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package mrpc
import (
. "testing"
func TestReflectClient(t *T) {
type argT struct {
In string
type resT struct {
Out string
ctx := context.Background()
{ // test with handler returning non-pointer
client := ReflectClient(HandlerFunc(func(c Call) (interface{}, error) {
var args argT
assert.NoError(t, c.UnmarshalArgs(&args))
assert.Equal(t, "foo", c.Method())
return resT{Out: args.In}, nil
{ // test with arg being non-pointer
in := mrand.Hex(8)
var res resT
assert.NoError(t, client.CallRPC(ctx, &res, "foo", argT{In: in}))
assert.Equal(t, in, res.Out)
{ // test with arg being pointer
in := mrand.Hex(8)
var res resT
assert.NoError(t, client.CallRPC(ctx, &res, "foo", &argT{In: in}))
assert.Equal(t, in, res.Out)
{ // test with handler returning pointer
client := ReflectClient(HandlerFunc(func(c Call) (interface{}, error) {
var args argT
assert.NoError(t, c.UnmarshalArgs(&args))
assert.Equal(t, "foo", c.Method())
return &resT{Out: args.In}, nil
{ // test with arg being non-pointer
in := mrand.Hex(8)
var res resT
assert.NoError(t, client.CallRPC(ctx, &res, "foo", argT{In: in}))
assert.Equal(t, in, res.Out)
{ // test with arg being pointer
in := mrand.Hex(8)
var res resT
assert.NoError(t, client.CallRPC(ctx, &res, "foo", &argT{In: in}))
assert.Equal(t, in, res.Out)