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// Package mredis implements connecting to a redis instance.
package mredis
import (
// Redis is a wrapper around a redis client which provides more functionality.
type Redis struct {
cmp *mcmp.Component
type redisOpts struct {
dialOpts []radix.DialOpt
// RedisOption is a value which adjusts the behavior of InstRedis.
type RedisOption func(*redisOpts)
// RedisDialOpts specifies that the given set of DialOpts should be used when
// creating any new connections.
func RedisDialOpts(dialOpts ...radix.DialOpt) RedisOption {
return func(opts *redisOpts) {
opts.dialOpts = dialOpts
// InstRedis instantiates a Redis instance which will be initialized when the
// Init event is triggered on the given Component. The redis client will have
// Close called on it when the Shutdown event is triggered on the given
// Component.
func InstRedis(parent *mcmp.Component, options ...RedisOption) *Redis {
var opts redisOpts
for _, opt := range options {
cmp := parent.Child("redis")
client := new(struct{ radix.Client })
addr := mcfg.String(cmp, "addr",
mcfg.ParamUsage("Address redis is listening on"))
poolSize := mcfg.Int(cmp, "pool-size",
mcfg.ParamUsage("Number of connections in pool"))
mrun.InitHook(cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
cmp.Annotate("addr", *addr, "poolSize", *poolSize)
mlog.From(cmp).Info("connecting to redis", ctx)
var err error
client.Client, err = radix.NewPool(
"tcp", *addr, *poolSize,
radix.PoolConnFunc(func(network, addr string) (radix.Conn, error) {
return radix.Dial(network, addr, opts.dialOpts...)
return err
mrun.ShutdownHook(cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
mlog.From(cmp).Info("shutting down redis", ctx)
return client.Close()
return &Redis{
Client: client,
cmp: cmp,