Brian Picciano 4b446a0efc mctx: refactor so that contexts no longer carry mutable data
This change required refactoring nearly every package in this project,
but it does a lot to simplify mctx and make other code using it easier
to think about.

Other code, such as mlog and mcfg, had to be slightly modified for this
change to work as well.
2019-02-07 19:42:12 -05:00

408 lines
10 KiB

// Package mlog is a generic logging library. The log methods come in different
// severities: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal.
// The log methods take in a string describing the error, and a set of key/value
// pairs giving the specific context around the error. The string is intended to
// always be the same no matter what, while the key/value pairs give information
// like which userID the error happened to, or any other relevant contextual
// information.
// Examples:
// log := mlog.NewLogger()
// log.Info("Something important has occurred")
// log.Error("Could not open file", mlog.KV{"filename": filename}, merr.KV(err))
package mlog
import (
// Truncate is a helper function to truncate a string to a given size. It will
// add 3 trailing elipses, so the returned string will be at most size+3
// characters long
func Truncate(s string, size int) string {
if len(s) <= size {
return s
return s[:size] + "..."
// Level describes the severity of a particular log message, and can be compared
// to the severity of any other Level
type Level interface {
// String gives the string form of the level, e.g. "INFO" or "ERROR"
String() string
// Uint gives an integer indicator of the severity of the level, with zero
// being most severe. If a Level with Uint of zero is logged then the Logger
// implementation provided by this package will exit the process (i.e. zero
// is used as Fatal).
Uint() uint
type level struct {
s string
i uint
func (l level) String() string {
return l.s
func (l level) Uint() uint {
return l.i
// All pre-defined log levels
var (
DebugLevel Level = level{s: "DEBUG", i: 40}
InfoLevel Level = level{s: "INFO", i: 30}
WarnLevel Level = level{s: "WARN", i: 20}
ErrorLevel Level = level{s: "ERROR", i: 10}
FatalLevel Level = level{s: "FATAL", i: 0}
// LevelFromString takes a string describing one of the pre-defined Levels (e.g.
// "debug" or "INFO") and returns the corresponding Level instance, or nil if
// the string doesn't describe any of the predefined Levels.
func LevelFromString(s string) Level {
switch strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(s)) {
case "DEBUG":
return DebugLevel
case "INFO":
return InfoLevel
case "WARN":
return WarnLevel
case "ERROR":
return ErrorLevel
case "FATAL":
return FatalLevel
return nil
// KVer is used to provide context to a log entry in the form of a dynamic set
// of key/value pairs which can be different for every entry.
// The returned map is read-only, and may be nil.
type KVer interface {
KV() map[string]interface{}
// KVerFunc is a function which implements the KVer interface by calling itself.
type KVerFunc func() map[string]interface{}
// KV implements the KVer interface by calling the KVerFunc itself.
func (kvf KVerFunc) KV() map[string]interface{} {
return kvf()
// KV is a KVer which returns a copy of itself when KV is called.
type KV map[string]interface{}
// KV implements the KVer method by returning a copy of itself.
func (kv KV) KV() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}(kv)
// Set returns a copy of the KV being called on with the given key/val set on
// it. The original KV is unaffected
func (kv KV) Set(k string, v interface{}) KV {
kvm := make(map[string]interface{}, len(kv)+1)
copyM(kvm, kv.KV())
kvm[k] = v
return KV(kvm)
// returns a key/value map which should not be written to. saves a map-cloning
// if KVer is a KV
func readOnlyKVM(kver KVer) map[string]interface{} {
if kver == nil {
return map[string]interface{}(nil)
} else if kv, ok := kver.(KV); ok {
return map[string]interface{}(kv)
return kver.KV()
func copyM(dst, src map[string]interface{}) {
for k, v := range src {
dst[k] = v
// this may take in any amount of nil values, but should never return nil
func mergeInto(kv KVer, kvs ...KVer) map[string]interface{} {
kvm := map[string]interface{}{}
if kv != nil {
copyM(kvm, kv.KV())
for _, innerKV := range kvs {
if innerKV == nil {
copyM(kvm, innerKV.KV())
return kvm
type merger struct {
base KVer
rest []KVer
// Merge takes in multiple KVers and returns a single KVer which is the union of
// all the passed in ones. Key/Vals on the rightmost of the set take precedence
// over conflicting ones to the left.
// The KVer returned will call KV() on each of the passed in KVers every time
// its KV method is called.
func Merge(kvs ...KVer) KVer {
if len(kvs) == 0 {
return merger{}
return merger{base: kvs[0], rest: kvs[1:]}
// MergeInto is a convenience function which acts similarly to Merge.
func MergeInto(kv KVer, kvs ...KVer) KVer {
return merger{base: kv, rest: kvs}
func (m merger) KV() map[string]interface{} {
return mergeInto(m.base,
// Prefix prefixes all keys returned from the given KVer with the given prefix
// string.
func Prefix(kv KVer, prefix string) KVer {
