Fork 0

Get rid of mcmp, and lots of subsequent refactors

Getting rid of mcmp pretty much breaks this whole package, but this
commit makes a good start on fixing all the things worth keeping.
Brian P 3 years ago
parent c20f884d68
commit 3e2713a850
  1. 4
  2. 382
  3. 356
  4. 79
  5. 60
  6. 150
  7. 69
  8. 237
  9. 65
  10. 178
  11. 225
  12. 114
  13. 93
  14. 66
  15. 203
  16. 34
  17. 72
  18. 82
  19. 312
  20. 69
  21. 127
  22. 47
  23. 117
  24. 79

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
module github.com/mediocregopher/mediocre-go-lib
module github.com/mediocregopher/mediocre-go-lib/v2
go 1.15
require (
cloud.google.com/go v0.36.0

@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
package mcfg
import (
type cliKey int
const (
cliKeyTail cliKey = iota
type cliTail struct {
dst *[]string
descr string
// CLITail modifies the behavior of SourceCLI's Parse. Normally when SourceCLI
// encounters an unexpected Arg it will immediately return an error. This
// function modifies the Component to indicate to Parse that the unexpected Arg,
// and all subsequent Args (i.e. the tail), should be set to the returned
// []string value.
// The descr (optional) will be appended to the "Usage" line which is printed
// with the help document when "-h" is passed in.
// This function panics if not called on a root Component (i.e. a Component
// which has no parents).
func CLITail(cmp *mcmp.Component, descr string) *[]string {
if len(cmp.Path()) != 0 {
panic("CLITail can only be used on a root Component")
tailPtr := new([]string)
cmp.SetValue(cliKeyTail, cliTail{
dst: tailPtr,
descr: descr,
return tailPtr
func populateCLITail(cmp *mcmp.Component, tail []string) bool {
ct, ok := cmp.Value(cliKeyTail).(cliTail)
if ok {
*ct.dst = tail
return ok
func getCLITailDescr(cmp *mcmp.Component) string {
ct, _ := cmp.Value(cliKeyTail).(cliTail)
return ct.descr
type subCmd struct {
name, descr string
flag *bool
callback func(*mcmp.Component)
// CLISubCommand establishes a sub-command which can be activated on the
// command-line. When a sub-command is given on the command-line, the bool
// returned for that sub-command will be set to true.
// Additionally, the Component which was passed into Parse (i.e. the one passed
// into Populate) will be passed into the given callback, and can be modified
// for subsequent parsing. This allows for setting sub-command specific Params,
// sub-command specific runtime behavior (via mrun.WithStartHook), support for
// sub-sub-commands, and more. The callback may be nil.
// If any sub-commands have been defined on a Component which is passed into
// Parse, it is assumed that a sub-command is required on the command-line.
// When parsing the command-line options, it is assumed that sub-commands will
// be found before any other options.
// This function panics if not called on a root Component (i.e. a Component
// which has no parents).
func CLISubCommand(cmp *mcmp.Component, name, descr string, callback func(*mcmp.Component)) *bool {
if len(cmp.Path()) != 0 {
panic("CLISubCommand can only be used on a root Component")
m, _ := cmp.Value(cliKeySubCmdM).(map[string]subCmd)
if m == nil {
m = map[string]subCmd{}
cmp.SetValue(cliKeySubCmdM, m)
flag := new(bool)
m[name] = subCmd{
name: name,
descr: descr,
flag: flag,
callback: callback,
return flag
// SourceCLI is a Source which will parse configuration from the CLI.
// Possible CLI options are generated by joining a Param's Path and Name with
// dashes. For example:
// cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
// cmpFoo = cmp.Child("foo")
// cmpFooBar = foo.Child("bar")
// addr := mcfg.String(cmpFooBar, "addr", "", "Some address")
// // the CLI option to fill addr will be "--foo-bar-addr"
// If the "-h" option is seen then a help page will be printed to stdout and the
// process will exit. Since all normally-defined parameters must being with
// double-dash ("--") they won't ever conflict with the help option.
// SourceCLI behaves a little differently with boolean parameters. Setting the
// value of a boolean parameter directly _must_ be done with an equals, or with
// no value at all. For example: `--boolean-flag`, `--boolean-flag=1` or
// `--boolean-flag=false`. Using the space-separated format will not work. If a
// boolean has no equal-separated value it is assumed to be setting the value to
// `true`.
type SourceCLI struct {
Args []string // if nil then os.Args[1:] is used
DisableHelpPage bool
var _ Source = new(SourceCLI)
const (
cliKeyJoin = "-"
cliKeyPrefix = "--"
cliValSep = "="
cliHelpArg = "-h"
// Parse implements the method for the Source interface.
func (cli *SourceCLI) Parse(cmp *mcmp.Component) ([]ParamValue, error) {
args := cli.Args
if cli.Args == nil {
args = os.Args[1:]
return cli.parse(cmp, nil, args)
func (cli *SourceCLI) parse(
cmp *mcmp.Component,
subCmdPrefix, args []string,
) (
) {
pM, err := cli.cliParams(CollectParams(cmp))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
printHelpAndExit := func() {
// TODO check DisableHelpPage here?
cli.printHelp(cmp, os.Stderr, subCmdPrefix, pM)
// if sub-commands were defined on this Component then handle that first.
// One of them should have been given, in which case send the Context
// through the callback to obtain a new one (which presumably has further
// config options the previous didn't) and call parse again.
subCmdM, _ := cmp.Value(cliKeySubCmdM).(map[string]subCmd)
if len(subCmdM) > 0 {
subCmd, args, ok := cli.getSubCmd(subCmdM, args)
if !ok {
cmp.SetValue(cliKeySubCmdM, nil)
if subCmd.callback != nil {
subCmdPrefix = append(subCmdPrefix, subCmd.name)
*subCmd.flag = true
return cli.parse(cmp, subCmdPrefix, args)
// if sub-commands were not set, then proceed with normal command-line arg
// processing.
pvs := make([]ParamValue, 0, len(args))
var (
key string
p Param
pOk bool
pvStrVal string
pvStrValOk bool
for i, arg := range args {
if pOk {
pvStrVal = arg
pvStrValOk = true
} else if !cli.DisableHelpPage && arg == cliHelpArg {
} else {
for key, p = range pM {
if arg == key {
pOk = true
prefix := key + cliValSep
if !strings.HasPrefix(arg, prefix) {
pOk = true
pvStrVal = strings.TrimPrefix(arg, prefix)
pvStrValOk = true
if !pOk {
if ok := populateCLITail(cmp, args[i:]); ok {
return pvs, nil
return nil, merr.New("unexpected config parameter",
mctx.Annotated("param", arg))
// pOk is always true at this point, and so p is filled in
// As a special case for CLI, if a boolean has no value set it means it
// is true.
if p.IsBool && !pvStrValOk {
pvStrVal = "true"
} else if !pvStrValOk {
// everything else should have a value. if pvStrVal isn't filled it
// means the next arg should be one. Continue the loop, it'll get
// filled with the next one (hopefully)
pvs = append(pvs, ParamValue{
Name: p.Name,
Path: p.Component.Path(),
Value: p.fuzzyParse(pvStrVal),
key = ""
p = Param{}
pOk = false
pvStrVal = ""
pvStrValOk = false
if pOk && !pvStrValOk {
ctx := mctx.Annotate(p.Component.Context(), "param", key)
return nil, merr.New("param expected a value", ctx)
return pvs, nil
func (cli *SourceCLI) getSubCmd(subCmdM map[string]subCmd, args []string) (subCmd, []string, bool) {
if len(args) == 0 {
return subCmd{}, args, false
s, ok := subCmdM[args[0]]
if !ok {
return subCmd{}, args, false
return s, args[1:], true
func (cli *SourceCLI) cliParams(params []Param) (map[string]Param, error) {
m := map[string]Param{}
for _, p := range params {
key := strings.Join(append(p.Component.Path(), p.Name), cliKeyJoin)
m[cliKeyPrefix+key] = p
return m, nil
func (cli *SourceCLI) printHelp(
cmp *mcmp.Component,
w io.Writer,
subCmdPrefix []string,
pM map[string]Param,
) {
type pEntry struct {
arg string
pA := make([]pEntry, 0, len(pM))
for arg, p := range pM {
pA = append(pA, pEntry{arg: arg, Param: p})
sort.Slice(pA, func(i, j int) bool {
if pA[i].Required != pA[j].Required {
return pA[i].Required
return pA[i].arg < pA[j].arg
fmtDefaultVal := func(ptr interface{}) string {
if ptr == nil {
return ""
val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(ptr))
zero := reflect.Zero(val.Type())
if reflect.DeepEqual(val.Interface(), zero.Interface()) {
return ""
} else if val.Type().Kind() == reflect.String {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", val.Interface())
return fmt.Sprint(val.Interface())
type subCmdEntry struct {
name string
subCmdM, _ := cmp.Value(cliKeySubCmdM).(map[string]subCmd)
subCmdA := make([]subCmdEntry, 0, len(subCmdM))
for name, subCmd := range subCmdM {
subCmdA = append(subCmdA, subCmdEntry{name: name, subCmd: subCmd})
sort.Slice(subCmdA, func(i, j int) bool {
return subCmdA[i].name < subCmdA[j].name
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Usage: %s", os.Args[0])
if len(subCmdPrefix) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %s", strings.Join(subCmdPrefix, " "))
if len(subCmdA) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(w, " <sub-command>")
if len(pA) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(w, " [options]")
if descr := getCLITailDescr(cmp); descr != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %s", descr)
fmt.Fprint(w, "\n\n")
if len(subCmdA) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(w, "Sub-commands:\n\n")
for _, subCmd := range subCmdA {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t%s\t%s\n", subCmd.name, subCmd.descr)
fmt.Fprint(w, "\n")
if len(pA) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(w, "Options:\n\n")
for _, p := range pA {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t%s", p.arg)
if p.IsBool {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " (Flag)")
} else if p.Required {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " (Required)")
} else if defVal := fmtDefaultVal(p.Into); defVal != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " (Default: %s)", defVal)
fmt.Fprint(w, "\n")
if usage := p.Usage; usage != "" {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "\t\t"+usage)
fmt.Fprint(w, "\n")

