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// Package mcfg provides a simple foundation for complex service/binary
// configuration, initialization, and destruction
package mcfg
import (
// TODO Sources:
// - Env file
// - JSON file
// - YAML file
// Hook describes a function which can have other Hook functions appended to it
// via the Then method. A Hook is expected to return context.Canceled on context
// cancellation.
type Hook func(context.Context) error
// Nop returns a Hook which does nothing
func Nop() Hook {
return func(context.Context) error { return nil }
// Then modifies the called upon Hook such that it will first perform whatever
// it's original functionality was, and then if that doesn't return an error it
// will subsequently perform the given Hook.
func (h *Hook) Then(h2 Hook) {
oldh := *h
*h = func(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := oldh(ctx); err != nil {
return err
} else if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
// in case the previous hook doesn't respect the context
return err
return h2(ctx)
// Also modifies the called upon Hook such that it will perform the original
// functionality at the same time as the given Hook, wait for both to complete,
// and return an error if there is one.
func (h *Hook) Also(h2 Hook) {
oldh := *h
*h = func(ctx context.Context) error {
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
errCh <- oldh(ctx)
err := h2(ctx) // don't immediately return this, wait for h2 or ctx
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
// in case the previous hook doesn't respect the context
return err
} else if err := <-errCh; err != nil {
return err
return err
// Cfg describes a set of configuration parameters and run-time behaviors.
// Parameters are defined using the Param* methods, and run-time behaviors by
// the Hook fields on this struct.
// Each Cfg can have child Cfg's spawned off of it using the Child method, which
// allows for namespacing related params/behaviors into heirarchies.
type Cfg struct {
// Read-only. The set of names passed into Child methods used to generate
// this Cfg and all of its parents. Path will be nil if this Cfg was created
// with New and not a Child call.
// Examples:
// New().Path is nil
// New().Child("foo").Path is []string{"foo"}
// New().Child("foo").Child("bar").Path is []string{"foo", "bar"}
Path []string
// Read-only. The set of children spawned off of this Cfg via the Child
// method, keyed by the children's names.
Children map[string]*Cfg
// Read-only. The set of Params which have been added to the Cfg instance
// via its Add method.
Params map[string]Param
// Start hook is performed after configuration variables have been parsed
// and populated. All Start hooks are expected to run in a finite amount of
// time, any long running processes spun off from them should do so in a
// separate go-routine
Start Hook
// Stop hook is performed on interrupt signal, and should stop all
// go-routines and close all resource handlers created during Start
Stop Hook
// New initializes and returns an empty Cfg with default values filled in
func New() *Cfg {
return &Cfg{
Children: map[string]*Cfg{},
Params: map[string]Param{},
Start: Nop(),
Stop: Nop(),
// IsRoot returns true if this is the root instance of a Cfg (i.e. the one
// returned by New)
func (c *Cfg) IsRoot() bool {
return len(c.Path) == 0
// Name returns the name given to this instance when it was created via Child.
// if this instance was created via New (i.e. it is the root instance) then
// empty string is returned.
func (c *Cfg) Name() string {
if c.IsRoot() {
return ""
return c.Path[len(c.Path)-1]
// FullName returns a string representing the full path of the instance.
func (c *Cfg) FullName() string {
return "/" + strings.Join(c.Path, "/")
func (c *Cfg) populateParams(src Source) error {
pvs, err := src.Parse(c)
if err != nil {
return err
2018-08-14 00:05:22 +00:00
// dedupe the ParamValues based on their hashes, with the last ParamValue
// taking precedence
pvM := map[string]ParamValue{}
for _, pv := range pvs {
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pvM[pv.hash()] = pv
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// check for required params
for _, p := range c.allParams() {
if !p.Required {
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} else if _, ok := pvM[p.hash()]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("param %q is required", p.fullName())
for _, pv := range pvM {
if err := json.Unmarshal(pv.Value, pv.Into); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Cfg) runPreBlock(ctx context.Context, src Source) error {
if err := c.populateParams(src); err != nil {
return err
return c.Start(ctx)
// StartRun blocks while performing all steps of a Cfg run. The steps, in order,
// are:
// * Populate all configuration parameters
// * Perform Start hooks
// If any step returns an error then everything returns that error immediately.
func (c *Cfg) StartRun(ctx context.Context, src Source) error {
return c.runPreBlock(ctx, src)
// StartTestRun is like StartRun, except it's intended to only be used during
// tests to initialize other entities which are going to actually be tested. It
// assumes all default configuration param values, and will return after the
// Start hook has completed. It will panic on any errors.
func (c *Cfg) StartTestRun() {
if err := c.runPreBlock(context.Background(), nil); err != nil {
// StopRun blocks while calling the Stop hook of the Cfg, returning any error
// that it does.
func (c *Cfg) StopRun(ctx context.Context) error {
return c.Stop(ctx)
// Child returns a sub-Cfg of the callee with the given name. The name will be
// prepended to all configuration options created in the returned sub-Cfg, and
// must not be empty.
func (c *Cfg) Child(name string) *Cfg {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
if _, ok := c.Children[name]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("child Cfg named %q already exists", name))
c2 := New()
c2.Path = make([]string, 0, len(c.Path)+1)
c2.Path = append(c2.Path, c.Path...)
c2.Path = append(c2.Path, name)
c.Children[name] = c2
c.Start.Then(func(ctx context.Context) error { return c2.Start(ctx) })
c.Stop.Then(func(ctx context.Context) error { return c2.Stop(ctx) })
return c2