Fork 0

m: refactor to use new Component stuff, and make the log logic a bit better

Brian Picciano 5 years ago
parent e741e79acf
commit e91ef01857
  1. 151
  2. 31
  3. 36


@ -1,130 +1,151 @@
// Package m is the glue which holds all the other packages in this project
// together. While other packages in this project are intended to be able to be
// used separately and largely independently, this package combines them in ways
// which I specifically like.
// Package m implements functionality specific to how I like my programs to
// work. It acts as glue between many of the other packages in this framework,
// putting them together in the way I find most useful.
package m
import (
type ctxKey int
type cmpKey int
const (
ctxKeyCfgSrc ctxKey = iota
cmpKeyCfgSrc cmpKey = iota
func debugLog(msg string, ctxs ...context.Context) {
fn := mlog.Debug
func debugLog(cmp *mcmp.Component, msg string, ctxs ...context.Context) {
level := mlog.DebugLevel
if len(ctxs) > 0 {
if ok, _ := ctxs[0].Value(ctxKeyInfoLog).(bool); ok {
fn = mlog.Info
if ok, _ := ctxs[0].Value(cmpKeyInfoLog).(bool); ok {
level = mlog.InfoLevel
fn(msg, ctxs...)
Level: level,
Description: msg,
Contexts: ctxs,
// ProcessContext returns a Context which should be used as the root Context
// when implementing most processes.
// RootComponent returns a Component which should be used as the root Component
// when implementing most programs.
// The returned Context will automatically handle setting up global
// configuration parameters like "log-level", as well as an http endpoint where
// debug information about the running process can be accessed.
func ProcessContext() context.Context {
ctx := context.Background()
// The returned Component will automatically handle setting up global
// configuration parameters like "log-level", as well as parsing those
// and all other parameters when the Init even is triggered on it.
func RootComponent() *mcmp.Component {
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
// embed confuration source which should be used into the context.
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ctxKeyCfgSrc, mcfg.Source(new(mcfg.SourceCLI)))
cmp.SetValue(cmpKeyCfgSrc, mcfg.Source(new(mcfg.SourceCLI)))
// set up log level handling
logger := mlog.NewLogger()
ctx = mlog.WithLogger(ctx, logger)
ctx, logLevelStr := mcfg.WithString(ctx, "log-level", "info", "Maximum log level which will be printed.")
ctx = mrun.WithStartHook(ctx, func(context.Context) error {
mlog.SetLogger(cmp, logger)
// set up parameter parsing
mrun.InitHook(cmp, func(context.Context) error {
src, _ := cmp.Value(cmpKeyCfgSrc).(mcfg.Source)
if src == nil {
return merr.New("Component not sourced from m package", cmp.Context())
} else if err := mcfg.Populate(cmp, src); err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err, cmp.Context())
return nil
logLevelStr := mcfg.String(cmp, "log-level",
mcfg.ParamUsage("Maximum log level which will be printed."))
mrun.InitHook(cmp, func(context.Context) error {
logLevel := mlog.LevelFromString(*logLevelStr)
if logLevel == nil {
ctx := mctx.Annotate(ctx, "log-level", *logLevelStr)
return merr.New("invalid log level", ctx)
return merr.New("invalid log level", cmp.Context(),
mctx.Annotated("log-level", *logLevelStr))
return nil
return ctx
return cmp
// ServiceContext extends ProcessContext so that it better supports long running
// processes which are expected to handle requests from outside clients.
// RootServiceComponent extends RootComponent so that it better supports long
// running processes which are expected to handle requests from outside clients.
// Additional behavior it adds includes setting up an http endpoint where debug
// information about the running process can be accessed.
func ServiceContext() context.Context {
ctx := ProcessContext()
func RootServiceComponent() *mcmp.Component {
cmp := RootComponent()
// services expect to use many different configuration sources
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ctxKeyCfgSrc, mcfg.Source(mcfg.Sources{
cmp.SetValue(cmpKeyCfgSrc, mcfg.Source(mcfg.Sources{
// it's useful to show debug entries (from this package specifically) as
// info logs for long-running services.
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ctxKeyInfoLog, true)
cmp.SetValue(cmpKeyInfoLog, true)
// TODO set up the debug endpoint.
return ctx
return cmp
// Start performs the work of populating configuration parameters and triggering
// the start event. It will return once the Start event has completed running.
// This function returns a Context because there are cases where the Context
// will be modified during Start, such as if WithSubCommand was used. If the
// Context was not modified then the passed in Context will be returned.
func Start(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
src, _ := ctx.Value(ctxKeyCfgSrc).(mcfg.Source)
if src == nil {
mlog.Fatal("ctx not sourced from m package", ctx)
// MustInit will call mrun.Init on the given Component, which must have been
// created in this package, and exit the process if mrun.Init does not complete
// successfully.
func MustInit(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// no logging should happen before populate, primarily because log-level
// hasn't been populated yet, but also because it makes help output on cli
// look weird.
ctx, err := mcfg.Populate(ctx, src)
if err != nil {
mlog.Fatal("error populating configuration", ctx, merr.Context(err))
} else if err := mrun.Start(ctx); err != nil {
mlog.Fatal("error triggering start event", ctx, merr.Context(err))
debugLog(cmp, "initializing")
if err := mrun.Init(ctx, cmp); err != nil {
mlog.From(cmp).Fatal("initialization failed", merr.Context(err))
debugLog("start hooks completed", ctx)
return ctx
debugLog(cmp, "initialization completed successfully")
// StartWaitStop performs the work of populating configuration parameters,
// triggering the start event, waiting for an interrupt, and then triggering the
// stop event. Run will block until the stop event is done. If any errors are
// encountered a fatal is thrown.
func StartWaitStop(ctx context.Context) {
ctx = Start(ctx)
// MustShutdown is like MustInit, except that it triggers the Shutdown event on
// the Component.
func MustShutdown(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
debugLog(cmp, "shutting down")
if err := mrun.Shutdown(ctx, cmp); err != nil {
mlog.From(cmp).Fatal("shutdown failed", merr.Context(err))
debugLog(cmp, "shutting down completed successfully")
// Exec calls MustInit on the given Component, then blocks until an interrupt
// signal is received, then calls MustShutdown on the Component, until finally
// exiting the process.
func Exec(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(ch, os.Interrupt)
s := <-ch
debugLog("signal received, stopping", mctx.Annotate(ctx, "signal", s))
debugLog(cmp, "signal received, stopping", mctx.Annotated("signal", s))
if err := mrun.Stop(ctx); err != nil {
mlog.Fatal("error triggering stop event", ctx, merr.Context(err))
debugLog("exiting process", ctx)
debugLog(cmp, "exiting process")

