Brian Picciano 4b446a0efc mctx: refactor so that contexts no longer carry mutable data
This change required refactoring nearly every package in this project,
but it does a lot to simplify mctx and make other code using it easier
to think about.

Other code, such as mlog and mcfg, had to be slightly modified for this
change to work as well.
2019-02-07 19:42:12 -05:00

112 lines
3.4 KiB

package main
totp-proxy is a reverse proxy which implements basic time-based one-time
password (totp) authentication for any website.
It takes in a JSON object which maps usernames to totp secrets (generated at
a site like, as well as a url to
proxy requests to. Users are prompted with a basic-auth prompt, and if they
succeed their totp challenge a cookie is set and requests are proxied to the
import (
func main() {
ctx := m.NewServiceCtx()
ctx, cookieName := mcfg.String(ctx, "cookie-name", "_totp_proxy", "String to use as the name for cookies")
ctx, cookieTimeout := mcfg.Duration(ctx, "cookie-timeout", mtime.Duration{1 * time.Hour}, "Timeout for cookies")
var userSecrets map[string]string
ctx = mcfg.RequiredJSON(ctx, "users", &userSecrets, "JSON object which maps usernames to their TOTP secret strings")
var secret mcrypto.Secret
ctx, secretStr := mcfg.String(ctx, "secret", "", "String used to sign authentication tokens. If one isn't given a new one will be generated on each startup, invalidating all previous tokens.")
ctx = mrun.OnStart(ctx, func(context.Context) error {
if *secretStr == "" {
*secretStr = mrand.Hex(32)
mlog.Info(ctx, "generating secret")
secret = mcrypto.NewSecret([]byte(*secretStr))
return nil
proxyHandler := new(struct{ http.Handler })
ctx, proxyURL := mcfg.RequiredString(ctx, "dst-url", "URL to proxy requests to. Only the scheme and host should be set.")
ctx = mrun.OnStart(ctx, func(context.Context) error {
u, err := url.Parse(*proxyURL)
if err != nil {
return err
proxyHandler.Handler = mhttp.ReverseProxy(u)
return nil
authHandler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// TODO mlog.FromHTTP?
// TODO annotate this ctx
ctx := r.Context()
unauthorized := func() {
w.Header().Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic")
authorized := func() {
sig := mcrypto.SignString(secret, "")
http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{
Name: *cookieName,
Value: sig.String(),
MaxAge: int((*cookieTimeout).Seconds()),
proxyHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
if cookie, _ := r.Cookie(*cookieName); cookie != nil {
mlog.Debug(ctx, "authenticating with cookie", mlog.KV{"cookie": cookie.String()})
var sig mcrypto.Signature
if err := sig.UnmarshalText([]byte(cookie.Value)); err == nil {
err := mcrypto.VerifyString(secret, sig, "")
if err == nil && time.Since(sig.Time()) < (*cookieTimeout).Duration {
if user, pass, ok := r.BasicAuth(); ok && pass != "" {
mlog.Debug(ctx, "authenticating with user/pass", mlog.KV{
"user": user,
"pass": pass,
if userSecret, ok := userSecrets[user]; ok {
if totp.Validate(pass, userSecret) {
ctx, _ = mhttp.MListenAndServe(ctx, authHandler)