return KVerFunc(func() map[string]interface{} {
kvm := readOnlyKVM(kv)
newKVM := make(map[string]interface{}, len(kvm))
for k, v := range kvm {
newKVM[prefix+k] = v
return newKVM
// Message describes a message to be logged, after having already resolved the
// KVer
type Message struct {
Description string
func stringSlice(kv KV) [][2]string {
slice := make([][2]string, 0, len(kv))
for k, v := range kv {
slice = append(slice, [2]string{
sort.Slice(slice, func(i, j int) bool {
return slice[i][0] < slice[j][0]
return slice
// Handler is a function which can process Messages in some way.
// NOTE that Logger does not handle thread-safety, that must be done inside the
// Handler if necessary.
type Handler func(msg Message) error
// DefaultFormat formats and writes the Message to the given Writer using mlog's
// default format.
func DefaultFormat(w io.Writer, msg Message) error {
var err error
write := func(s string, args ...interface{}) {
if err == nil {
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, s, args...)
write("~ %s -- ", msg.Level.String())
if path := mctx.Path(msg.Context); len(path) > 0 {
write("(%s) ", "/"+strings.Join(path, "/"))
write("%s", msg.Description)
if msg.KVer != nil {
if kv := msg.KV(); len(kv) > 0 {
write(" --")
for _, kve := range stringSlice(kv) {
write(" %s=%s", kve[0], kve[1])
return err
// DefaultHandler initializes and returns a Handler which will write all
// messages to os.Stderr in a thread-safe way. This is the Handler which
// NewLogger will use automatically.
func DefaultHandler() Handler {
l := new(sync.Mutex)
bw := bufio.NewWriter(os.Stderr)
return func(msg Message) error {
defer l.Unlock()
err := DefaultFormat(bw, msg)
if err == nil {
err = bw.Flush()
return err
// Logger directs Messages to an internal Handler and provides convenient
// methods for creating and modifying its own behavior. All methods are
// thread-safe.
type Logger struct {
l *sync.RWMutex
h Handler
maxLevel uint
kv KVer
testMsgWrittenCh chan struct{} // only initialized/used in tests
// NewLogger initializes and returns a new instance of Logger which will write
// to the DefaultHandler.
func NewLogger() *Logger {
return &Logger{
l: new(sync.RWMutex),
h: DefaultHandler(),
maxLevel: InfoLevel.Uint(),
// Clone returns an identical instance of the Logger which can be modified
// independently of the original.
func (l *Logger) Clone() *Logger {
l2 := *l
l2.l = new(sync.RWMutex)
return &l2
// SetMaxLevel sets the Logger to not log any messages with a higher Level.Uint
// value than of the one given.
func (l *Logger) SetMaxLevel(lvl Level) {
defer l.l.Unlock()
l.maxLevel = lvl.Uint()
// SetHandler sets the Logger to use the given Handler in order to process
// Messages.
func (l *Logger) SetHandler(h Handler) {
defer l.l.Unlock()
l.h = h
// Handler returns the Handler currently in use by the Logger.
func (l *Logger) Handler() Handler {
defer l.l.RUnlock()
return l.h
// SetKV sets the Logger to use the merging of the given KVers as a base KVer
// for all Messages. If the Logger already had a base KVer (via a previous SetKV
// call) then this set will be merged onto that one.
func (l *Logger) SetKV(kvs ...KVer) {
defer l.l.Unlock()
l.kv = MergeInto(l.kv, kvs...)
// Log can be used to manually log a message of some custom defined Level.
// If the Level is a fatal (Uint() == 0) then calling this will never return,
// and the process will have os.Exit(1) called.
func (l *Logger) Log(msg Message) {
defer l.l.RUnlock()
if l.maxLevel < msg.Level.Uint() {
if l.kv != nil {
msg.KVer = MergeInto(l.kv, msg.KVer)
if err := l.h(msg); err != nil {
go l.Error(context.Background(), "Logger.Handler returned error", merr.KV(err))
if l.testMsgWrittenCh != nil {
l.testMsgWrittenCh <- struct{}{}
if msg.Level.Uint() == 0 {
func mkMsg(ctx context.Context, lvl Level, descr string, kvs ...KVer) Message {
return Message{
Context: ctx,
Level: lvl,
Description: descr,
KVer: Merge(kvs...),
// Debug logs a DebugLevel message, merging the KVers together first
func (l *Logger) Debug(ctx context.Context, descr string, kvs ...KVer) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, DebugLevel, descr, kvs...))
// Info logs a InfoLevel message, merging the KVers together first
func (l *Logger) Info(ctx context.Context, descr string, kvs ...KVer) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, InfoLevel, descr, kvs...))
// Warn logs a WarnLevel message, merging the KVers together first
func (l *Logger) Warn(ctx context.Context, descr string, kvs ...KVer) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, WarnLevel, descr, kvs...))
// Error logs a ErrorLevel message, merging the KVers together first
func (l *Logger) Error(ctx context.Context, descr string, kvs ...KVer) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, ErrorLevel, descr, kvs...))
// Fatal logs a FatalLevel message, merging the KVers together first. A Fatal
// message automatically stops the process with an os.Exit(1)
func (l *Logger) Fatal(ctx context.Context, descr string, kvs ...KVer) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, FatalLevel, descr, kvs...))