@ -6,47 +6,42 @@ import (
. "testing"
func TestServiceCtx(t *T) {
t.Run("log-level", func(t *T) {
ctx := ServiceContext()
cmp := RootComponent()
// pull the Logger out of the ctx and set the Handler on it, so we can check
// the log level
// pull the Logger out of the component and set the Handler on it, so we
// can check the log level
var msgs []mlog.Message
logger := mlog.From(ctx)
logger := mlog.GetLogger(cmp)
logger.SetHandler(func(msg mlog.Message) error {
msgs = append(msgs, msg)
return nil
mlog.SetLogger(cmp, logger)
// create a child Context before running to ensure it the change propagates
// create a child Component before running to ensure it the change propagates
// correctly.
ctxA := mctx.NewChild(ctx, "A")
ctx = mctx.WithChild(ctx, ctxA)
cmpA := cmp.Child("A")
params := mcfg.ParamValues{{Name: "log-level", Value: json.RawMessage(`"DEBUG"`)}}
if _, err := mcfg.Populate(ctx, params); err != nil {
} else if err := mrun.Start(ctx); err != nil {
cmp.SetValue(cmpKeyCfgSrc, params)
mlog.From(ctxA).Info("foo", ctxA)
mlog.From(ctxA).Debug("bar", ctxA)
massert.Length(msgs, 2),
massert.Equal(msgs[0].Level.String(), "INFO"),
massert.Equal(msgs[0].Description, "foo"),
massert.Equal(msgs[0].Contexts, []context.Context{ctxA}),
massert.Equal(msgs[0].Contexts, []context.Context{cmpA.Context()}),
massert.Equal(msgs[1].Level.String(), "DEBUG"),
massert.Equal(msgs[1].Description, "bar"),
massert.Equal(msgs[1].Contexts, []context.Context{ctxA}),
massert.Equal(msgs[1].Contexts, []context.Context{cmpA.Context()}),

@ -11,31 +11,45 @@ type cmpKey int
// retrieved from the Component, or any of its children, using From.
func SetLogger(cmp *mcmp.Component, l *Logger) {
cmp.SetValue(cmpKey(0), l)
// If the base Logger on this Component gets changed, then the cached Logger
// from From on this Component, and all of its Children, ought to be reset,
// so that any changes can be reflected in their loggers.
var resetFromLogger func(*mcmp.Component)
resetFromLogger = func(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
cmp.SetValue(cmpKey(1), nil)
for _, childCmp := range cmp.Children() {
// DefaultLogger is an instance of Logger which is returned by From when a
// Logger hasn't been previously set with SetLogger on the passed in Component.
var DefaultLogger = NewLogger()
// From returns the Logger which was set on the Component, or one of its
// GetLogger returns the Logger which was set on the Component, or on of its
// ancestors, using SetLogger. If no Logger was ever set then DefaultLogger is
// returned.
// The returned Logger will be modified such that it will implicitly merge the
// Contexts of any Message into the given Component's Context.
func GetLogger(cmp *mcmp.Component) *Logger {
if l, ok := cmp.InheritedValue(cmpKey(0)); ok {
return l.(*Logger)
return DefaultLogger
// From returns the result from GetLogger, modified so as to automatically add
// some annotations related to the Component itself to all Messages being
// logged.
func From(cmp *mcmp.Component) *Logger {
var l *Logger
if l, _ = cmp.Value(cmpKey(1)).(*Logger); l != nil {
if l, _ := cmp.Value(cmpKey(1)).(*Logger); l != nil {
return l
} else if lInt, ok := cmp.InheritedValue(cmpKey(0)); ok {
l = lInt.(*Logger)
} else {
l = DefaultLogger
// if we're here it means a modified Logger wasn't set on this particular
// Component, and therefore the current one must be modified.
l = l.Clone()
l := GetLogger(cmp).Clone()
oldHandler := l.Handler()
l.SetHandler(func(msg Message) error {
ctx := mctx.MergeAnnotationsInto(cmp.Context(), msg.Contexts...)
