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package mcrypto
import (
. "testing"
func TestSecretSignVerify(t *T) {
secretRaw := mrand.Bytes(16)
secret := NewSecret(secretRaw)
weakSecret := NewWeakSecret(secretRaw)
var prevStr string
var prevSig, prevWeakSig Signature
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
now := time.Now().Round(0)
secret.testNow = now
weakSecret.testNow = now
thisStr := mrand.Hex(512)
thisSig := SignString(secret, thisStr)
thisWeakSig := SignString(weakSecret, thisStr)
thisSigStr, thisWeakSigStr := thisSig.String(), thisWeakSig.String()
// sanity checks
assert.Equal(t, now, thisSig.Time())
assert.Equal(t, now, thisWeakSig.Time())
assert.NotEmpty(t, thisSigStr)
assert.NotEmpty(t, thisWeakSigStr)
assert.NotEqual(t, thisSigStr, thisWeakSigStr)
assert.True(t, len(thisSigStr) > len(thisWeakSigStr))
// Either secret should be able to verify either signature
assert.NoError(t, VerifyString(secret, thisSig, thisStr))
assert.NoError(t, VerifyString(weakSecret, thisWeakSig, thisStr))
assert.NoError(t, VerifyString(secret, thisWeakSig, thisStr))
assert.NoError(t, VerifyString(weakSecret, thisSig, thisStr))
if prevStr != "" {
assert.NotEqual(t, prevSig.String(), thisSigStr)
assert.NotEqual(t, prevWeakSig.String(), thisWeakSigStr)
err := VerifyString(secret, prevSig, thisStr)
assert.True(t, merr.Equal(err, ErrInvalidSig))
err = VerifyString(secret, prevWeakSig, thisStr)
assert.True(t, merr.Equal(err, ErrInvalidSig))
prevStr = thisStr
prevSig = thisSig
prevWeakSig = thisWeakSig