2018-11-12 15:29:55 -05:00

64 lines
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(ns viz.grid)
;; grid set of points relative to a common origin
(def euclidean [ [0 -1]
[-1 0] , [1 0]
[0 1] ])
(def isometric [[-1 -1] [0 -2] [1 -1]
[-1 1] [0 2] [1 1]])
(def hexagonal [ [0 -1]
[-1 1] [1 1]])
(defn new-grid [grid-def]
{ :grid-def grid-def
:points #{} })
(defn add-point [grid point]
(update-in grid [:points] conj point))
(def my-grid (-> (new-grid euclidean)
(add-point [0 1])))
;; TODO this could be useful, but it's not needed now, as long as all points we
;; use are generated from adjacent-points
;;(defn valid-point? [grid point]
;; (letfn [(ordered-dim-points [dim order]
;; (->> (:grid-def grid)
;; (map #(%1 dim))
;; (sort (if (= order :asc) < > ))
;; (filter (if (= order :asc) #(> %1 0) #(< %1 0)))
;; ))
;; (closest-in-dim [dim-i dim-jj]
;; (reduce (fn [curr dim-j]
;; (let [next (+ curr dim-j)]
;; (reduce #(if (= ;; TODO wat
;; (if (> 0 dim-i)
;; (min dim-i next)
;; (max dim-i next))))
;; 0 dim-jj))
;; ]
;; (closest-in-dim 4 [1])))
;; ;;(ordered-dim 1 :asc)))
;;(valid-point? my-grid [0 1])
(defn rm-point [grid point]
(update-in grid [:points] disj point))
(defn adjacent-points [grid point]
(map #(map + %1 point) (:grid-def grid)))
(defn empty-adjacent-points [grid point]
(remove (:points grid) (adjacent-points grid point)))
(-> (new-grid isometric)
(add-point [0 0])
(add-point [0 1])
(empty-adjacent-points [0 1]))