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- id: markdown-test
title: Markdown Test
description: A little post containing different kinds of markdown elements.
- foo
series: testing
format: md
body: |
This here's a test post containing various markdown elements in its body.
It's useful for making sure that posts will look good (generally).
## Let's Begin
There's various things worth testing. _Emphasized_ and **bold** text are
great starting points. Also `little bits of code`.
One might consider making a list of them.
* A bit normal.
* _A bit emphasized_
* **A bit bold**
* `A bit of code.`
So many!
### A Subsection
Crazy. Another way to delineate a subsection is with a horizontal rule.
And it only gets crazier from here!
Check out this code block.
// It's like actually being in the matrix
for !dead {
if awake {
} else {
#### Side-note
Did you know that the terms "cyberspace" and "matrix" are attributable to a book from 1984 called _Neuromancer_?
> The 1999 cyberpunk science fiction film The Matrix particularly draws from Neuromancer both eponym and usage of the term "matrix".
> - Wikipedia
Here's a real picture of cyberspace.
{{ Image "galaxy.jpg" }}
This has been a great post.
- id: gemtext-test
title: Gemtext Test
description: A little post containing different kinds of gemtext elements.
- foo
series: testing
format: gmi
body: |
This here's a test post containing various markdown elements in its body. It's useful for making sure that posts will look good (generally).
## Let's Begin
There's various things worth testing. Like lists:
* Foo
* Bar
* Baz
So many!
### A Subsection
And it only gets crazier from here!
Check out this code block.
// It's like actually being in the matrix
for !dead {
if awake {
} else {
#### Side-note
Did you know that the terms "cyberspace" and "matrix" are attributable to a book from 1984 called _Neuromancer_?
> The 1999 cyberpunk science fiction film The Matrix particularly draws from Neuromancer both eponym and usage of the term "matrix".
> - Wikipedia
Here's a real picture of cyberspace.
{{ Image "galaxy.jpg" "Definitely not a sound stage" }}
This has been a great post.
=> / Here's a link outa here!
- id: empty-markdown-test
title: Empty Markdown Test
- foo
- bar
series: testing
format: md
body: ""
- id: empty-gemtext-test
title: Empty Gemtext Test
- foo
- bar
series: testing
format: gmi
body: ""
- id: little-markdown-test
title: Little Markdown Test
description: A post with almost no content.
- bar
series: testing
format: md
body: |
This page is almost empty.
- id: little-gemtext-test
title: Little Gemtext Test
description: A post with almost no content.
- bar
series: testing
format: gmi
body: |
This page is almost empty.
galaxy.jpg: ./galaxy.jpg