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package mredis
import (
// borrowed from radix
type streamReaderEntry struct {
stream []byte
entries []radix.StreamEntry
func (s *streamReaderEntry) UnmarshalRESP(br *bufio.Reader) error {
var ah resp2.ArrayHeader
if err := ah.UnmarshalRESP(br); err != nil {
return err
if ah.N != 2 {
return errors.New("invalid xread[group] response")
var stream resp2.BulkStringBytes
stream.B = s.stream[:0]
if err := stream.UnmarshalRESP(br); err != nil {
return err
s.stream = stream.B
return (resp2.Any{I: &s.entries}).UnmarshalRESP(br)
// StreamEntry wraps radix's StreamEntry type in order to provde some extra
// functionality.
type StreamEntry struct {
// Ack is used in order to acknowledge that a stream message has been
// successfully consumed and should not be consumed again.
Ack func() error
// Nack is used to declare that a stream message was not successfully
// consumed and it needs to be consumed again.
Nack func()
// StreamOpts are options used to initialize a Stream instance. Fields are
// required unless otherwise noted.
type StreamOpts struct {
// Key is the redis key at which the redis stream resides.
Key string
// Group is the name of the consumer group which will consume from Key.
Group string
// Consumer is the name of this particular consumer. This value should
// remain the same across restarts of the process.
Consumer string
// (Optional) InitialCursor is only used when the consumer group is first
// being created, and indicates where in the stream the consumer group
// should start consuming from.
// "0" indicates the group should consume from the start of the stream. "$"
// indicates the group should not consume any old messages, only those added
// after the group is initialized. A specific message id can be given to
// consume only those messages with greater ids.
// Defaults to "$".
InitialCursor string
// (Optional) ReadCount indicates the max number of messages which should be
// read on every XREADGROUP call. 0 indicates no limit.
ReadCount int
// (Optional) Block indicates what BLOCK value is sent to XREADGROUP calls.
// This value _must_ be less than the ReadtTimeout the redis client is
// using.
// Defaults to 5 * time.Second
Block time.Duration
func (opts *StreamOpts) fillDefaults() {
if opts.InitialCursor == "" {
opts.InitialCursor = "$"
if opts.Block == 0 {
opts.Block = 5 * time.Second
// Stream wraps a Redis instance in order to provide an abstraction over
// consuming messages from a single redis stream. Stream is intended to be used
// in a single-threaded manner, and doesn't spawn any go-routines.
// See https://redis.io/topics/streams-intro
type Stream struct {
client *Redis
opts StreamOpts
// entries are stored to buf in id decreasing order, and then read from it
// from back-to-front. This allows us to not have to re-allocate the buffer
// during runtime.
buf []StreamEntry
hasInit bool
numPending int64
// NewStream initializes and returns a Stream instance using the given options.
func NewStream(r *Redis, opts StreamOpts) *Stream {
return &Stream{
client: r,
opts: opts,
buf: make([]StreamEntry, 0, opts.ReadCount),
func (s *Stream) getNumPending() (int64, error) {
var res []interface{}
err := s.client.Do(radix.Cmd(&res, "XPENDING", s.opts.Key, s.opts.Group))
if err != nil {
return 0, merr.Wrap(err, s.client.cmp.Context())
return res[0].(int64), nil
func (s *Stream) init() error {
// MKSTREAM is not documented, but will make the stream if it doesn't
// already exist. Only the most elite redis gurus know of it's
// existence, don't tell anyone.
err := s.client.Do(radix.Cmd(nil, "XGROUP", "CREATE", s.opts.Key, s.opts.Group, s.opts.InitialCursor, "MKSTREAM"))
if err == nil {
// cool
} else if errStr := err.Error(); !strings.HasPrefix(errStr, `BUSYGROUP Consumer Group name already exists`) {
return merr.Wrap(err, s.client.cmp.Context())
numPending, err := s.getNumPending()
if err != nil {
return err
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.numPending, numPending)
// if we're here it means init succeeded, mark as such and gtfo
s.hasInit = true
return nil
func (s *Stream) wrapEntry(entry radix.StreamEntry) StreamEntry {
return StreamEntry{
StreamEntry: entry,
Ack: func() error {
return s.client.Do(radix.Cmd(nil, "XACK", s.opts.Key, s.opts.Group, entry.ID.String()))
Nack: func() { atomic.AddInt64(&s.numPending, 1) },
func (s *Stream) fillBufFrom(id string) error {
args := []string{"GROUP", s.opts.Group, s.opts.Consumer}
if s.opts.ReadCount > 0 {
args = append(args, "COUNT", strconv.Itoa(s.opts.ReadCount))
blockMS := int(s.opts.Block / time.Millisecond)
args = append(args, "BLOCK", strconv.Itoa(blockMS))
args = append(args, "STREAMS", s.opts.Key, id)
var srEntries []streamReaderEntry
err := s.client.Do(radix.Cmd(&srEntries, "XREADGROUP", args...))
if err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err, s.client.cmp.Context())
} else if len(srEntries) == 0 {
return nil // no messages
} else if len(srEntries) != 1 || string(srEntries[0].stream) != s.opts.Key {
return merr.New("malformed return from XREADGROUP",
mctx.Annotate(s.client.cmp.Context(), "srEntries", srEntries))
entries := srEntries[0].entries
for i := len(entries) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
s.buf = append(s.buf, s.wrapEntry(entries[i]))
return nil
func (s *Stream) fillBuf() error {
if len(s.buf) > 0 {
return nil
} else if !s.hasInit {
if err := s.init(); err != nil {
return err
} else if !s.hasInit {
return nil
numPending := atomic.LoadInt64(&s.numPending)
if numPending > 0 {
if err := s.fillBufFrom("0"); err != nil {
return err
} else if len(s.buf) > 0 {
return nil
// no pending entries, we can mark Stream as such and continue. This
// _might_ fail if another routine called Nack in between originally
// loading numPending and now, in which case we should leave the buffer
// alone and let it get filled again later.
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&s.numPending, numPending, 0) {
return nil
return s.fillBufFrom(">")
// Next returns the next StreamEntry which needs processing, or false. This
// method is expected to block for up to the value of the Block field in
// StreamOpts.
// If an error is returned it's up to the caller whether or not they want to
// keep retrying.
func (s *Stream) Next() (StreamEntry, bool, error) {
if err := s.fillBuf(); err != nil {
return StreamEntry{}, false, err
} else if len(s.buf) == 0 {
return StreamEntry{}, false, nil
l := len(s.buf)
entry := s.buf[l-1]
s.buf = s.buf[:l-1]
return entry, true, nil