@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
package mcfg
import (
. "testing"
func TestSourceCLIHelp(t *T) {
assertHelp := func(cmp *mcmp.Component, subCmdPrefix []string, exp string) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
src := &SourceCLI{}
pM, err := src.cliParams(CollectParams(cmp))
require.NoError(t, err)
src.printHelp(cmp, buf, subCmdPrefix, pM)
out := buf.String()
ok := regexp.MustCompile(exp).MatchString(out)
assert.True(t, ok, "exp:%s (%q)\ngot:%s (%q)", exp, exp, out, out)
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
assertHelp(cmp, nil, `^Usage: \S+
assertHelp(cmp, []string{"foo", "bar"}, `^Usage: \S+ foo bar
Int(cmp, "foo", ParamDefault(5), ParamUsage("Test int param ")) // trailing space should be trimmed
Bool(cmp, "bar", ParamUsage("Test bool param."))
String(cmp, "baz", ParamDefault("baz"), ParamUsage("Test string param"))
String(cmp, "baz2", ParamUsage("Required string param"), ParamRequired())
String(cmp, "baz3", ParamRequired())
assertHelp(cmp, nil, `^Usage: \S+ \[options\]
--baz2 \(Required\)
Required string param.
--baz3 \(Required\)
--bar \(Flag\)
Test bool param.
--baz \(Default: "baz"\)
Test string param.
--foo \(Default: 5\)
Test int param.
assertHelp(cmp, []string{"foo", "bar"}, `^Usage: \S+ foo bar \[options\]
--baz2 \(Required\)
Required string param.
--baz3 \(Required\)
--bar \(Flag\)
Test bool param.
--baz \(Default: "baz"\)
Test string param.
--foo \(Default: 5\)
Test int param.
CLISubCommand(cmp, "first", "First sub-command", nil)
CLISubCommand(cmp, "second", "Second sub-command", nil)
assertHelp(cmp, []string{"foo", "bar"}, `^Usage: \S+ foo bar <sub-command> \[options\]
first First sub-command
second Second sub-command
--baz2 \(Required\)
Required string param.
--baz3 \(Required\)
--bar \(Flag\)
Test bool param.
--baz \(Default: "baz"\)
Test string param.
--foo \(Default: 5\)
Test int param.
CLITail(cmp, "[arg...]")
assertHelp(cmp, nil, `^Usage: \S+ <sub-command> \[options\] \[arg\.\.\.\]
first First sub-command
second Second sub-command
--baz2 \(Required\)
Required string param.
--baz3 \(Required\)
--bar \(Flag\)
Test bool param.
--baz \(Default: "baz"\)
Test string param.
--foo \(Default: 5\)
Test int param.
func TestSourceCLI(t *T) {
type state struct {
type params struct {
nonBoolWEq bool // use equal sign when setting value
chk := mchk.Checker{
Init: func() mchk.State {
var s state
s.srcCommonState = newSrcCommonState()
s.SourceCLI = &SourceCLI{
Args: make([]string, 0, 16),
return s
Next: func(ss mchk.State) mchk.Action {
s := ss.(state)
var p params
p.srcCommonParams = s.srcCommonState.next()
// if the param is a bool or unset this won't get used, but w/e
p.nonBoolWEq = mrand.Intn(2) == 0
return mchk.Action{Params: p}
Apply: func(ss mchk.State, a mchk.Action) (mchk.State, error) {
s := ss.(state)
p := a.Params.(params)
s.srcCommonState = s.srcCommonState.applyCmpAndPV(p.srcCommonParams)
if !p.unset {
arg := cliKeyPrefix
if path := p.cmp.Path(); len(path) > 0 {
arg += strings.Join(path, cliKeyJoin) + cliKeyJoin
arg += p.name
if !p.isBool {
if p.nonBoolWEq {
arg += "="
} else {
s.SourceCLI.Args = append(s.SourceCLI.Args, arg)
arg = ""
arg += p.nonBoolVal
s.SourceCLI.Args = append(s.SourceCLI.Args, arg)
err := s.srcCommonState.assert(s.SourceCLI)
return s, err
if err := chk.RunFor(2 * time.Second); err != nil {
func TestCLITail(t *T) {
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
Int(cmp, "foo", ParamDefault(5))
Bool(cmp, "bar")
type testCase struct {
args []string
expTail []string
cases := []testCase{
args: []string{"--foo", "5"},
expTail: nil,
args: []string{"--foo", "5", "a", "b", "c"},
expTail: []string{"a", "b", "c"},
args: []string{"--foo=5", "a", "b", "c"},
expTail: []string{"a", "b", "c"},
args: []string{"--foo", "5", "--bar"},
expTail: nil,
args: []string{"--foo", "5", "--bar", "a", "b", "c"},
expTail: []string{"a", "b", "c"},
for _, tc := range cases {
tail := CLITail(cmp, "foo")
err := Populate(cmp, &SourceCLI{Args: tc.args})
massert.Require(t, massert.Comment(massert.All(
massert.Equal(tc.expTail, *tail),
), "tc: %#v", tc))
func ExampleCLITail() {
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
foo := Int(cmp, "foo", ParamDefault(1), ParamUsage("Description of foo."))
tail := CLITail(cmp, "[arg...]")
bar := String(cmp, "bar", ParamDefault("defaultVal"), ParamUsage("Description of bar."))
err := Populate(cmp, &SourceCLI{
Args: []string{"--foo=100", "arg1", "arg2", "arg3"},
fmt.Printf("err:%v foo:%v bar:%v tail:%#v\n", err, *foo, *bar, *tail)
// Output: err:<nil> foo:100 bar:defaultVal tail:[]string{"arg1", "arg2", "arg3"}
func TestCLISubCommand(t *T) {
var (
cmp *mcmp.Component
foo *int
bar *int
baz *int
aFlag *bool
bFlag *bool
reset := func() {
foo, bar, baz, aFlag, bFlag = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
cmp = new(mcmp.Component)
foo = Int(cmp, "foo")
aFlag = CLISubCommand(cmp, "a", "Description of a.",
func(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
bar = Int(cmp, "bar")
bFlag = CLISubCommand(cmp, "b", "Description of b.",
func(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
baz = Int(cmp, "baz")
err := Populate(cmp, &SourceCLI{
Args: []string{"a", "--foo=1", "--bar=2"},
massert.Comment(massert.Nil(err), "%v", err),
massert.Equal(1, *foo),
massert.Equal(2, *bar),
massert.Equal(true, *aFlag),
massert.Equal(false, *bFlag),
err = Populate(cmp, &SourceCLI{
Args: []string{"b", "--foo=1", "--baz=3"},
massert.Comment(massert.Nil(err), "%v", err),
massert.Equal(1, *foo),
massert.Equal(3, *baz),
massert.Equal(false, *aFlag),
massert.Equal(true, *bFlag),
func ExampleCLISubCommand() {
var (
cmp *mcmp.Component
foo, bar, baz *int
aFlag, bFlag *bool
// resetExample re-initializes all variables used in this example. We'll
// call it multiple times to show different behaviors depending on what
// arguments are passed in.
resetExample := func() {
// Create a new Component with a parameter "foo", which can be used across
// all sub-commands.
cmp = new(mcmp.Component)
foo = Int(cmp, "foo")
// Create a sub-command "a", which has a parameter "bar" specific to it.
aFlag = CLISubCommand(cmp, "a", "Description of a.",
func(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
bar = Int(cmp, "bar")
// Create a sub-command "b", which has a parameter "baz" specific to it.
bFlag = CLISubCommand(cmp, "b", "Description of b.",
func(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
baz = Int(cmp, "baz")
// Use Populate with manually generated CLI arguments, calling the "a"
// sub-command.
args := []string{"a", "--foo=1", "--bar=2"}
if err := Populate(cmp, &SourceCLI{Args: args}); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("foo:%d bar:%d aFlag:%v bFlag:%v\n", *foo, *bar, *aFlag, *bFlag)
// reset for another Populate, this time calling the "b" sub-command.
args = []string{"b", "--foo=1", "--baz=3"}
if err := Populate(cmp, &SourceCLI{Args: args}); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("foo:%d baz:%d aFlag:%v bFlag:%v\n", *foo, *baz, *aFlag, *bFlag)
// Output: foo:1 bar:2 aFlag:true bFlag:false
// foo:1 baz:3 aFlag:false bFlag:true

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
package mcfg
import (
// SourceEnv is a Source which will parse configuration from the process
// environment.
// Possible Env options are generated by joining a Param's Path and Name with
// underscores and making all characters uppercase, as well as changing all
// dashes to underscores.
// cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
// cmpFoo := cmp.Child("foo")
// cmpFooBar := cmp.Child("bar")
// addr := mcfg.String(cmpFooBar, "srv-addr", "", "Some address")
// // the Env option to fill addr will be "FOO_BAR_SRV_ADDR"
type SourceEnv struct {
// In the format key=value. Defaults to os.Environ() if nil.
Env []string
// If set then all expected Env options must be prefixed with this string,
// which will be uppercased and have dashes replaced with underscores like
// all the other parts of the option names.
Prefix string
var _ Source = new(SourceEnv)
func (env *SourceEnv) expectedName(path []string, name string) string {
out := strings.Join(append(path, name), "_")
if env.Prefix != "" {
out = env.Prefix + "_" + out
out = strings.Replace(out, "-", "_", -1)
out = strings.ToUpper(out)
return out
// Parse implements the method for the Source interface.
func (env *SourceEnv) Parse(cmp *mcmp.Component) ([]ParamValue, error) {
kvs := env.Env
if kvs == nil {
kvs = os.Environ()
params := CollectParams(cmp)
pM := map[string]Param{}
for _, p := range params {
name := env.expectedName(p.Component.Path(), p.Name)
pM[name] = p
pvs := make([]ParamValue, 0, len(kvs))
for _, kv := range kvs {
split := strings.SplitN(kv, "=", 2)
if len(split) != 2 {
return nil, merr.New("malformed environment key/value pair",
mctx.Annotated("kv", kv))
k, v := split[0], split[1]
if p, ok := pM[k]; ok {
pvs = append(pvs, ParamValue{
Name: p.Name,
Path: p.Component.Path(),
Value: p.fuzzyParse(v),
return pvs, nil

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
package mcfg
import (
. "testing"
func TestSourceEnv(t *T) {
type state struct {
type params struct {
chk := mchk.Checker{
Init: func() mchk.State {
var s state
s.srcCommonState = newSrcCommonState()
s.SourceEnv = &SourceEnv{
Env: make([]string, 0, 16),
return s
Next: func(ss mchk.State) mchk.Action {
s := ss.(state)
var p params
p.srcCommonParams = s.srcCommonState.next()
return mchk.Action{Params: p}
Apply: func(ss mchk.State, a mchk.Action) (mchk.State, error) {
s := ss.(state)
p := a.Params.(params)
s.srcCommonState = s.srcCommonState.applyCmpAndPV(p.srcCommonParams)
if !p.unset {
kv := strings.Join(append(p.cmp.Path(), p.name), "_")
kv = strings.Replace(kv, "-", "_", -1)
kv = strings.ToUpper(kv)
kv += "="
if p.isBool {
kv += "1"
} else {
kv += p.nonBoolVal
s.SourceEnv.Env = append(s.SourceEnv.Env, kv)
err := s.srcCommonState.assert(s.SourceEnv)
return s, err
if err := chk.RunFor(2 * time.Second); err != nil {

