ X X x x x X x x] ; [$ $ X $ $ % $ % % % % $ $ $ % # % % % X X X $ $ $ X X X x x x x x] ; [% X X % % $ % % % $ % $ % % % # @ % $ $ X $ X X $ X x X X x x x x] ; [$ $ % % $ $ % % $ $ X $ $ % % % % $ $ X $ $ X X X X X X x x x x x] ; [% % % X $ $ % $ $ X X $ $ $ $ % % $ $ X X X $ X X X x x X x x X X] ; [$ $ $ X $ $ X $ X X X $ $ $ $ % $ $ $ $ $ X $ X x X X X X X x X X] ; [$ $ $ $ X X $ X X X X X $ % % % % % $ X $ $ $ X x X X X $ X X $ $] ; [X $ $ $ $ $ X X X X X X X % $ % $ $ $ X X X X X x x X X x X X $ $] ; [$ $ X X $ X X x X $ $ X X $ % X X X X X X X X X x X X x x X X X X] ; [$ $ X X X X X X X $ $ $ $ $ X $ X X X X X X X x x x x x x x X X X] ; [% % % $ $ X $ X % X X X % $ $ X X X X X X x x x x x x x x x X X $] ; [$ % % $ $ $ X X $ $ $ $ $ $ X X X X x X x x x x " x x x " x x x x] ; [$ X % $ $ $ $ $ X X X X X $ $ X X X X X X x x " " " " " " " " x x] ; [$ X $ $ % % $ X X X $ X X X x x X X x x x x x " " " " " ~ " " " "] ; [$ $ X X % $ % X X X X X X X X x x X X X x x x " " " " " " ~ " " "] ; [$ $ X $ % $ $ X X X X X X x x x x x x x x x " " " " " " " " " ~ ~] ; [$ $ $ $ $ X X $ X X X X X x x x x x x x x " " " " " " " ~ " " " ~] ; [$ % X X $ $ $ $ X X X X x x x x x x x x x x " " " " ~ " " ~ " " ~] ; [% $ $ X $ X $ X $ X $ X x x x x x x x x x x " " " " ~ ~ ~ " ~ " ~] ; [$ X X X X $ $ $ $ $ X x x x x x x x x x x " " " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~] ; [X x X X x X X X X X X X X x x x x x x x x x " " " ~ ~ " " ~ ~ ~ ~] ; [x x x x x x X x X X x X X X x x x x x x x " x " " " " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~] ; [x x x x x x x x X X X X $ X X x X x x x x x x x x " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~] ; [" x x x x x X x X X X X X X X X X x x x x x x " " " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~] ; [" " " x x x X X X X $ $ $ X X X X X X x x x x x x x x " " ~ ~ ~ ~] ; [" " " " x x x X X X X X $ $ X X x X X x x x x x x x " " " " " ~ ~] ; [~ " " x x x x X $ X $ X $ $ X x X x x x x x x x x x x x x " " " ~] ) ; = Pictures! = ; ASCII is cool, but pictures are better. First we import some java libraries ; that we'll need, then define the colors for each level just like we did tiles ; for the ascii representation. (import 'java.awt.image.BufferedImage 'javax.imageio.ImageIO 'java.io.File) (def colors [0x1437AD 0x04859D 0x007D1C 0x007D1C 0x24913C 0x00C12B 0x38E05D 0xA3A3A4 0x757575 0xFFFFFF]) ; Finally we reduce over a BufferedImage instance to output every tile as a ; single pixel on it. (defn img-terrain "Given a terrain map and a file name, outputs a png representation of the terrain map to that file" [m file] (let [img (BufferedImage. (count m) (count m) BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_RGB)] (reduce (fn [rown row] (reduce (fn [coln tile] (.setRGB img coln rown (colors tile)) (inc coln)) 0 row) (inc rown)) 0 (normalize-terrain m (dec (count colors)))) (ImageIO/write img "png" (File. file)))) (comment (img-terrain (terrain 10) "resources/terrain.png") ; https://raw2.github.com/mediocregopher/diamond-square/master/resources/terrain.png ) ; == Conclusion == ; There's still a lot of work to be done. The algorithm starts taking a ; non-trivial amount of time around the 10th degree, which is only a 1025x1025px ; image. I need to profile the code and find out where the bottlenecks are. It's ; possible re-organizing the code to use pmaps instead of reduces in some places ; could help. ``` [terrain]: /img/dsqr-terrain.png [diamondsquare]: http://www.gameprogrammer.com/fractal.html [lein]: https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen [repo]: https://github.com/mediocregopher/diamond-square