package mlog import ( "fmt" . "testing" "" "" "" ) func TestGetSetLogger(t *T) { cmp := new(mcmp.Component) cmpChild := cmp.Child("child") ctx := mctx.Annotated("foo", "bar") var msgs []string l := NewLogger() l.SetHandler(func(msg Message) error { msgStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s %q", msg.Level, msg.Description) for _, ctx := range msg.Contexts { for _, kv := range mctx.Annotations(ctx).StringSlice(true) { msgStr += fmt.Sprintf(" %s=%s", kv[0], kv[1]) } } msgs = append(msgs, msgStr) return nil }) SetLogger(cmp, l) msgs = msgs[:0] GetLogger(cmp).Info("get-cmp", ctx) GetLogger(cmpChild).Info("get-cmpChild", ctx) From(cmp).Info("from-cmp", ctx) From(cmpChild).Info("from-cmpChild", ctx) massert.Require(t, massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmp" foo=bar`, msgs[0]), massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmpChild" foo=bar`, msgs[1]), massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmp" componentPath=/ foo=bar`, msgs[2]), massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmpChild" componentPath=/child foo=bar`, msgs[3]), ) l2 := l.Clone() l2.SetHandler(func(msg Message) error { msg.Description += " (2)" return l.Handler()(msg) }) SetLogger(cmp, l2) msgs = msgs[:0] GetLogger(cmp).Info("get-cmp", ctx) GetLogger(cmpChild).Info("get-cmpChild", ctx) From(cmp).Info("from-cmp", ctx) From(cmpChild).Info("from-cmpChild", ctx) massert.Require(t, massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmp (2)" foo=bar`, msgs[0]), massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmpChild (2)" foo=bar`, msgs[1]), massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmp (2)" componentPath=/ foo=bar`, msgs[2]), massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmpChild (2)" componentPath=/child foo=bar`, msgs[3]), ) // If a Logger is set on the child, that shouldn't affect the parent l3 := l.Clone() l3.SetHandler(func(msg Message) error { msg.Description += " (3)" return l.Handler()(msg) }) SetLogger(cmpChild, l3) msgs = msgs[:0] GetLogger(cmp).Info("get-cmp", ctx) GetLogger(cmpChild).Info("get-cmpChild", ctx) From(cmp).Info("from-cmp", ctx) From(cmpChild).Info("from-cmpChild", ctx) massert.Require(t, massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmp (2)" foo=bar`, msgs[0]), massert.Equal(`INFO "get-cmpChild (3)" foo=bar`, msgs[1]), massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmp (2)" componentPath=/ foo=bar`, msgs[2]), massert.Equal(`INFO "from-cmpChild (3)" componentPath=/child foo=bar`, msgs[3]), ) }