@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
// Package mcfg implements the creation of different types of configuration
// parameters and various methods of filling those parameters from external
// configuration sources (e.g. the command line and environment variables).
// Parameters are registered onto a Component, and that same Component (or one
// of its ancestors) is used later to collect and fill those parameters.
package mcfg
import (
// TODO Sources:
// - JSON file
// - YAML file
// TODO WithCLISubCommand does not play nice with the expected use-case of
// having CLI params overwrite Env ones. If Env is specified first in the
// Sources slice then it won't know about any extra Params which might get added
// due to a sub-command, but if it's specified second then Env values will
// overwrite CLI ones.
func sortParams(params []Param) {
sort.Slice(params, func(i, j int) bool {
a, b := params[i], params[j]
aPath, bPath := a.Component.Path(), b.Component.Path()
for {
switch {
case len(aPath) == 0 && len(bPath) == 0:
return a.Name < b.Name
case len(aPath) == 0 && len(bPath) > 0:
return false
case len(aPath) > 0 && len(bPath) == 0:
return true
case aPath[0] != bPath[0]:
return aPath[0] < bPath[0]
aPath, bPath = aPath[1:], bPath[1:]
// CollectParams gathers all Params by recursively retrieving them from the
// given Component and its children. Returned Params are sorted according to
// their Path and Name.
func CollectParams(cmp *mcmp.Component) []Param {
var params []Param
var visit func(*mcmp.Component)
visit = func(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
for _, param := range getLocalParams(cmp) {
params = append(params, param)
for _, childCmp := range cmp.Children() {
return params
func paramHash(path []string, name string) string {
h := md5.New()
for _, pathEl := range path {
fmt.Fprintf(h, "pathEl:%q\n", pathEl)
fmt.Fprintf(h, "name:%q\n", name)
hStr := hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
// we add the displayName to it to make debugging easier
return paramFullName(path, name) + "/" + hStr
// Populate uses the Source to populate the values of all Params which were
// added to the given Component, and all of its children. Populate may be called
// multiple times with the same Component, each time will only affect the values
// of the Params which were provided by the respective Source.
// Source may be nil to indicate that no configuration is provided. Only default
// values will be used, and if any parameters are required this will error.
// Populating Params can affect the Component itself, for example in the case of
// sub-commands.
func Populate(cmp *mcmp.Component, src Source) error {
if src == nil {
src = ParamValues(nil)
pvs, err := src.Parse(cmp)
if err != nil {
return err
// map Params to their hash, so we can match them to their ParamValues.
// later. There should not be any duplicates here.
params := CollectParams(cmp)
pM := map[string]Param{}
for _, p := range params {
path := p.Component.Path()
hash := paramHash(path, p.Name)
if _, ok := pM[hash]; ok {
panic("duplicate Param: " + paramFullName(path, p.Name))
pM[hash] = p
// dedupe the ParamValues based on their hashes, with the last ParamValue
// taking precedence. Also filter out those with no corresponding Param.
pvM := map[string]ParamValue{}
for _, pv := range pvs {
hash := paramHash(pv.Path, pv.Name)
if _, ok := pM[hash]; !ok {
pvM[hash] = pv
// check for required params
for hash, p := range pM {
if !p.Required {
} else if _, ok := pvM[hash]; !ok {
ctx := mctx.Annotate(p.Component.Context(),
"param", paramFullName(p.Component.Path(), p.Name))
return merr.New("required parameter is not set", ctx)
// do the actual populating
for hash, pv := range pvM {
// at this point, all ParamValues in pvM have a corresponding pM Param
p := pM[hash]
if err := json.Unmarshal(pv.Value, p.Into); err != nil {
return err
return nil

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
package mcfg
import (
. "testing"
func TestPopulate(t *T) {
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
a := Int(cmp, "a")
cmpFoo := cmp.Child("foo")
b := Int(cmpFoo, "b")
c := Int(cmpFoo, "c")
d := Int(cmp, "d", ParamDefault(4))
err := Populate(cmp, &SourceCLI{
Args: []string{"--a=1", "--foo-b=2"},
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, *a)
assert.Equal(t, 2, *b)
assert.Equal(t, 0, *c)
assert.Equal(t, 4, *d)
{ // test that required params are enforced
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
a := Int(cmp, "a")
cmpFoo := cmp.Child("foo")
b := Int(cmpFoo, "b")
c := Int(cmpFoo, "c", ParamRequired())
err := Populate(cmp, &SourceCLI{
Args: []string{"--a=1", "--foo-b=2"},
assert.Error(t, err)
err = Populate(cmp, &SourceCLI{
Args: []string{"--a=1", "--foo-b=2", "--foo-c=3"},
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, *a)
assert.Equal(t, 2, *b)
assert.Equal(t, 3, *c)
func TestParamDefaultOrRequired(t *T) {
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
Int(cmp, "a", ParamDefaultOrRequired(0))
params := CollectParams(cmp)
assert.Equal(t, "a", params[0].Name)
assert.Equal(t, true, params[0].Required)
assert.Equal(t, new(int), params[0].Into)
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
Int(cmp, "a", ParamDefaultOrRequired(1))
i := 1
params := CollectParams(cmp)
assert.Equal(t, "a", params[0].Name)
assert.Equal(t, false, params[0].Required)
assert.Equal(t, &i, params[0].Into)

@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
package mcfg
import (
// Param is a configuration parameter which can be populated by Populate. The
// Param will exist as part of a Component. For example, a Param with name
// "addr" under a Component with path of []string{"foo","bar"} will be setable
// on the CLI via "--foo-bar-addr". Other configuration Sources may treat the
// path/name differently, however.
// Param values are always unmarshaled as JSON values into the Into field of the
// Param, regardless of the actual Source.
type Param struct {
// How the parameter will be identified within a Component.
Name string
// A helpful description of how a parameter is expected to be used.
Usage string
// If the parameter's value is expected to be read as a go string. This is
// used for configuration sources like CLI which will automatically add
// double-quotes around the value if they aren't already there.
IsString bool
// If the parameter's value is expected to be a boolean. This is used for
// configuration sources like CLI which treat boolean parameters (aka flags)
// differently.
IsBool bool
// If true then the parameter _must_ be set by at least one Source.
Required bool
// The pointer/interface into which the configuration value will be
// json.Unmarshal'd. The value being pointed to also determines the default
// value of the parameter.
Into interface{}
// The Component this Param was added to. NOTE that this will be
// automatically filled in by AddParam when the Param is added to the
// Component.
Component *mcmp.Component
// ParamOption is a modifier which can be passed into most Param-generating
// functions (e.g. String, Int, etc...)
type ParamOption func(*Param)
// ParamRequired returns a ParamOption which ensures the parameter is required
// to be set by some configuration source. The default value of the parameter
// will be ignored.
func ParamRequired() ParamOption {
return func(param *Param) {
param.Required = true
// ParamDefault returns a ParamOption which ensures the parameter uses the given
// default value when no Sources set a value for it. If not given then mcfg will
// use the zero value of the Param's type as the default value.
// If ParamRequired is given then this does nothing.
func ParamDefault(value interface{}) ParamOption {
return func(param *Param) {
intoV := reflect.ValueOf(param.Into).Elem()
valueV := reflect.ValueOf(value)
intoType, valueType := intoV.Type(), valueV.Type()
if intoType != valueType {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ParamDefault value is type %s, but should be %s", valueType, intoType))
} else if !intoV.CanSet() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Param.Into value %#v can't be set using reflection", param.Into))
// ParamDefaultOrRequired returns a ParamOption whose behavior depends on the
// given value. If the given value is the zero value for its type, then this returns
// ParamRequired(), otherwise this returns ParamDefault(value).
func ParamDefaultOrRequired(value interface{}) ParamOption {
v := reflect.ValueOf(value)
zero := reflect.Zero(v.Type())
if v.Interface() == zero.Interface() {
return ParamRequired()
return ParamDefault(value)
// ParamUsage returns a ParamOption which sets the usage string on the Param.
// This is used in some Sources, like SourceCLI, when displaying information
// about available parameters.
func ParamUsage(usage string) ParamOption {
// make all usages end with a period, because I say so
usage = strings.TrimSpace(usage)
if !strings.HasSuffix(usage, ".") {
usage += "."
return func(param *Param) {
param.Usage = usage
func paramFullName(path []string, name string) string {
return strings.Join(append(path, name), "-")
func (p Param) fuzzyParse(v string) json.RawMessage {
if p.IsBool {
if v == "" || v == "0" || v == "false" {
return json.RawMessage("false")
return json.RawMessage("true")
} else if p.IsString && (v == "" || v[0] != '"') {
return json.RawMessage(`"` + v + `"`)
return json.RawMessage(v)
type cmpParamKey string
// used in tests
func getParam(cmp *mcmp.Component, name string) (Param, bool) {
param, ok := cmp.Value(cmpParamKey(name)).(Param)
return param, ok
// AddParam adds the given Param to the given Component. It will panic if a
// Param with the same Name already exists in the Component.
func AddParam(cmp *mcmp.Component, param Param, opts ...ParamOption) {
param.Name = strings.ToLower(param.Name)
param.Component = cmp
key := cmpParamKey(param.Name)
if cmp.HasValue(key) {
path := cmp.Path()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Component.Path:%#v Param.Name:%q already exists", path, param.Name))
for _, opt := range opts {
cmp.SetValue(key, param)
func getLocalParams(cmp *mcmp.Component) []Param {
values := cmp.Values()
params := make([]Param, 0, len(values))
for _, val := range values {
if param, ok := val.(Param); ok {
params = append(params, param)
return params
// Int64 returns an *int64 which will be populated once Populate is run on the
// Component.
func Int64(cmp *mcmp.Component, name string, opts ...ParamOption) *int64 {
var i int64
AddParam(cmp, Param{Name: name, Into: &i}, opts...)
return &i
// Int returns an *int which will be populated once Populate is run on the
// Component.
func Int(cmp *mcmp.Component, name string, opts ...ParamOption) *int {
var i int
AddParam(cmp, Param{Name: name, Into: &i}, opts...)
return &i
// Float64 returns a *float64 which will be populated once Populate is run on
// the Component
func Float64(cmp *mcmp.Component, name string, opts ...ParamOption) *float64 {
var f float64
AddParam(cmp, Param{Name: name, Into: &f}, opts...)
return &f
// String returns a *string which will be populated once Populate is run on
// the Component.
func String(cmp *mcmp.Component, name string, opts ...ParamOption) *string {
var s string
AddParam(cmp, Param{Name: name, IsString: true, Into: &s}, opts...)
return &s
// Bool returns a *bool which will be populated once Populate is run on the
// Component, and which defaults to false if unconfigured.
// The default behavior of all Sources is that a boolean parameter will be set
// to true unless the value is "", 0, or false. In the case of the CLI Source
// the value will also be true when the parameter is used with no value at all,
// as would be expected.
func Bool(cmp *mcmp.Component, name string, opts ...ParamOption) *bool {
var b bool
AddParam(cmp, Param{Name: name, IsBool: true, Into: &b}, opts...)
return &b
// TS returns an *mtime.TS which will be populated once Populate is run on
// the Component.
func TS(cmp *mcmp.Component, name string, opts ...ParamOption) *mtime.TS {
var t mtime.TS
AddParam(cmp, Param{Name: name, Into: &t}, opts...)
return &t
// Duration returns an *mtime.Duration which will be populated once Populate
// is run on the Component.
func Duration(cmp *mcmp.Component, name string, opts ...ParamOption) *mtime.Duration {
var d mtime.Duration
AddParam(cmp, Param{Name: name, IsString: true, Into: &d}, opts...)
return &d
// JSON reads the parameter value as a JSON value and unmarshals it into the
// given interface{} (which should be a pointer) once Populate is run on the
// Component.
// The receiver (into) is also used to determine the default value. ParamDefault
// should not be used as one of the opts.
func JSON(cmp *mcmp.Component, name string, into interface{}, opts ...ParamOption) {
AddParam(cmp, Param{Name: name, Into: into}, opts...)

