package main /* totp-proxy is a reverse proxy which implements basic time-based one-time password (totp) authentication for any website. It takes in a JSON object which maps usernames to totp secrets (generated at a site like, as well as a url to proxy requests to. Users are prompted with a basic-auth prompt, and if they succeed their totp challenge a cookie is set and requests are proxied to the destination. */ import ( "context" "net/http" "net/url" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func main() { ctx := m.ServiceContext() ctx, cookieName := mcfg.WithString(ctx, "cookie-name", "_totp_proxy", "String to use as the name for cookies") ctx, cookieTimeout := mcfg.WithDuration(ctx, "cookie-timeout", mtime.Duration{1 * time.Hour}, "Timeout for cookies") var userSecrets map[string]string ctx = mcfg.WithRequiredJSON(ctx, "users", &userSecrets, "JSON object which maps usernames to their TOTP secret strings") var secret mcrypto.Secret ctx, secretStr := mcfg.WithString(ctx, "secret", "", "String used to sign authentication tokens. If one isn't given a new one will be generated on each startup, invalidating all previous tokens.") ctx = mrun.WithStartHook(ctx, func(context.Context) error { if *secretStr == "" { *secretStr = mrand.Hex(32) } mlog.Info("generating secret", ctx) secret = mcrypto.NewSecret([]byte(*secretStr)) return nil }) proxyHandler := new(struct{ http.Handler }) ctx, proxyURL := mcfg.WithRequiredString(ctx, "dst-url", "URL to proxy requests to. Only the scheme and host should be set.") ctx = mrun.WithStartHook(ctx, func(context.Context) error { u, err := url.Parse(*proxyURL) if err != nil { return err } proxyHandler.Handler = mhttp.ReverseProxy(u) return nil }) authHandler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // TODO mlog.FromHTTP? ctx := r.Context() unauthorized := func() { w.Header().Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusUnauthorized) } authorized := func() { sig := mcrypto.SignString(secret, "") http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{ Name: *cookieName, Value: sig.String(), MaxAge: int((*cookieTimeout).Seconds()), }) proxyHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r) } if cookie, _ := r.Cookie(*cookieName); cookie != nil { mlog.Debug("authenticating with cookie", mctx.Annotate(ctx, "cookie", cookie.String())) var sig mcrypto.Signature if err := sig.UnmarshalText([]byte(cookie.Value)); err == nil { err := mcrypto.VerifyString(secret, sig, "") if err == nil && time.Since(sig.Time()) < (*cookieTimeout).Duration { authorized() return } } } if user, pass, ok := r.BasicAuth(); ok && pass != "" { mlog.Debug("authenticating with user", mctx.Annotate(ctx, "user", user)) if userSecret, ok := userSecrets[user]; ok { if totp.Validate(pass, userSecret) { authorized() return } } } unauthorized() }) ctx, _ = mhttp.WithListeningServer(ctx, authHandler) m.StartWaitStop(ctx) }