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package mdatastore
import (
. "testing"
// Requires datastore emulator to be running
func TestBasic(t *T) {
ctx := mtest.Context()
ctx = mtest.WithEnv(ctx, "DATASTORE_GCE_PROJECT", "test")
ctx, ds := WithDatastore(ctx, nil)
mtest.Run(ctx, t, func() {
name := mrand.Hex(8)
key := datastore.NameKey("testKind", name, nil)
key.Namespace = "TestBasic_" + mrand.Hex(8)
type valType struct {
A, B int
val := valType{
A: mrand.Int(),
B: mrand.Int(),
if _, err := ds.Put(ctx, key, &val); err != nil {
var val2 valType
if err := ds.Get(ctx, key, &val2); err != nil {
massert.Require(t, massert.Equal(val, val2))