2018-11-12 15:29:55 -05:00

110 lines
3.1 KiB

(ns ^{:doc "Utility fns"}
(:require [clojure.string :as cstr]))
(defn no-fn
"Function that does nothing."
(defn callable? [value]
(or (fn? value)
(var? value))))
(defn absolute-path [path]
(-> (str path)
(defn int-like?
(let [t (type val)]
(or (= java.lang.Long t)
(= java.lang.Integer t)))))
(defn resolve-constant-key
"Returns the val associated with key in mappings or key directly if it
is one of the vals in mappings. Otherwise throws an exception."
[key mappings]
(get mappings key) (get mappings key)
(some #{key} (vals mappings)) key
:else (throw (#?(:clj Exception.
:cljs js/Error.)
(str "Expecting a keyword, got: " key ". Expected one of: " (vec (sort (keys mappings))))))))
(defn- length-of-longest-key
"Returns the length of the longest key of map m. Assumes m's keys are strings
and returns 0 if map is empty:
(length-of-longest-key {\"foo\" 1 \"barr\" 2 \"bazzz\" 3}) ;=> 5
(length-of-longest-key {}) ;=> 0"
(or (last (sort (map #(.length %) (keys m))))
(defn- gen-padding
"Generates a padding string starting concatting s with len times pad:
(gen-padding \"\" 5 \"b\") ;=> \"bbbbb\"
May be called without starting string s in which case it defaults to the
empty string and also without pad in which case it defaults to a single space"
([len] (gen-padding "" len " "))
([len pad] (gen-padding "" len pad))
([s len pad]
(if (> len 0)
(gen-padding (str s pad) (dec len) pad)
(defn print-definition-list
(let [longest-key (length-of-longest-key definitions)]
(map (fn [[k v]]
(let [len (.length k)
diff (- longest-key len)
pad (gen-padding diff)]
(println k pad "- " v)))
(defn clj-compilation? []
(when-let [n (find-ns 'cljs.analyzer)]
(when-let [v (ns-resolve n '*cljs-file*)]
:cljs false))
(defn prepare-quil-name [const-keyword]
(cstr/upper-case (name const-keyword))
#"-" "_"))
(defn prepare-quil-clj-constants [constants]
(into {}
#(vector % (symbol (str "PConstants/" (prepare-quil-name %))))
(defn prepare-quil-cljs-constants [constants]
(into {}
#(vector % `(aget js/Processing.prototype.PConstants ~(prepare-quil-name %)))
(defn make-quil-constant-map [target const-map-name const-map]
`(def ^{:private true}
~(if (= target :clj)
(prepare-quil-clj-constants const-map)
(prepare-quil-cljs-constants const-map))))
(defmacro generate-quil-constants [target & opts]
#(make-quil-constant-map target (first %) (second %))
(partition 2 opts))))