2018-03-12 12:29:51 +00:00

268 lines
7.3 KiB

package mcrypto
import (
var (
errMalformedSig = errors.New("malformed signature")
// ErrInvalidSig is returned by Signer related functions when an invalid
// signature is used, e.g. it is a signature for different data, or uses a
// different secret key, or has expired
ErrInvalidSig = errors.New("invalid signature")
// Signer is some entity which can generate signatures for arbitrary data and
// can later verify those signatures
type Signer interface {
sign(io.Reader) (string, error)
// returns an error if io.Reader returns one ever, or if the signature
// couldn't be verified
verify(string, io.Reader) error
// Sign reads all data from the io.Reader and signs it using the given Signer
func Sign(s Signer, r io.Reader) (string, error) {
return s.sign(r)
// SignBytes uses the Signer to generate a signature for the given []bytes
func SignBytes(s Signer, b []byte) string {
sig, err := s.sign(bytes.NewBuffer(b))
if err != nil {
return sig
// SignString uses the Signer to generate a signature for the given string
func SignString(s Signer, in string) string {
return SignBytes(s, []byte(in))
// Verify reads all data from the io.Reader and uses the Signer to verify that
// the signature is for that data.
// Returns any errors from io.Reader, or ErrInvalidSig (use merry.Is(err,
// mcrypto.ErrInvalidSig) to check).
func Verify(s Signer, sig string, r io.Reader) error {
return s.verify(sig, r)
// VerifyBytes uses the Signer to verify that the signature is for the given
// []bytes.
// Returns any errors from io.Reader, or ErrInvalidSig (use merry.Is(err,
// mcrypto.ErrInvalidSig) to check).
func VerifyBytes(s Signer, sig string, b []byte) error {
return s.verify(sig, bytes.NewBuffer(b))
// VerifyString uses the Signer to verify that the signature is for the given
// string.
// Returns any errors from io.Reader, or ErrInvalidSig (use merry.Is(err,
// mcrypto.ErrInvalidSig) to check).
func VerifyString(s Signer, sig, in string) error {
return VerifyBytes(s, sig, []byte(in))
type signer struct {
outSize uint8 // in bytes, shouldn't be more than 32, cause sha256
secret []byte
// NewSigner returns a Signer instance which will use the given secret to sign
// and verify all signatures. The signatures generated by this Signer have no
// expiration
func NewSigner(secret []byte) Signer {
return signer{outSize: 20, secret: secret}
// NewWeakSigner returns a Signer, similar to how NewSigner does. The signatures
// generated by this Signer will be smaller in text size, and therefore weaker,
// but are still fine for most applications.
// The Signers returned by both NewSigner and NewWeakSigner can verify
// each-other's signatures, as long as the secret is the same.
func NewWeakSigner(secret []byte) Signer {
return signer{outSize: 8, secret: secret}
func (s signer) signRaw(r io.Reader) (hash.Hash, error) {
h := hmac.New(sha256.New, s.secret)
_, err := io.Copy(h, r)
return h, err
func (s signer) sign(r io.Reader) (string, error) {
h, err := s.signRaw(r)
if err != nil {
return "", err
b := make([]byte, 1+h.Size())
b[0] = s.outSize
return sigV0 + hex.EncodeToString(b[:1+int(s.outSize)]), nil
func (s signer) verify(sig string, r io.Reader) error {
sig, ok := stripPrefix(sig, sigV0)
if !ok || len(sig) < 2 {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(errMalformedSig, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
sig = strings.TrimPrefix(sig, sigV0)
sizeStr, sig := sig[:2], sig[2:]
sizeB, err := hex.DecodeString(sizeStr)
if err != nil {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(err, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
size := sizeB[0]
if hex.DecodedLen(len(sig)) != int(size) {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(errMalformedSig, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
sigB, err := hex.DecodeString(sig)
if err != nil {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(err, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
h, err := s.signRaw(r)
if err != nil {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(err, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
if !hmac.Equal(sigB, h.Sum(nil)[:size]) {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(ErrInvalidSig, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
return nil
type expireSigner struct {
s Signer
timeout time.Duration
// only used during tests
testNow time.Time
// ExpireSigner wraps a Signer so that the signatures produced include timestamp
// information about when the signature was made. That information is then used
// during verifying to ensure the signature isn't older than the timeout.
// It is allowed to change the timeout ExpireSigner is initialized with.
// Previously generated signatures will be verified (or rejected) using the new
// timeout.
func ExpireSigner(s Signer, timeout time.Duration) Signer {
return expireSigner{s: s, timeout: timeout}
func (es expireSigner) now() time.Time {
if !es.testNow.IsZero() {
return es.testNow
return time.Now()
func (es expireSigner) sign(r io.Reader) (string, error) {
b := make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, uint64(
sig, err := es.s.sign(prefixReader(r, b))
return exSigV0 + hex.EncodeToString(b) + sig, err
var exSigTimeLen = hex.EncodedLen(8)
func (es expireSigner) verify(sig string, r io.Reader) error {
sig, ok := stripPrefix(sig, exSigV0)
if !ok || len(sig) < exSigTimeLen {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(errMalformedSig, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
tStr, sig := sig[:exSigTimeLen], sig[exSigTimeLen:]
tB, err := hex.DecodeString(tStr)
if err != nil {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(err, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
t := time.Unix(0, int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(tB)))
if > es.timeout {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(ErrInvalidSig, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
return es.s.verify(sig, prefixReader(r, tB))
type uniqueSigner struct {
s Signer
randSize uint8 // in bytes
// UniqueSigner wraps a Signer so that when data is signed some random data is
// included in the signed data, and that random data is included in the
// signature as well. This ensures that even for the same input data signatures
// produced are all unique.
func UniqueSigner(s Signer) Signer {
return uniqueSigner{s: s, randSize: 10}
func (us uniqueSigner) sign(r io.Reader) (string, error) {
b := make([]byte, 1+us.randSize)
b[0] = us.randSize
if _, err := rand.Read(b[1:]); err != nil {
sig, err := us.s.sign(prefixReader(r, b[1:]))
return uniqueSigV0 + hex.EncodeToString(b) + sig, err
func (us uniqueSigner) verify(sig string, r io.Reader) error {
sig, ok := stripPrefix(sig, uniqueSigV0)
if !ok || len(sig) < 2 {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(errMalformedSig, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
sizeStr, sig := sig[:2], sig[2:]
sizeB, err := hex.DecodeString(sizeStr)
if err != nil {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(err, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
size := sizeB[0]
sizeEnc := hex.EncodedLen(int(size))
if len(sig) < sizeEnc {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(errMalformedSig, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
bStr, sig := sig[:sizeEnc], sig[sizeEnc:]
b, err := hex.DecodeString(bStr)
if err != nil {
return mlog.ErrWithKV(err, mlog.KV{"sig": sig})
return us.s.verify(sig, prefixReader(r, b))