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package mcfg
import (
2018-08-14 00:15:54 +00:00
. "testing"
// The tests for the different Sources use mchk as their primary method of
// checking. They end up sharing a lot of the same functionality, so in here is
// all the code they share
type srcCommonState struct {
// availCtxs get updated in place as the run goes on, and mkRoot is used to
// create the latest version of the root context based on them
availCtxs []*context.Context
mkRoot func() context.Context
expPVs []ParamValue
// each specific test should wrap this to add the Source itself
func newSrcCommonState() srcCommonState {
var scs srcCommonState
root := context.Background()
a := mctx.NewChild(root, "a")
b := mctx.NewChild(root, "b")
c := mctx.NewChild(root, "c")
ab := mctx.NewChild(a, "b")
bc := mctx.NewChild(b, "c")
abc := mctx.NewChild(ab, "c")
scs.availCtxs = []*context.Context{&root, &a, &b, &c, &ab, &bc, &abc}
scs.mkRoot = func() context.Context {
ab := mctx.WithChild(ab, abc)
a := mctx.WithChild(a, ab)
b := mctx.WithChild(b, bc)
root := mctx.WithChild(root, a)
root = mctx.WithChild(root, b)
root = mctx.WithChild(root, c)
return root
return scs
type srcCommonParams struct {
name string
availCtxI int // not technically needed, but makes finding the ctx easier
path []string
isBool bool
nonBoolType string // "int", "str", "duration", "json"
unset bool
nonBoolVal string
func (scs srcCommonState) next() srcCommonParams {
var p srcCommonParams
if i := mrand.Intn(8); i == 0 { = mrand.Hex(1) + "-" + mrand.Hex(8)
} else { = mrand.Hex(8)
p.availCtxI = mrand.Intn(len(scs.availCtxs))
p.path = mctx.Path(*scs.availCtxs[p.availCtxI])
p.isBool = mrand.Intn(8) == 0
if !p.isBool {
p.nonBoolType = mrand.Element([]string{
}, nil).(string)
p.unset = mrand.Intn(10) == 0
if p.isBool || p.unset {
return p
switch p.nonBoolType {
case "int":
p.nonBoolVal = fmt.Sprint(mrand.Int())
case "str":
p.nonBoolVal = mrand.Hex(16)
case "duration":
dur := time.Duration(mrand.Intn(86400)) * time.Second
p.nonBoolVal = dur.String()
case "json":
b, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]int{
mrand.Hex(4): mrand.Int(),
mrand.Hex(4): mrand.Int(),
mrand.Hex(4): mrand.Int(),
p.nonBoolVal = string(b)
return p
// adds the new param to the ctx, and if the param is expected to be set in
// the Source adds it to the expected ParamValues as well
func (scs srcCommonState) applyCtxAndPV(p srcCommonParams) srcCommonState {
thisCtx := scs.availCtxs[p.availCtxI]
ctxP := Param{
IsString: p.nonBoolType == "str" || p.nonBoolType == "duration",
IsBool: p.isBool,
// the Sources don't actually care about the other fields of Param,
// those are only used by Populate once it has all ParamValues together
*thisCtx = MustAdd(*thisCtx, ctxP)
ctxP, _ = getParam(*thisCtx, ctxP.Name) // get it back out to get any added fields
if !p.unset {
pv := ParamValue{Name: ctxP.Name, Path: mctx.Path(ctxP.Context)}
if p.isBool {
pv.Value = json.RawMessage("true")
} else {
switch p.nonBoolType {
case "str", "duration":
pv.Value = json.RawMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%q", p.nonBoolVal))
case "int", "json":
pv.Value = json.RawMessage(p.nonBoolVal)
panic("shouldn't get here")
scs.expPVs = append(scs.expPVs, pv)
return scs
// given a Source asserts that it's Parse method returns the expected
// ParamValues
func (scs srcCommonState) assert(s Source) error {
root := scs.mkRoot()
gotPVs, err := s.Parse(collectParams(root))
if err != nil {
return err
return massert.All(
massert.Len(gotPVs, len(scs.expPVs)),
massert.Subset(scs.expPVs, gotPVs),
2018-08-14 00:15:54 +00:00
func TestSources(t *T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, a := RequiredInt(ctx, "a", "")
ctx, b := RequiredInt(ctx, "b", "")
ctx, c := RequiredInt(ctx, "c", "")
2018-08-14 00:15:54 +00:00
err := Populate(ctx, Sources{
2018-08-14 00:15:54 +00:00
SourceCLI{Args: []string{"--a=1", "--b=666"}},
SourceEnv{Env: []string{"B=2", "C=3"}},
massert.Fatal(t, massert.All(
massert.Equal(1, *a),
massert.Equal(2, *b),
massert.Equal(3, *c),
func TestSourceParamValues(t *T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, a := RequiredInt(ctx, "a", "")
foo := mctx.NewChild(ctx, "foo")
foo, b := RequiredString(foo, "b", "")
foo, c := Bool(foo, "c", "")
ctx = mctx.WithChild(ctx, foo)
err := Populate(ctx, ParamValues{
{Name: "a", Value: json.RawMessage(`4`)},
{Path: []string{"foo"}, Name: "b", Value: json.RawMessage(`"bbb"`)},
{Path: []string{"foo"}, Name: "c", Value: json.RawMessage("true")},
massert.Fatal(t, massert.All(
massert.Equal(4, *a),
massert.Equal("bbb", *b),
massert.Equal(true, *c),