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
package mcfg
import (
// ParamValue describes a value for a parameter which has been parsed by a
// Source.
type ParamValue struct {
Name string
Path []string
Value json.RawMessage
// Source parses ParamValues out of a particular configuration source, given the
// Component which the Params were added to (via WithInt, WithString, etc...).
// CollectParams can be used to retrieve these Params.
// It's possible for Parsing to affect the Component itself, for example in the
// case of sub-commands.
// Source should not return ParamValues which were not explicitly set to a value
// by the configuration source.
// The returned []ParamValue may contain duplicates of the same Param's value.
// in which case the latter value takes precedence. It may also contain
// ParamValues which do not correspond to any of the passed in Params. These
// will be ignored in Populate.
type Source interface {
Parse(*mcmp.Component) ([]ParamValue, error)
// ParamValues is simply a slice of ParamValue elements, which implements Parse
// by always returning itself as-is.
type ParamValues []ParamValue
var _ Source = ParamValues{}
// Parse implements the method for the Source interface.
func (pvs ParamValues) Parse(*mcmp.Component) ([]ParamValue, error) {
return pvs, nil
// Sources combines together multiple Source instances into one. It will call
// Parse on each element individually. Values from later Sources take precedence
// over previous ones.
type Sources []Source
var _ Source = Sources{}
// Parse implements the method for the Source interface.
func (ss Sources) Parse(cmp *mcmp.Component) ([]ParamValue, error) {
var pvs []ParamValue
for _, s := range ss {
var innerPVs []ParamValue
var err error
if innerPVs, err = s.Parse(cmp); err != nil {
return nil, err
pvs = append(pvs, innerPVs...)
return pvs, nil

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
package mcfg
import (
. "testing"
// The tests for the different Sources use mchk as their primary method of
// checking. They end up sharing a lot of the same functionality, so in here is
// all the code they share
type srcCommonState struct {
// availCmps get updated in place as the run goes on, it's easier to keep
// track of them this way than by traversing the hierarchy.
availCmps []*mcmp.Component
expPVs []ParamValue
// each specific test should wrap this to add the Source itself
func newSrcCommonState() srcCommonState {
var scs srcCommonState
root := new(mcmp.Component)
a := root.Child("a")
b := root.Child("b")
c := root.Child("c")
ab := a.Child("b")
bc := b.Child("c")
abc := ab.Child("c")
scs.availCmps = []*mcmp.Component{root, a, b, c, ab, bc, abc}
return scs
type srcCommonParams struct {
name string
cmp *mcmp.Component
isBool bool
nonBoolType string // "int", "str", "duration", "json"
unset bool
nonBoolVal string
func (scs srcCommonState) next() srcCommonParams {
var p srcCommonParams
if i := mrand.Intn(8); i == 0 {
p.name = mrand.Hex(1) + "-" + mrand.Hex(8)
} else {
p.name = mrand.Hex(8)
availCmpI := mrand.Intn(len(scs.availCmps))
p.cmp = scs.availCmps[availCmpI]
p.isBool = mrand.Intn(8) == 0
if !p.isBool {
p.nonBoolType = mrand.Element([]string{
}, nil).(string)
p.unset = mrand.Intn(10) == 0
if p.isBool || p.unset {
return p
switch p.nonBoolType {
case "int":
p.nonBoolVal = fmt.Sprint(mrand.Int())
case "str":
p.nonBoolVal = mrand.Hex(16)
case "duration":
dur := time.Duration(mrand.Intn(86400)) * time.Second
p.nonBoolVal = dur.String()
case "json":
b, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]int{
mrand.Hex(4): mrand.Int(),
mrand.Hex(4): mrand.Int(),
mrand.Hex(4): mrand.Int(),
p.nonBoolVal = string(b)
return p
// adds the new param to the cmp, and if the param is expected to be set in
// the Source adds it to the expected ParamValues as well
func (scs srcCommonState) applyCmpAndPV(p srcCommonParams) srcCommonState {
param := Param{
Name: p.name,
IsString: p.nonBoolType == "str" || p.nonBoolType == "duration",
IsBool: p.isBool,
// the Sources don't actually care about the other fields of Param,
// those are only used by Populate once it has all ParamValues together
AddParam(p.cmp, param)
param, _ = getParam(p.cmp, param.Name) // get it back out to get any added fields
if !p.unset {
pv := ParamValue{Name: param.Name, Path: p.cmp.Path()}
if p.isBool {
pv.Value = json.RawMessage("true")
} else {
switch p.nonBoolType {
case "str", "duration":
pv.Value = json.RawMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%q", p.nonBoolVal))
case "int", "json":
pv.Value = json.RawMessage(p.nonBoolVal)
panic("shouldn't get here")
scs.expPVs = append(scs.expPVs, pv)
return scs
// given a Source asserts that it's Parse method returns the expected
// ParamValues
func (scs srcCommonState) assert(s Source) error {
gotPVs, err := s.Parse(scs.availCmps[0]) // Parse(root)
if err != nil {
return err
return massert.All(
massert.Length(gotPVs, len(scs.expPVs)),
massert.Subset(scs.expPVs, gotPVs),
func TestSources(t *T) {
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
a := Int(cmp, "a", ParamRequired())
b := Int(cmp, "b", ParamRequired())
c := Int(cmp, "c", ParamRequired())
err := Populate(cmp, Sources{
&SourceCLI{Args: []string{"--a=1", "--b=666"}},
&SourceEnv{Env: []string{"B=2", "C=3"}},
massert.Equal(1, *a),
massert.Equal(2, *b),
massert.Equal(3, *c),
func TestSourceParamValues(t *T) {
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
a := Int(cmp, "a", ParamRequired())
cmpFoo := cmp.Child("foo")
b := String(cmpFoo, "b", ParamRequired())
c := Bool(cmpFoo, "c")
err := Populate(cmp, ParamValues{
{Name: "a", Value: json.RawMessage(`4`)},
{Path: []string{"foo"}, Name: "b", Value: json.RawMessage(`"bbb"`)},
{Path: []string{"foo"}, Name: "c", Value: json.RawMessage("true")},
massert.Equal(4, *a),
massert.Equal("bbb", *b),
massert.Equal(true, *c),

@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
package mcmp
import (
type child struct {
name string
// Component describes a single component of a program, and holds onto
// key/values for that component for use in generic libraries which instantiate
// those components.
// When instantiating a component it's generally necessary to know where in the
// component hierarchy it lies, for purposes of creating configuration
// parameters and so-forth. To support this, Components are able to spawn of
// child Components, each with a blank key/value namespace. Each child is
// differentiated from the other by a name, and a Component is able to use its
// Path (the sequence of names of its ancestors) to differentiate itself from
// any other component in the hierarchy.
// A new Component, i.e. the root Component in the hierarchy, can be initialized
// by doing:
// new(Component).
// Method's on Component are thread-safe.
type Component struct {
l sync.RWMutex
path []string
parent *Component
children []child
kv map[interface{}]interface{}
ctx context.Context
// SetValue sets the given key to the given value on the Component, overwriting
// any previous value for that key.
func (c *Component) SetValue(key, value interface{}) {
defer c.l.Unlock()
if c.kv == nil {
c.kv = make(map[interface{}]interface{}, 1)
c.kv[key] = value
func (c *Component) value(key interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
defer c.l.RUnlock()
if c.kv == nil {
return nil, false
value, ok := c.kv[key]
return value, ok
// Value returns the value which has been set for the given key.
func (c *Component) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
value, _ := c.value(key)
return value
// Values returns all key/value pairs which have been set via SetValue.
func (c *Component) Values() map[interface{}]interface{} {
defer c.l.RUnlock()
out := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, len(c.kv))
for k, v := range c.kv {
out[k] = v
return out
// HasValue returns true if the given key has had a value set on it with
// SetValue.
func (c *Component) HasValue(key interface{}) bool {
defer c.l.RUnlock()
_, ok := c.kv[key]
return ok
// Child returns a new child component of the method receiver. The child will
// have the given name, and its Path will be the receiver's path with the name
// appended. The child will not inherit any of the receiver's key/value pairs.
// If a child of the given name has already been created this method will panic.
func (c *Component) Child(name string) *Component {
defer c.l.Unlock()
for _, child := range c.children {
if child.name == name {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("child with name %q already exists", name))
childComp := &Component{
path: append(c.path, name),
parent: c,
c.children = append(c.children, child{name: name, Component: childComp})
return childComp
// Children returns all Components created via the Child method on this
// Component, in the order they were created.
func (c *Component) Children() []*Component {
defer c.l.RUnlock()
children := make([]*Component, len(c.children))
for i := range c.children {
children[i] = c.children[i].Component
return children
// Parent returns the Component from which this one was created via the Child
// method. This returns nil if this Component was not created via Child (and is
// therefore the root Component).
func (c *Component) Parent() *Component {
return c.parent
// Name returns the name this Component was created with (via the Child method),
// or false if this Component was not created via Child (and is therefore the
// root Component).
func (c *Component) Name() (string, bool) {
defer c.l.RUnlock()
if len(c.path) == 0 {
return "", false
return c.path[len(c.path)-1], true
// Path returns the sequence of names which were passed into Child calls in
// order to create this Component. If the Component was not created via Child
// (and is therefore the root Component) this will return an empty slice.
// root := new(Component)
// child := root.Child("child")
// grandChild := child.Child("grandchild")
// fmt.Printf("%#v\n", root.Path()) // "[]string(nil)"
// fmt.Printf("%#v\n", child.Path()) // []string{"child"}
// fmt.Printf("%#v\n", grandChild.Path()) // []string{"child", "grandchild"}
func (c *Component) Path() []string {
defer c.l.RUnlock()
return c.path
func (c *Component) pathStr() string {
path := make([]string, len(c.path))
copy(path, c.path)
for i := range path {
path[i] = strings.ReplaceAll(path[i], "/", `\/`)
return "/" + strings.Join(path, "/")
type annotateKey string
func (c *Component) getCtx() context.Context {
if c.ctx == nil {
c.ctx = mctx.Annotated(annotateKey("componentPath"), c.pathStr())
return c.ctx
// Annotate annotates the Component's internal Context in-place, such that they
// will be included in any future calls to the Context method.
func (c *Component) Annotate(kv ...interface{}) {
defer c.l.Unlock()
c.ctx = mctx.Annotate(c.getCtx(), kv...)
// Context returns a Context which has been annotated with any annotations from
// Annotate calls to this Component, as well as some default annotations which
// are always included.
func (c *Component) Context() context.Context {
defer c.l.Unlock()
return c.getCtx()
// BreadthFirstVisit visits this Component and all of its children, and their
// children, etc... in a breadth-first order. If the callback returns false then
// the function returns without visiting any more Components.
func BreadthFirstVisit(c *Component, callback func(*Component) bool) {
queue := []*Component{c}
for len(queue) > 0 {
if !callback(queue[0]) {
for _, child := range queue[0].Children() {
queue = append(queue, child)
queue = queue[1:]
// InheritedValue returns the value which has been set for the given key. It
// first looks for the key on the receiver Component. If not found, it will look
// on its parent Component, and so on, until the key is found. If the key is not
// found on any Components, up to the root Component, then false is returned.
func InheritedValue(c *Component, key interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
if c.HasValue(key) {
return c.kv[key], true
} else if parent := c.Parent(); parent == nil {
return nil, false
} else {
return InheritedValue(parent, key)

