Fork 0
go packages which are fine
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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6.0 KiB

package jstream
import (
. "testing"
type cancelBuffer struct {
lr *io.LimitedReader
func newCancelBuffer(b []byte) io.Reader {
return &cancelBuffer{
lr: &io.LimitedReader{
R: bytes.NewBuffer(b),
N: int64(len(b) / 2),
func (cb *cancelBuffer) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
if cb.lr.N == 0 {
return 0, ErrCanceled
return cb.lr.Read(p)
func TestEncoderDecoder(t *T) {
type testCase struct {
typ Type
val interface{}
bytes []byte
stream []testCase
cancel bool
var randTestCase func(Type, bool) testCase
randTestCase = func(typ Type, cancelable bool) testCase {
// if typ isn't given then use a random one
if typ == "" {
pick := mrand.Intn(5)
switch {
case pick == 0:
typ = TypeStream
case pick < 4:
typ = TypeJSONValue
typ = TypeByteBlob
tc := testCase{
typ: typ,
cancel: cancelable && mrand.Intn(10) == 0,
switch typ {
case TypeJSONValue:
tc.val = map[string]interface{}{
mrand.Hex(8): mrand.Hex(8),
mrand.Hex(8): mrand.Hex(8),
mrand.Hex(8): mrand.Hex(8),
mrand.Hex(8): mrand.Hex(8),
mrand.Hex(8): mrand.Hex(8),
return tc
case TypeByteBlob:
tc.bytes = mrand.Bytes(mrand.Intn(256))
return tc
case TypeStream:
for i := mrand.Intn(10); i > 0; i-- {
tc.stream = append(tc.stream, randTestCase("", true))
return tc
panic("shouldn't get here")
tcLog := func(tcs ...testCase) []interface{} {
return []interface{}{"%#v", tcs}
var assertRead func(*StreamReader, Element, testCase) bool
assertRead = func(r *StreamReader, el Element, tc testCase) bool {
l, success := tcLog(tc), true
typ, err := el.Type()
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, tc.typ, typ, l...)
switch typ {
case TypeJSONValue:
var val interface{}
success = success && assert.NoError(t, el.Value(&val), l...)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, tc.val, val, l...)
case TypeByteBlob:
br, err := el.Bytes()
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, uint(len(tc.bytes)), el.SizeHint(), l...)
all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(br)
if tc.cancel {
success = success && assert.Equal(t, ErrCanceled, err, l...)
} else {
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, tc.bytes, all, l...)
case TypeStream:
innerR, err := el.Stream()
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, uint(len(tc.stream)), el.SizeHint(), l...)
n := 0
for {
el := innerR.Next()
if tc.cancel && el.Err == ErrCanceled {
} else if n == len(tc.stream) {
success = success && assert.Equal(t, ErrStreamEnded, el.Err, l...)
success = success && assertRead(innerR, el, tc.stream[n])
return success
var assertWrite func(*StreamWriter, testCase) bool
assertWrite = func(w *StreamWriter, tc testCase) bool {
l, success := tcLog(tc), true
switch tc.typ {
case TypeJSONValue:
success = success && assert.NoError(t, w.EncodeValue(tc.val), l...)
case TypeByteBlob:
if tc.cancel {
r := newCancelBuffer(tc.bytes)
err := w.EncodeBytes(uint(len(tc.bytes)), r)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, ErrCanceled, err, l...)
} else {
r := bytes.NewBuffer(tc.bytes)
err := w.EncodeBytes(uint(len(tc.bytes)), r)
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
case TypeStream:
err := w.EncodeStream(uint(len(tc.stream)), func(innerW *StreamWriter) error {
if len(tc.stream) == 0 && tc.cancel {
return ErrCanceled
for i := range tc.stream {
if tc.cancel && i == len(tc.stream)/2 {
return ErrCanceled
} else if !assertWrite(w, tc.stream[i]) {
return errors.New("we got problems")
return nil
if tc.cancel {
success = success && assert.Equal(t, ErrCanceled, err, l...)
} else {
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
return success
do := func(tcs ...testCase) bool {
// we keep a copy of all read/written bytes for debugging, but generally
// don't actually log them
ioR, ioW := io.Pipe()
cpR, cpW := new(bytes.Buffer), new(bytes.Buffer)
r, w := NewStreamReader(io.TeeReader(ioR, cpR)), NewStreamWriter(io.MultiWriter(ioW, cpW))
readCh, writeCh := make(chan bool, 1), make(chan bool, 1)
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
success := true
for _, tc := range tcs {
success = success && assertRead(r, r.Next(), tc)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, io.EOF, r.Next().Err)
readCh <- success
go func() {
success := true
for _, tc := range tcs {
success = success && assertWrite(w, tc)
writeCh <- success
//log.Printf("data written:%q", cpW.Bytes())
//log.Printf("data read: %q", cpR.Bytes())
if !(<-readCh && <-writeCh) {
assert.FailNow(t, "test case failed", tcLog(tcs...)...)
return false
return true
// some basic test cases
do() // empty stream
do(randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false))
do(randTestCase(TypeByteBlob, false))
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeByteBlob, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeByteBlob, false),
randTestCase(TypeByteBlob, false),
randTestCase(TypeByteBlob, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeStream, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
// some special cases, empty elements which are canceled
do(testCase{typ: TypeStream, cancel: true})
do(testCase{typ: TypeByteBlob, cancel: true})
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
tc := randTestCase(TypeStream, false)