
314 lines
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package mcfg
import (
. "testing"
// * dimension
// - dimension value
// * Cfg path
// - New()
// - New.Child("a")
// - New.Child("a-b")
// - New.Child("a=b")
// * Param name
// - normal
// - w/ "-"
// - w/ "=" ?
// * Param type
// - bool
// - non-bool
// * non-bool type
// - int
// - string
// * Str value
// - empty
// - normal
// - w/ -
// - w/ =
// * Value format
// - w/ =
// - w/o =
func combinate(slices ...[]string) [][]string {
out := [][]string{{}}
for _, slice := range slices {
if len(slice) == 0 {
prev := out
out = make([][]string, 0, len(prev)*len(slice))
for _, prevSet := range prev {
for _, sliceElem := range slice {
prevSetCp := make([]string, len(prevSet), len(prevSet)+1)
copy(prevSetCp, prevSet)
prevSetCp = append(prevSetCp, sliceElem)
out = append(out, prevSetCp)
return out
func TestCombinate(t *T) {
type combTest struct {
args [][]string
exp [][]string
tests := []combTest{
args: [][]string{},
exp: [][]string{{}},
args: [][]string{{"a"}},
exp: [][]string{{"a"}},
args: [][]string{{"a"}, {"b"}},
exp: [][]string{{"a", "b"}},
args: [][]string{{"a", "aa"}, {"b"}},
exp: [][]string{
{"a", "b"},
{"aa", "b"},
args: [][]string{{"a"}, {"b", "bb"}},
exp: [][]string{
{"a", "b"},
{"a", "bb"},
args: [][]string{{"a", "aa"}, {"b", "bb"}},
exp: [][]string{
{"a", "b"},
{"aa", "b"},
{"a", "bb"},
{"aa", "bb"},
for i, test := range tests {
msgAndArgs := []interface{}{"test:%d args:%v", i, test.args}
got := combinate(test.args...)
assert.Len(t, got, len(test.exp), msgAndArgs...)
for _, expHas := range test.exp {
assert.Contains(t, got, expHas, msgAndArgs...)
func TestSourceCLI(t *T) {
var (
paths = []string{
paramNames = []string{
isBool = []string{
nonBoolTypes = []string{
nonBoolFmts = []string{
nonBoolStrValues = []string{
type cliTest struct {
path string
name string
isBool bool
nonBoolType string
nonBoolStrValue string
nonBoolFmt string
// it's kinda hacky to make this a pointer, but it makes the code a lot
// easier to read later
exp *ParamValue
var tests []cliTest
for _, comb := range combinate(paths, paramNames, isBool) {
var test cliTest
test.path = comb[0] = comb[1]
test.isBool = comb[2] == "isBool"
if test.isBool {
tests = append(tests, test)
for _, nonBoolComb := range combinate(nonBoolTypes, nonBoolFmts) {
test.nonBoolType = nonBoolComb[0]
test.nonBoolFmt = nonBoolComb[1]
if test.nonBoolType != "str" {
tests = append(tests, test)
for _, nonBoolStrValue := range nonBoolStrValues {
test.nonBoolStrValue = nonBoolStrValue
tests = append(tests, test)
childName := mtest.RandHex(8)
childDashName := mtest.RandHex(4) + "-" + mtest.RandHex(4)
childEqName := mtest.RandHex(4) + "=" + mtest.RandHex(4)
var args []string
rootCfg := New()
childCfg := rootCfg.Child(childName)
childDashCfg := rootCfg.Child(childDashName)
childEqCfg := rootCfg.Child(childEqName)
for i := range tests {
var pv ParamValue
tests[i].exp = &pv
switch tests[i].name {
case "normal":
pv.Name = mtest.RandHex(8)
case "wDash":
pv.Name = mtest.RandHex(4) + "-" + mtest.RandHex(4)
case "wEq":
pv.Name = mtest.RandHex(4) + "=" + mtest.RandHex(4)
pv.IsBool = tests[i].isBool
pv.IsString = !tests[i].isBool && tests[i].nonBoolType == "str"
var arg string
switch tests[i].path {
case "root":
arg = "--" + pv.Name
case "child":
pv.Path = append(pv.Path, childName)
arg = "--" + childName + "-" + pv.Name
case "childDash":
pv.Path = append(pv.Path, childDashName)
arg = "--" + childDashName + "-" + pv.Name
case "childEq":
pv.Path = append(pv.Path, childEqName)
arg = "--" + childEqName + "-" + pv.Name
if pv.IsBool {
pv.Value = json.RawMessage("true")
args = append(args, arg)
var val string
switch tests[i].nonBoolType {
case "int":
val = strconv.Itoa(mtest.Rand.Int())
pv.Value = json.RawMessage(val)
case "str":
switch tests[i].nonBoolStrValue {
case "empty":
// ez
case "normal":
val = mtest.RandHex(8)
case "wDash":
val = mtest.RandHex(4) + "-" + mtest.RandHex(4)
case "wEq":
val = mtest.RandHex(4) + "=" + mtest.RandHex(4)
pv.Value = json.RawMessage(`"` + val + `"`)
switch tests[i].nonBoolFmt {
case "wEq":
arg += "=" + val
args = append(args, arg)
case "woEq":
args = append(args, arg, val)
src := SourceCLI{Args: args}
pvals, err := src.Parse(rootCfg)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, pvals, len(tests))
for _, test := range tests {
assert.Contains(t, pvals, *test.exp)
// an extra bogus param or value should generate an error
src = SourceCLI{Args: append(args, "foo")}
_, err = src.Parse(rootCfg)
require.Error(t, err)
func TestSourceCLIHelp(t *T) {
cfg := New()
cfg.ParamInt("foo", 5, "Test int param")
cfg.ParamBool("bar", "Test bool param")
cfg.ParamString("baz", "baz", "Test string param")
cfg.ParamString("baz2", "", "")
src := SourceCLI{}
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
pvM, err := src.cliParamVals(cfg)
require.NoError(t, err)
SourceCLI{}.printHelp(buf, pvM)
exp := `
--bar (Flag)
Test bool param
--baz (Default: "baz")
Test string param
--foo (Default: 5)
Test int param
assert.Equal(t, exp, buf.String())