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
package mcmp
import (
. "testing"
func TestComponent(t *T) {
assertValue := func(c *Component, key, expectedValue interface{}) massert.Assertion {
val := c.Value(key)
ok := c.HasValue(key)
return massert.All(
massert.Equal(expectedValue, val),
massert.Equal(expectedValue != nil, ok),
assertName := func(c *Component, expectedName string) massert.Assertion {
name, ok := c.Name()
return massert.All(
massert.Equal(expectedName, name),
massert.Equal(expectedName != "", ok),
// test that a Component is initialized correctly
c := new(Component)
assertName(c, ""),
massert.Length(c.Path(), 0),
massert.Length(c.Children(), 0),
assertValue(c, "foo", nil),
assertValue(c, "bar", nil),
// test that setting values work, and that values aren't inherited
c.SetValue("foo", 1)
child := c.Child("child")
assertName(child, "child"),
massert.Equal([]string{"child"}, child.Path()),
massert.Length(child.Children(), 0),
massert.Equal([]*Component{child}, c.Children()),
assertValue(c, "foo", 1),
assertValue(child, "foo", nil),
// test that a child setting a value does not affect the parent
child.SetValue("bar", 2)
assertValue(c, "bar", nil),
assertValue(child, "bar", 2),
func TestBreadFirstVisit(t *T) {
cmp := new(Component)
cmp1 := cmp.Child("1")
cmp1a := cmp1.Child("a")
cmp1b := cmp1.Child("b")
cmp2 := cmp.Child("2")
got := make([]*Component, 0, 5)
BreadthFirstVisit(cmp, func(cmp *Component) bool {
got = append(got, cmp)
return true
massert.Equal([]*Component{cmp, cmp1, cmp2, cmp1a, cmp1b}, got),
got := make([]*Component, 0, 3)
BreadthFirstVisit(cmp, func(cmp *Component) bool {
if len(cmp.Path()) > 1 {
return false
got = append(got, cmp)
return true
massert.Equal([]*Component{cmp, cmp1, cmp2}, got),
func TestInheritedValue(t *T) {
assertInheritedValue := func(c *Component, key, expectedValue interface{}) massert.Assertion {
val, ok := InheritedValue(c, key)
return massert.All(
massert.Equal(expectedValue, val),
massert.Equal(expectedValue != nil, ok),
c := new(Component)
c.SetValue("foo", 1)
child := c.Child("child")
child.SetValue("bar", 2)
// test that InheritedValue does what it's supposed to
assertInheritedValue(c, "foo", 1),
assertInheritedValue(child, "foo", 1),
assertInheritedValue(c, "bar", nil),
assertInheritedValue(child, "bar", 2),
assertInheritedValue(c, "xxx", nil),
assertInheritedValue(child, "xxx", nil),

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
package mcmp
const (
seriesEls int = iota
type seriesKey struct {
userKey interface{}
mod int
// SeriesElement is used to describe a single element in a series, as
// implemented by AddSeriesValue. A SeriesElement can either be a Child which
// was spawned from the Component, or a Value which was added via
// AddSeriesValue.
type SeriesElement struct {
Child *Component
Value interface{}
func seriesKeys(key interface{}) (seriesKey, seriesKey) {
return seriesKey{userKey: key, mod: seriesEls},
seriesKey{userKey: key, mod: seriesNumValueEls}
func getSeriesElements(c *Component, key interface{}) ([]SeriesElement, int) {
elsKey, numValueElsKey := seriesKeys(key)
lastEls, _ := c.Value(elsKey).([]SeriesElement)
lastNumValueEls, _ := c.Value(numValueElsKey).(int)
children := c.Children()
lastNumChildrenEls := len(lastEls) - lastNumValueEls
els := lastEls
for _, child := range children[lastNumChildrenEls:] {
els = append(els, SeriesElement{Child: child})
return els, lastNumValueEls
// AddSeriesValue is a helper which adds a value to a series which is being
// stored under the given key on the given Component. The series of values added
// under any key can be retrieved with GetSeriesValues.
// Additionally, AddSeriesValue keeps track of the order of calls to itself and
// children spawned from the Component. By using GetSeriesElements you can
// retrieve the sequence of values and children in the order they were added to
// the Component.
func AddSeriesValue(c *Component, key, value interface{}) {
lastEls, lastNumValueEls := getSeriesElements(c, key)
els := append(lastEls, SeriesElement{Value: value})
elsKey, numValueElsKey := seriesKeys(key)
c.SetValue(elsKey, els)
c.SetValue(numValueElsKey, lastNumValueEls+1)
// SeriesElements returns the sequence of values that have been added to the
// Component under the given key via AddSeriesValue, interlaced with children
// which have been spawned from the Component, in the same respective order the
// events originally happened.
func SeriesElements(c *Component, key interface{}) []SeriesElement {
els, _ := getSeriesElements(c, key)
return els
// SeriesGetElement returns the ith element in the series at the given key.
func SeriesGetElement(c *Component, key interface{}, i int) (SeriesElement, bool) {
els, _ := getSeriesElements(c, key)
if i >= len(els) {
return SeriesElement{}, false
return els[i], true
// SeriesValues returns the sequence of values that have been added to the
// Component under the given key via AddSeriesValue, in the same order the
// values were added.
func SeriesValues(c *Component, key interface{}) []interface{} {
elsKey, numValueElsKey := seriesKeys(key)
els, _ := c.Value(elsKey).([]SeriesElement)
numValueEls, _ := c.Value(numValueElsKey).(int)
values := make([]interface{}, 0, numValueEls)
for _, el := range els {
if el.Child != nil {
values = append(values, el.Value)
return values

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
package mcmp
import (
. "testing"
func TestSeries(t *T) {
key := "foo"
c := new(Component)
assertGetElement := func(i int, expEl SeriesElement) massert.Assertion {
el, ok := SeriesGetElement(c, key, i)
if expEl == (SeriesElement{}) {
return massert.Equal(false, ok)
return massert.All(
massert.Equal(expEl, el),
massert.Equal(true, ok),
// test empty state
massert.Length(SeriesElements(c, key), 0),
massert.Length(SeriesValues(c, key), 0),
assertGetElement(0, SeriesElement{}),
// test after a single value has been added
AddSeriesValue(c, key, 1)
massert.Equal([]SeriesElement{{Value: 1}}, SeriesElements(c, key)),
massert.Equal([]interface{}{1}, SeriesValues(c, key)),
assertGetElement(0, SeriesElement{Value: 1}),
assertGetElement(1, SeriesElement{}),
// test after a child has been added
childA := c.Child("a")
[]SeriesElement{{Value: 1}, {Child: childA}},
SeriesElements(c, key),
massert.Equal([]interface{}{1}, SeriesValues(c, key)),
assertGetElement(0, SeriesElement{Value: 1}),
assertGetElement(1, SeriesElement{Child: childA}),
assertGetElement(2, SeriesElement{}),
// test after another value has been added
AddSeriesValue(c, key, 2)
[]SeriesElement{{Value: 1}, {Child: childA}, {Value: 2}},
SeriesElements(c, key),
massert.Equal([]interface{}{1, 2}, SeriesValues(c, key)),
assertGetElement(0, SeriesElement{Value: 1}),
assertGetElement(1, SeriesElement{Child: childA}),
assertGetElement(2, SeriesElement{Value: 2}),
assertGetElement(3, SeriesElement{}),

