Brian Picciano 4b446a0efc mctx: refactor so that contexts no longer carry mutable data
This change required refactoring nearly every package in this project,
but it does a lot to simplify mctx and make other code using it easier
to think about.

Other code, such as mlog and mcfg, had to be slightly modified for this
change to work as well.
2019-02-07 19:42:12 -05:00

194 lines
4.9 KiB

package mcfg
import (
. "testing"
// The tests for the different Sources use mchk as their primary method of
// checking. They end up sharing a lot of the same functionality, so in here is
// all the code they share
type srcCommonState struct {
// availCtxs get updated in place as the run goes on, and mkRoot is used to
// create the latest version of the root context based on them
availCtxs []*context.Context
mkRoot func() context.Context
expPVs []ParamValue
// each specific test should wrap this to add the Source itself
func newSrcCommonState() srcCommonState {
var scs srcCommonState
root := context.Background()
a := mctx.NewChild(root, "a")
b := mctx.NewChild(root, "b")
c := mctx.NewChild(root, "c")
ab := mctx.NewChild(a, "b")
bc := mctx.NewChild(b, "c")
abc := mctx.NewChild(ab, "c")
scs.availCtxs = []*context.Context{&root, &a, &b, &c, &ab, &bc, &abc}
scs.mkRoot = func() context.Context {
ab := mctx.WithChild(ab, abc)
a := mctx.WithChild(a, ab)
b := mctx.WithChild(b, bc)
root := mctx.WithChild(root, a)
root = mctx.WithChild(root, b)
root = mctx.WithChild(root, c)
return root
return scs
type srcCommonParams struct {
name string
availCtxI int // not technically needed, but makes finding the ctx easier
path []string
isBool bool
nonBoolType string // "int", "str", "duration", "json"
unset bool
nonBoolVal string
func (scs srcCommonState) next() srcCommonParams {
var p srcCommonParams
if i := mrand.Intn(8); i == 0 { = mrand.Hex(1) + "-" + mrand.Hex(8)
} else { = mrand.Hex(8)
p.availCtxI = mrand.Intn(len(scs.availCtxs))
p.path = mctx.Path(*scs.availCtxs[p.availCtxI])
p.isBool = mrand.Intn(8) == 0
if !p.isBool {
p.nonBoolType = mrand.Element([]string{
}, nil).(string)
p.unset = mrand.Intn(10) == 0
if p.isBool || p.unset {
return p
switch p.nonBoolType {
case "int":
p.nonBoolVal = fmt.Sprint(mrand.Int())
case "str":
p.nonBoolVal = mrand.Hex(16)
case "duration":
dur := time.Duration(mrand.Intn(86400)) * time.Second
p.nonBoolVal = dur.String()
case "json":
b, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]int{
mrand.Hex(4): mrand.Int(),
mrand.Hex(4): mrand.Int(),
mrand.Hex(4): mrand.Int(),
p.nonBoolVal = string(b)
return p
// adds the new param to the ctx, and if the param is expected to be set in
// the Source adds it to the expected ParamValues as well
func (scs srcCommonState) applyCtxAndPV(p srcCommonParams) srcCommonState {
thisCtx := scs.availCtxs[p.availCtxI]
ctxP := Param{
IsString: p.nonBoolType == "str" || p.nonBoolType == "duration",
IsBool: p.isBool,
// the Sources don't actually care about the other fields of Param,
// those are only used by Populate once it has all ParamValues together
*thisCtx = MustAdd(*thisCtx, ctxP)
ctxP, _ = getParam(*thisCtx, ctxP.Name) // get it back out to get any added fields
if !p.unset {
pv := ParamValue{Name: ctxP.Name, Path: mctx.Path(ctxP.Context)}
if p.isBool {
pv.Value = json.RawMessage("true")
} else {
switch p.nonBoolType {
case "str", "duration":
pv.Value = json.RawMessage(fmt.Sprintf("%q", p.nonBoolVal))
case "int", "json":
pv.Value = json.RawMessage(p.nonBoolVal)
panic("shouldn't get here")
scs.expPVs = append(scs.expPVs, pv)
return scs
// given a Source asserts that it's Parse method returns the expected
// ParamValues
func (scs srcCommonState) assert(s Source) error {
root := scs.mkRoot()
gotPVs, err := s.Parse(collectParams(root))
if err != nil {
return err
return massert.All(
massert.Len(gotPVs, len(scs.expPVs)),
massert.Subset(scs.expPVs, gotPVs),
func TestSources(t *T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, a := RequiredInt(ctx, "a", "")
ctx, b := RequiredInt(ctx, "b", "")
ctx, c := RequiredInt(ctx, "c", "")
err := Populate(ctx, Sources{
SourceCLI{Args: []string{"--a=1", "--b=666"}},
SourceEnv{Env: []string{"B=2", "C=3"}},
massert.Fatal(t, massert.All(
massert.Equal(1, *a),
massert.Equal(2, *b),
massert.Equal(3, *c),
func TestSourceParamValues(t *T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, a := RequiredInt(ctx, "a", "")
foo := mctx.NewChild(ctx, "foo")
foo, b := RequiredString(foo, "b", "")
foo, c := Bool(foo, "c", "")
ctx = mctx.WithChild(ctx, foo)
err := Populate(ctx, ParamValues{
{Name: "a", Value: json.RawMessage(`4`)},
{Path: []string{"foo"}, Name: "b", Value: json.RawMessage(`"bbb"`)},
{Path: []string{"foo"}, Name: "c", Value: json.RawMessage("true")},
massert.Fatal(t, massert.All(
massert.Equal(4, *a),
massert.Equal("bbb", *b),
massert.Equal(true, *c),