A fast and simple blog backend.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

43 lines
1.2 KiB

{{ $post := .GetPostByID (.GetQueryValue "id" "") -}}
{{ if eq $post.Format "md" -}}
This post has been translated from it's original markdown format, if it seems busted it might appear better over HTTP:
=> {{ PostHTTPURL $post.ID }}
{{ end -}}
# {{ $post.Title }}
{{ if ne $post.Description "" -}}
> {{ $post.Description }}
{{ end -}}
{{ .PostBody $post }}
Published {{ $post.PublishedAt.Format "2006-01-02" }} by mediocregopher
{{- if $post.Series }}
{{ $seriesNextPrev := .GetPostSeriesNextPrevious $post -}}
{{ if or $seriesNextPrev.Next $seriesNextPrev.Previous }}
This post is part of a series!
{{ if $seriesNextPrev.Next -}}
=> {{ BlogURL "posts" }}/{{ $seriesNextPrev.Next.ID }}.gmi Next in the series: {{ $seriesNextPrev.Next.Title }}
{{ end -}}
{{ if $seriesNextPrev.Previous -}}
=> {{ BlogURL "posts" }}/{{ $seriesNextPrev.Previous.ID }}.gmi Prevous in the series: {{ $seriesNextPrev.Previous.Title }}
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ else }}{{/* newline */}}
{{ end }}
=> {{ BlogURL "posts/" }} Browse all posts
=> {{ BlogURL "feed.xml" }} RSS feed
{{ template "footer.gmi" . }}