@ -6,107 +6,79 @@ import (
// Annotation describes the annotation of a key/value pair made on a Context via
// the Annotate call.
type Annotation struct {
Key, Value interface{}
type ctxKeyAnnotation int
// Annotator is a type which can add annotation data to an existing set of
// Annotations. The Annotate method should be expected to be called in a
// non-thread-safe manner.
type Annotator interface {
type el struct {
annotator Annotator
prev *el
type annotation struct {
root, prev *annotation
// WithAnnotator takes in an Annotator and returns a Context which will produce
// that Annotator's annotations when the Annotate function is called. The
// Annotator will be not be evaluated until the first call to Annotate.
func WithAnnotator(ctx context.Context, annotator Annotator) context.Context {
curr := &el{annotator: annotator}
curr.prev, _ = ctx.Value(ctxKeyAnnotation(0)).(*el)
return context.WithValue(ctx, ctxKeyAnnotation(0), curr)
type annotationKey int
type annotationSeq []interface{}
func (s annotationSeq) Annotate(aa Annotations) {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i += 2 {
aa[s[i]] = s[i+1]
// Annotate takes in one or more key/value pairs (kvs' length must be even) and
// returns a Context carrying them.
// Annotate is a shortcut for calling WithAnnotator using an Annotations
// containing the given key/value pairs.
// NOTE If the length of kvs is not divisible by two this will panic.
func Annotate(ctx context.Context, kvs ...interface{}) context.Context {
if len(kvs)%2 > 0 {
panic("kvs being passed to mctx.Annotate must have an even number of elements")
} else if len(kvs) == 0 {
return ctx
// if multiple annotations are passed in here it's not actually necessary to
// create an intermediate Context for each one, so keep curr outside and
// only use it later
var curr, root *annotation
prev, _ := ctx.Value(annotationKey(0)).(*annotation)
if prev != nil {
root = prev.root
for i := 0; i < len(kvs); i += 2 {
curr = &annotation{
Annotation: Annotation{Key: kvs[i], Value: kvs[i+1]},
prev: prev,
if root == nil {
root = curr
curr.root = curr
prev = curr
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, annotationKey(0), curr)
return ctx
// Annotated is a shortcut for calling Annotate with a context.Background().
func Annotated(kvs ...interface{}) context.Context {
return Annotate(context.Background(), kvs...)
return WithAnnotator(ctx, annotationSeq(kvs))
// AnnotationSet describes a set of unique Annotation values which were
// retrieved off a Context via the Annotations function. An AnnotationSet has a
// couple methods on it to aid in post-processing.
type AnnotationSet []Annotation
// Annotations returns all Annotation values which have been set via Annotate on
// this Context and its ancestors. If a key was set twice then only the most
// recent value is included.
func Annotations(ctx context.Context) AnnotationSet {
a, _ := ctx.Value(annotationKey(0)).(*annotation)
if a == nil {
return nil
m := map[interface{}]bool{}
var aa AnnotationSet
for {
if a == nil {
if m[a.Key] {
a = a.prev
// Annotations is a set of key/value pairs representing a set of annotations. It
// implements the Annotator interface along with other useful post-processing
// methods.
type Annotations map[interface{}]interface{}
aa = append(aa, a.Annotation)
m[a.Key] = true
a = a.prev
// Annotate implements the method for the Annotator interface.
func (aa Annotations) Annotate(aa2 Annotations) {
for k, v := range aa {
aa2[k] = v
return aa
// StringMap formats each of the Annotations into strings using fmt.Sprint. If
// any two keys format to the same string, then type information will be
// StringMap formats each of the key/value pairs into strings using fmt.Sprint.
// If any two keys format to the same string, then type information will be
// prefaced to each one.
func (aa AnnotationSet) StringMap() map[string]string {
func (aa Annotations) StringMap() map[string]string {
type mKey struct {
str string
typ string
m := map[mKey][]Annotation{}
for _, a := range aa {
k := mKey{str: fmt.Sprint(a.Key)}
m[k] = append(m[k], a)
m := map[mKey][][2]interface{}{}
for k, v := range aa {
mk := mKey{str: fmt.Sprint(k)}
m[mk] = append(m[mk], [2]interface{}{k, v})
nextK := func(k mKey, a Annotation) mKey {
nextK := func(k mKey, kv [2]interface{}) mKey {
if k.typ == "" {
k.typ = fmt.Sprintf("%T", a.Key)
k.typ = fmt.Sprintf("%T", kv[0])
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("mKey %#v is somehow conflicting with another", k))
@ -120,9 +92,9 @@ func (aa AnnotationSet) StringMap() map[string]string {
any = true
for _, a := range annotations {
k2 := nextK(k, a)
m[k2] = append(m[k2], a)
for _, kv := range annotations {
k2 := nextK(k, kv)
m[k2] = append(m[k2], kv)
delete(m, k)
@ -133,12 +105,12 @@ func (aa AnnotationSet) StringMap() map[string]string {
outM := map[string]string{}
for k, annotations := range m {
a := annotations[0]
kv := annotations[0]
kStr := k.str
if k.typ != "" {
kStr = k.typ + "(" + kStr + ")"
outM[kStr] = fmt.Sprint(a.Value)
outM[kStr] = fmt.Sprint(kv[1])
return outM
@ -146,7 +118,7 @@ func (aa AnnotationSet) StringMap() map[string]string {
// StringSlice is like StringMap but it returns a slice of key/value tuples
// rather than a map. If sorted is true then the slice will be sorted by key in
// ascending order.
func (aa AnnotationSet) StringSlice(sorted bool) [][2]string {
func (aa Annotations) StringSlice(sorted bool) [][2]string {
m := aa.StringMap()
slice := make([][2]string, 0, len(m))
for k, v := range m {
@ -160,55 +132,40 @@ func (aa AnnotationSet) StringSlice(sorted bool) [][2]string {
return slice
func mergeAnnotations(ctxA, ctxB context.Context) context.Context {
annotationA, _ := ctxA.Value(annotationKey(0)).(*annotation)
annotationB, _ := ctxB.Value(annotationKey(0)).(*annotation)
if annotationB == nil {
return ctxA
} else if annotationA == nil {
return context.WithValue(ctxA, annotationKey(0), annotationB)
var headA, currA *annotation
currB := annotationB
for {
if currB == nil {
prevA := &annotation{
Annotation: currB.Annotation,
root: annotationA.root,
if currA != nil {
currA.prev = prevA
currA, currB = prevA, currB.prev
if headA == nil {
headA = currA
// EvaluateAnnotations collects all annotation key/values which have been set
// via Annotate(With) on this Context and its ancestors, and sets those
// key/values on the given Annotations. If a key was set twice then only the
// most recent value is included.
func EvaluateAnnotations(ctx context.Context, aa Annotations) {
tmp := Annotations{}
for el, _ := ctx.Value(ctxKeyAnnotation(0)).(*el); el != nil; el = el.prev {
for k, v := range tmp {
if _, ok := aa[k]; ok {
aa[k] = v
delete(tmp, k)
currA.prev = annotationA
return context.WithValue(ctxA, annotationKey(0), headA)
// MergeAnnotations sequentially merges the annotation data of the passed in
// Contexts into the first passed in one. Data from a Context overwrites
// Contexts into the first passed in Context. Data from a Context overwrites
// overlapping data on all passed in Contexts to the left of it. All other
// aspects of the first Context remain the same, and that Context is returned
// with the new set of Annotation data.
// NOTE this will panic if no Contexts are passed in.
func MergeAnnotations(ctxs ...context.Context) context.Context {
return MergeAnnotationsInto(ctxs[0], ctxs[1:]...)
// MergeAnnotationsInto is a convenience function which works like
// MergeAnnotations.
func MergeAnnotationsInto(ctx context.Context, ctxs ...context.Context) context.Context {
func MergeAnnotations(ctx context.Context, ctxs ...context.Context) context.Context {
aa := Annotations{}
tmp := Annotations{}
EvaluateAnnotations(ctx, aa)
for _, ctxB := range ctxs {
ctx = mergeAnnotations(ctx, ctxB)
EvaluateAnnotations(ctxB, tmp)
for k, v := range tmp {
aa[k] = v
delete(tmp, k)
return ctx
return context.WithValue(ctx, ctxKeyAnnotation(0), &el{annotator: aa})

@ -7,28 +7,37 @@ import (
type testAnnotator [2]string
func (t testAnnotator) Annotate(aa Annotations) {
aa[t[0]] = t[1]
func TestAnnotate(t *T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = Annotate(ctx, "a", "foo")
ctx = Annotate(ctx, "b", "bar")
ctx = Annotate(ctx, "b", "BAR")
ctx = WithAnnotator(ctx, testAnnotator{"b", "BAR"})
aa := Annotations{}
EvaluateAnnotations(ctx, aa)
annotations := Annotations(ctx)
massert.Length(annotations, 2),
massert.HasValue(annotations, Annotation{Key: "a", Value: "foo"}),
massert.HasValue(annotations, Annotation{Key: "b", Value: "BAR"}),
"a": "foo",
"b": "BAR",
}, aa),
func TestAnnotationsStringMap(t *T) {
type A int
type B int
aa := AnnotationSet{
{Key: 0, Value: "zero"},
{Key: 1, Value: "one"},
{Key: A(2), Value: "two"},
{Key: B(2), Value: "TWO"},
aa := Annotations{
0: "zero",
1: "one",
A(2): "two",
B(2): "TWO",
@ -48,11 +57,14 @@ func TestMergeAnnotations(t *T) {
ctxB = Annotate(ctxB, 1, "ONE", 2, "TWO")
ctx := MergeAnnotations(ctxA, ctxB)
aa := Annotations{}
EvaluateAnnotations(ctx, aa)
err := massert.Equal(map[string]string{
"0": "ZERO",
"1": "ONE",
"2": "TWO",
}, Annotations(ctx).StringMap()).Assert()
}, aa.StringMap()).Assert()
if err != nil {

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
package mlog
import (
type cmpKey int
const (
cmpKeyLogger cmpKey = iota
// SetLogger sets the given logger onto the Component. The logger can later be
// retrieved from the Component, or any of its children, using From.
// NOTE that if a Logger is set onto a Component and then changed, even though
// the Logger is a pointer and so is changed within the Component, SetLogger
// should still be called. This is due to some caching that From does for
// performance.
func SetLogger(cmp *mcmp.Component, l *Logger) {
cmp.SetValue(cmpKeyLogger, l)
// If the base Logger on this Component gets changed, then the cached Logger
// from From on this Component, and all of its Children, ought to be reset,
// so that any changes can be reflected in their loggers.
var resetFromLogger func(*mcmp.Component)
resetFromLogger = func(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
cmp.SetValue(cmpKeyCachedLogger, nil)
for _, childCmp := range cmp.Children() {
// DefaultLogger is an instance of Logger which is returned by From when a
// Logger hasn't been previously set with SetLogger on the passed in Component.
var DefaultLogger = NewLogger()
// GetLogger returns the Logger which was set on the Component, or on of its
// ancestors, using SetLogger. If no Logger was ever set then DefaultLogger is
// returned.
func GetLogger(cmp *mcmp.Component) *Logger {
if l, ok := mcmp.InheritedValue(cmp, cmpKeyLogger); ok {
return l.(*Logger)
return DefaultLogger
// From returns the result from GetLogger, modified so as to automatically add
// some annotations related to the Component itself to all Messages being
// logged.
func From(cmp *mcmp.Component) *Logger {
if l, _ := cmp.Value(cmpKeyCachedLogger).(*Logger); l != nil {
return l
// if we're here it means a modified Logger wasn't set on this particular
// Component, and therefore the current one must be modified.
l := GetLogger(cmp).Clone()
oldHandler := l.Handler()
l.SetHandler(func(msg Message) error {
ctx := mctx.MergeAnnotationsInto(cmp.Context(), msg.Contexts...)
msg.Contexts = append(msg.Contexts[:0], ctx)
return oldHandler(msg)
cmp.SetValue(cmpKeyCachedLogger, l)
return l

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
package mlog
import (
. "testing"
func TestGetSetLogger(t *T) {
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
cmpChild := cmp.Child("child")
ctx := mctx.Annotated("foo", "bar")
var msgs []string
l := NewLogger()
l.SetHandler(func(msg Message) error {
msgStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s %q", msg.Level, msg.Description)
for _, ctx := range msg.Contexts {
for _, kv := range mctx.Annotations(ctx).StringSlice(true) {
msgStr += fmt.Sprintf(" %s=%s", kv[0], kv[1])
msgs = append(msgs, msgStr)
return nil
SetLogger(cmp, l)
msgs = msgs[:0]
GetLogger(cmp).Info("get-cmp", ctx)
GetLogger(cmpChild).Info("get-cmpChild", ctx)
From(cmp).Info("from-cmp", ctx)
From(cmpChild).Info("from-cmpChild", ctx)
massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmp" foo=bar`, msgs[0]),
massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmpChild" foo=bar`, msgs[1]),
massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmp" componentPath=/ foo=bar`, msgs[2]),
massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmpChild" componentPath=/child foo=bar`, msgs[3]),
l2 := l.Clone()
l2.SetHandler(func(msg Message) error {
msg.Description += " (2)"
return l.Handler()(msg)
SetLogger(cmp, l2)
msgs = msgs[:0]
GetLogger(cmp).Info("get-cmp", ctx)
GetLogger(cmpChild).Info("get-cmpChild", ctx)
From(cmp).Info("from-cmp", ctx)
From(cmpChild).Info("from-cmpChild", ctx)
massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmp (2)" foo=bar`, msgs[0]),
massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmpChild (2)" foo=bar`, msgs[1]),
massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmp (2)" componentPath=/ foo=bar`, msgs[2]),
massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmpChild (2)" componentPath=/child foo=bar`, msgs[3]),
// If a Logger is set on the child, that shouldn't affect the parent
l3 := l.Clone()
l3.SetHandler(func(msg Message) error {
msg.Description += " (3)"
return l.Handler()(msg)
SetLogger(cmpChild, l3)
msgs = msgs[:0]
GetLogger(cmp).Info("get-cmp", ctx)
GetLogger(cmpChild).Info("get-cmpChild", ctx)
From(cmp).Info("from-cmp", ctx)
From(cmpChild).Info("from-cmpChild", ctx)
massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmp (2)" foo=bar`, msgs[0]),
massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmpChild (3)" foo=bar`, msgs[1]),
massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmp (2)" componentPath=/ foo=bar`, msgs[2]),
massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmpChild (3)" componentPath=/child foo=bar`, msgs[3]),

@ -11,14 +11,20 @@ import (
// Null is an instance of Logger which will write all Messages to /dev/null.
var Null = NewLogger(&LoggerOpts{
MessageHandler: NewMessageHandler(ioutil.Discard),
// Truncate is a helper function to truncate a string to a given size. It will
// add 3 trailing elipses, so the returned string will be at most size+3
// characters long
@ -37,33 +43,32 @@ type Level interface {
// String gives the string form of the level, e.g. "INFO" or "ERROR"
String() string
// Uint gives an integer indicator of the severity of the level, with zero
// being most severe. If a Level with Uint of zero is logged then the Logger
// implementation provided by this package will exit the process (i.e. zero
// is used as Fatal).
Uint() uint
// Int gives an integer indicator of the severity of the level, with zero
// being most severe. If a Level with a negative Int is logged then the
// Logger implementation provided by this package will exit the process.
Int() int
type level struct {
s string
i uint
i int
func (l level) String() string {
return l.s
func (l level) Uint() uint {
func (l level) Int() int {
return l.i
// All pre-defined log levels
var (
DebugLevel Level = level{s: "DEBUG", i: 40}
InfoLevel Level = level{s: "INFO", i: 30}
WarnLevel Level = level{s: "WARN", i: 20}
ErrorLevel Level = level{s: "ERROR", i: 10}
FatalLevel Level = level{s: "FATAL", i: 0}
LevelDebug Level = level{s: "DEBUG", i: 40}
LevelInfo Level = level{s: "INFO", i: 30}
LevelWarn Level = level{s: "WARN", i: 20}
LevelError Level = level{s: "ERROR", i: 10}
LevelFatal Level = level{s: "FATAL", i: -1}
// LevelFromString takes a string describing one of the pre-defined Levels (e.g.
@ -72,15 +77,15 @@ var (
func LevelFromString(s string) Level {
switch strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(s)) {
case "DEBUG":
return DebugLevel
return LevelDebug
case "INFO":
return InfoLevel
return LevelInfo
case "WARN":
return WarnLevel
return LevelWarn
case "ERROR":
return ErrorLevel
return LevelError
case "FATAL":
return FatalLevel
return LevelFatal
return nil
@ -88,106 +93,186 @@ func LevelFromString(s string) Level {
// Message describes a message to be logged, after having already resolved the
// KVer
// Message describes a message to be logged.
type Message struct {
Context context.Context
Description string
Contexts []context.Context
Annotators []mctx.Annotator
// FullMessage extends Message to contain loggable properties not provided
// directly by the user.
type FullMessage struct {
Time time.Time
Namespace []string
// Handler is a function which can process Messages in some way.
// MessageHandler is a type which can process Messages in some way.
// NOTE that Logger does not handle thread-safety, that must be done inside the
// Handler if necessary.
type Handler func(msg Message) error
// MessageHandler if necessary.
type MessageHandler interface {
Handle(FullMessage) error
// Sync flushes any buffered data to the handler's output, e.g. a file or
// network connection. If the handler doesn't buffer data then this will be
// a no-op.
Sync() error
type messageHandler struct {
l sync.Mutex
out io.Writer
enc *json.Encoder
aa mctx.Annotations
// MessageJSON is the type used to encode Messages to JSON in DefaultHandler
type MessageJSON struct {
Level string `json:"level"`
Description string `json:"descr"`
// NewMessageHandler initializes and returns a MessageHandler which will write
// all messages to the given io.Writer in a thread-safe way. If the io.Writer
// also implements a Sync or Flush method then that will be called when Sync is
// called on the returned MessageHandler.
func NewMessageHandler(out io.Writer) MessageHandler {
return &messageHandler{
out: out,
enc: json.NewEncoder(out),
aa: mctx.Annotations{},
type messageJSON struct {
TimeDate string `json:"td"`
Timestamp int64 `json:"ts"`
Level string `json:"level"`
Namespace []string `json:"ns,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"descr"`
LevelInt int `json:"level_int"`
// key -> value
Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
// DefaultHandler initializes and returns a Handler which will write all
// messages to os.Stderr in a thread-safe way. This is the Handler which
// NewLogger will use automatically.
func DefaultHandler() Handler {
return defaultHandler(os.Stderr)
const msgTimeFormat = "06/01/02 15:04:05.000000"
func (h *messageHandler) Handle(msg FullMessage) error {
defer h.l.Unlock()
mctx.EvaluateAnnotations(msg.Context, h.aa)
for _, annotator := range msg.Annotators {
msgJSON := messageJSON{
TimeDate: msg.Time.UTC().Format(msgTimeFormat),
Timestamp: msg.Time.UnixNano(),
Level: msg.Level.String(),
LevelInt: msg.Level.Int(),
Namespace: msg.Namespace,
Description: msg.Description,
Annotations: h.aa.StringMap(),
for k := range h.aa {
delete(h.aa, k)
return h.enc.Encode(msgJSON)
func defaultHandler(out io.Writer) Handler {
l := new(sync.Mutex)
enc := json.NewEncoder(out)
return func(msg Message) error {
defer l.Unlock()
func (h *messageHandler) Sync() error {
defer h.l.Unlock()
if s, ok := h.out.(interface{ Sync() error }); ok {
return s.Sync()
} else if f, ok := h.out.(interface{ Flush() error }); ok {
return f.Flush()
return nil
msgJSON := MessageJSON{
Level: msg.Level.String(),
Description: msg.Description,
if len(msg.Contexts) > 0 {
ctx := mctx.MergeAnnotations(msg.Contexts...)
msgJSON.Annotations = mctx.Annotations(ctx).StringMap()
// LoggerOpts are optional parameters to NewLogger. All fields are optional. A
// nil value of LoggerOpts is equivalent to an empty one.
type LoggerOpts struct {
// MessageHandler is the MessageHandler which will be used to process
// Messages.
// Defaults to NewMessageHandler(os.Stderr).
MessageHandler MessageHandler
// MaxLevel indicates the maximum log level which should be handled. See the
// Level interface for more.
// Defaults to LevelInfo.Int().
MaxLevel int
// Now returns the current time.Time whenever it is called.
// Defaults to time.Now.
Now func() time.Time
return enc.Encode(msgJSON)
func (o *LoggerOpts) withDefaults() *LoggerOpts {
out := new(LoggerOpts)
if o != nil {
*out = *o
if out.MessageHandler == nil {
out.MessageHandler = NewMessageHandler(os.Stderr)
if out.MaxLevel == 0 {
out.MaxLevel = LevelInfo.Int()
if out.Now == nil {
out.Now = time.Now
return out
// Logger directs Messages to an internal Handler and provides convenient
// methods for creating and modifying its own behavior. All methods are
// thread-safe.
// Logger creates and directs Messages to an internal MessageHandler. All
// methods are thread-safe.
type Logger struct {
l *sync.RWMutex
h Handler
maxLevel uint
testMsgWrittenCh chan struct{} // only initialized/used in tests
opts *LoggerOpts
l *sync.RWMutex
ns []string
// NewLogger initializes and returns a new instance of Logger which will write
// to the DefaultHandler.
func NewLogger() *Logger {
// NewLogger initializes and returns a new instance of Logger.
func NewLogger(opts *LoggerOpts) *Logger {
return &Logger{
l: new(sync.RWMutex),
h: DefaultHandler(),
maxLevel: InfoLevel.Uint(),
opts: opts.withDefaults(),
l: new(sync.RWMutex),
// Clone returns an identical instance of the Logger which can be modified
// independently of the original.
func (l *Logger) Clone() *Logger {
// Close cleans up all resources held by the Logger.
func (l *Logger) Close() error {
if err := l.opts.MessageHandler.Sync(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (l *Logger) clone() *Logger {
l2 := *l
l2.l = new(sync.RWMutex)
l2.ns = make([]string, len(l.ns), len(l.ns)+1)
copy(l2.ns, l.ns)
return &l2
// SetMaxLevel sets the Logger to not log any messages with a higher Level.Uint
// value than of the one given.
func (l *Logger) SetMaxLevel(lvl Level) {
defer l.l.Unlock()
l.maxLevel = lvl.Uint()
// SetHandler sets the Logger to use the given Handler in order to process
// Messages.
func (l *Logger) SetHandler(h Handler) {
defer l.l.Unlock()
l.h = h
// Handler returns the Handler currently in use by the Logger.
func (l *Logger) Handler() Handler {
defer l.l.RUnlock()
return l.h
// WithNamespace returns a clone of the Logger with the given value appended to
// its namespace array. The namespace array is included in every FullMessage
// which is handled by Logger's MessageHandler.
func (l *Logger) WithNamespace(name string) *Logger {
l = l.clone()
l.ns = append(l.ns, name)
return l
// Log can be used to manually log a message of some custom defined Level.
@ -198,54 +283,59 @@ func (l *Logger) Log(msg Message) {
defer l.l.RUnlock()
if l.maxLevel < msg.Level.Uint() {
if l.opts.MaxLevel < msg.Level.Int() {
if err := l.h(msg); err != nil {
go l.Error("Logger.Handler returned error", merr.Context(err))
fullMsg := FullMessage{
Message: msg,
Time: l.opts.Now(),
Namespace: l.ns,
if l.testMsgWrittenCh != nil {
l.testMsgWrittenCh <- struct{}{}
if err := l.opts.MessageHandler.Handle(fullMsg); err != nil {
// TODO log the error
go l.Error(context.Background(), "MessageHandler.Handle returned error")
if msg.Level.Uint() == 0 {
if msg.Level.Int() < 0 {
func mkMsg(lvl Level, descr string, ctxs ...context.Context) Message {
func mkMsg(ctx context.Context, lvl Level, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Annotator) Message {
return Message{
Context: ctx,
Level: lvl,
Description: descr,
Contexts: ctxs,
Annotators: annotators,
// Debug logs a DebugLevel message.
func (l *Logger) Debug(descr string, ctxs ...context.Context) {
l.Log(mkMsg(DebugLevel, descr, ctxs...))
// Debug logs a LevelDebug message.
func (l *Logger) Debug(ctx context.Context, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Annotator) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelDebug, descr, annotators...))
// Info logs a InfoLevel message.
func (l *Logger) Info(descr string, ctxs ...context.Context) {
l.Log(mkMsg(InfoLevel, descr, ctxs...))
// Info logs a LevelInfo message.
func (l *Logger) Info(ctx context.Context, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Annotator) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelInfo, descr, annotators...))
// Warn logs a WarnLevel message.
func (l *Logger) Warn(descr string, ctxs ...context.Context) {
l.Log(mkMsg(WarnLevel, descr, ctxs...))
// Warn logs a LevelWarn message.
func (l *Logger) Warn(ctx context.Context, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Annotator) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelWarn, descr, annotators...))
// Error logs a ErrorLevel message.
func (l *Logger) Error(descr string, ctxs ...context.Context) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ErrorLevel, descr, ctxs...))
// Error logs a LevelError message.
func (l *Logger) Error(ctx context.Context, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Annotator) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelError, descr, annotators...))
// Fatal logs a FatalLevel message. A Fatal message automatically stops the
// process with an os.Exit(1)
func (l *Logger) Fatal(descr string, ctxs ...context.Context) {
l.Log(mkMsg(FatalLevel, descr, ctxs...))
// Fatal logs a LevelFatal message. A Fatal message automatically stops the
// process with an os.Exit(1) if the default MessageHandler is used.
func (l *Logger) Fatal(ctx context.Context, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Annotator) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelFatal, descr, annotators...))

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package mlog
import (
. "testing"
@ -21,18 +22,17 @@ func TestTruncate(t *T) {
func TestLogger(t *T) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
h := defaultHandler(buf)
now := time.Now().UTC()
td, ts := now.Format(msgTimeFormat), fmt.Sprint(now.UnixNano())
l := NewLogger()
l.testMsgWrittenCh = make(chan struct{}, 10)
l := NewLogger(&LoggerOpts{
MessageHandler: NewMessageHandler(buf),
Now: func() time.Time { return now },
assertOut := func(expected string) massert.Assertion {
select {
case <-l.testMsgWrittenCh:
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
return massert.Errorf("waited too long for msg to write")
expected = strings.ReplaceAll(expected, "<TD>", td)
expected = strings.ReplaceAll(expected, "<TS>", ts)
out, err := buf.ReadString('\n')
return massert.All(
@ -40,41 +40,38 @@ func TestLogger(t *T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// Default max level should be INFO
l.Debug(ctx, "foo")
l.Info(ctx, "bar")
l.Warn(ctx, "baz")
l.Error(ctx, "buz")
ctx := context.Background()
l.Error("buz", mctx.Annotate(ctx, "a", "b", "c", "d"))
// annotate context
ctx = mctx.Annotate(ctx, "foo", "bar")
l.Info(ctx, "bar")
l2 := l.Clone()
l2.SetHandler(func(msg Message) error {
msg.Description = strings.ToUpper(msg.Description)
return h(msg)
// add other annotations
l.Info(ctx, "bar", mctx.Annotations{
"foo": "BAR",
// add namespace
l = l.WithNamespace("ns")
l.Info(ctx, "bar")

@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
package mrun
import (
// Hook describes a function which can be registered to trigger on an event via
// the WithHook function.
type Hook func(context.Context) error
type hookKey struct {
key interface{}
// AddHook registers a Hook under a typed key. The Hook will be called when
// TriggerHooks is called with that same key. Multiple Hooks can be registered
// for the same key, and will be called sequentially when triggered.
// Hooks will be called with whatever Context is passed into TriggerHooks.
func AddHook(cmp *mcmp.Component, key interface{}, hook Hook) {
mcmp.AddSeriesValue(cmp, hookKey{key}, hook)
func triggerHooks(
ctx context.Context,
cmp *mcmp.Component,
key interface{},
start func(*mcmp.Component) int,
next func(int) int,
) error {
i := start(cmp)
for {
if i < 0 {
return nil
el, ok := mcmp.SeriesGetElement(cmp, hookKey{key}, i)
if !ok {
return nil
} else if el.Child != nil {
if err := triggerHooks(ctx, el.Child, key, start, next); err != nil {
return err
} else {
hook := el.Value.(Hook)
if err := hook(ctx); err != nil {
return err
i = next(i)
// TriggerHooks causes all Hooks registered with AddHook on the Component under
// the given key to be called in the order they were registered. The given
// Context is passed into all Hooks being called.
// If any Hook returns an error no further Hooks will be called and that error
// will be returned.
// If the Component has children (see the mcmp package), and those children have
// Hooks registered under this key, then their Hooks will be called in the
// expected order. See package docs for an example.
func TriggerHooks(
ctx context.Context,
cmp *mcmp.Component,
key interface{},
) error {
start := func(*mcmp.Component) int { return 0 }
next := func(i int) int { return i + 1 }
return triggerHooks(ctx, cmp, key, start, next)
// TriggerHooksReverse is the same as TriggerHooks except that registered Hooks
// are called in the reverse order in which they were registered.
func TriggerHooksReverse(ctx context.Context, cmp *mcmp.Component, key interface{}) error {
start := func(cmp *mcmp.Component) int {
els := mcmp.SeriesElements(cmp, hookKey{key})
return len(els) - 1
next := func(i int) int { return i - 1 }
return triggerHooks(ctx, cmp, key, start, next)
type builtinEvent int
const (
initEvent builtinEvent = iota
// InitHook registers the given Hook to run when Init is called. This is a
// special case of AddHook.
// As a convention Hooks running on the init event should block only as long as
// it takes to ensure that whatever is running can do so successfully. For
// short-lived tasks this isn't a problem, but long-lived tasks (e.g. a web
// server) will want to use the Hook only to initialize, and spawn off a
// go-routine to do their actual work. Long-lived tasks should set themselves up
// to shutdown on the shutdown event (see ShutdownHook).
func InitHook(cmp *mcmp.Component, hook Hook) {
AddHook(cmp, initEvent, hook)
// Init runs all Hooks registered using InitHook. This is a special case of
// TriggerHooks.
func Init(ctx context.Context, cmp *mcmp.Component) error {
return TriggerHooks(ctx, cmp, initEvent)
// ShutdownHook registers the given Hook to run when Shutdown is called. This is
// a special case of AddHook.
// See InitHook for more on the relationship between Init(Hook) and
// Shutdown(Hook).
func ShutdownHook(cmp *mcmp.Component, hook Hook) {
AddHook(cmp, shutdownEvent, hook)
// Shutdown runs all Hooks registered using ShutdownHook in the reverse order in
// which they were registered. This is a special case of TriggerHooks.
func Shutdown(ctx context.Context, cmp *mcmp.Component) error {
return TriggerHooksReverse(ctx, cmp, shutdownEvent)

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package mrun
import (
. "testing"
func TestHooks(t *T) {
var out []int
mkHook := func(i int) Hook {
return func(context.Context) error {
out = append(out, i)
return nil
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
AddHook(cmp, 0, mkHook(1))
AddHook(cmp, 0, mkHook(2))
cmpA := cmp.Child("a")
AddHook(cmpA, 0, mkHook(3))
AddHook(cmpA, 999, mkHook(999)) // different key
AddHook(cmp, 0, mkHook(4))
cmpB := cmp.Child("b")
AddHook(cmpB, 0, mkHook(5))
cmpB1 := cmpB.Child("1")
AddHook(cmpB1, 0, mkHook(6))
AddHook(cmp, 0, mkHook(7))
massert.Nil(TriggerHooks(context.Background(), cmp, 0)),
massert.Equal([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, out),
out = nil
massert.Nil(TriggerHooksReverse(context.Background(), cmp, 0)),
massert.Equal([]int{7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, out),

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
// Package mrun provides the ability to register callback hooks on Components,
// as well as some convenience functions which allow using a context as a
// wait-group.
// Hooks
// Hooks are registered onto Components and later called in bulk. mrun will take
// into account the order Hooks are registered, including Hooks within a
// Component's children (see mcmp package), and execute them in the same order
// they were registered. For example:
// newHook := func(i int) mrun.Hook {
// return func(context.Context) error {
// fmt.Println(i)
// return nil
// }
// }
// cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
// mrun.InitHook(cmp, newHook(0))
// cmpChild := cmp.Child("child")
// mrun.InitHook(cmpChild, newHook(1))
// mrun.InitHook(cmp, newHook(2))
// mrun.Init(context.Background(), cmp) // prints "0", "1", then "2"
package mrun
import (
type futureErr struct {
doneCh chan struct{}
err error
func newFutureErr() *futureErr {
return &futureErr{
doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
func (fe *futureErr) get(cancelCh <-chan struct{}) (error, bool) {
select {
case <-fe.doneCh:
return fe.err, true
case <-cancelCh:
return nil, false
func (fe *futureErr) set(err error) {
fe.err = err
type threadCtxKey int
// WithThreads spawns n go-routines, each of which executes the given function.
// The returned Context tracks these go-routines, and can then be passed into
// the Wait function to block until the spawned go-routines all return.
func WithThreads(ctx context.Context, n uint, fn func() error) context.Context {
// I dunno why this would happen, but it wouldn't actually hurt anything
if n == 0 {
return ctx
oldFutErrs, _ := ctx.Value(threadCtxKey(0)).([]*futureErr)
futErrs := make([]*futureErr, len(oldFutErrs), len(oldFutErrs)+int(n))
copy(futErrs, oldFutErrs)
for i := uint(0); i < n; i++ {
futErr := newFutureErr()
futErrs = append(futErrs, futErr)
go func() {
return context.WithValue(ctx, threadCtxKey(0), futErrs)
// ErrDone is returned from Wait if cancelCh is closed before all threads have
// returned.
var ErrDone = errors.New("Wait is done waiting")
// Wait blocks until all go-routines spawned using WithThreads on the passed in
// Context (and its predecessors) have returned. Any number of the go-routines
// may have returned already when Wait is called, and not all go-routines need
// to be from the same WithThreads call.
// If any of the thread functions returned an error during its runtime Wait will
// return that error. If multiple returned an error only one of those will be
// returned. TODO: Handle multi-errors better.
// If cancelCh is not nil and is closed before all threads have returned then
// this function stops waiting and returns ErrDone.
// Wait is safe to call in parallel, and will return the same result if called
// multiple times.
func Wait(ctx context.Context, cancelCh <-chan struct{}) error {
futErrs, _ := ctx.Value(threadCtxKey(0)).([]*futureErr)
for _, futErr := range futErrs {
err, ok := futErr.get(cancelCh)
if !ok {
return ErrDone
} else if err != nil {
return err
return nil

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
package mrun
import (
. "testing"
func TestThreadWait(t *T) {
testErr := errors.New("test error")
cancelCh := func(t time.Duration) <-chan struct{} {
tCtx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), t*2)
return tCtx.Done()
wait := func(ctx context.Context, shouldTake time.Duration) error {
start := time.Now()
err := Wait(ctx, cancelCh(shouldTake*2))
if took := time.Since(start); took < shouldTake || took > shouldTake*4/3 {
t.Fatalf("wait took %v, should have taken %v", took, shouldTake)
return err
t.Run("noBlock", func(t *T) {
t.Run("noErr", func(t *T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = WithThreads(ctx, 1, func() error { return nil })
if err := Wait(ctx, nil); err != nil {
t.Run("err", func(t *T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = WithThreads(ctx, 1, func() error { return testErr })
if err := Wait(ctx, nil); err != testErr {
t.Fatalf("should have got test error, got: %v", err)
t.Run("block", func(t *T) {
t.Run("noErr", func(t *T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = WithThreads(ctx, 1, func() error {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
return nil
if err := wait(ctx, 1*time.Second); err != nil {
t.Run("err", func(t *T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = WithThreads(ctx, 1, func() error {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
return testErr
if err := wait(ctx, 1*time.Second); err != testErr {
t.Fatalf("should have got test error, got: %v", err)
t.Run("canceled", func(t *T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = WithThreads(ctx, 1, func() error {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
return testErr
if err := Wait(ctx, cancelCh(500*time.Millisecond)); err != ErrDone {
t.Fatalf("should have got ErrDone, got: %v", err)