2019-01-25 16:39:57 -05:00

391 lines
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// Package mlog is a generic logging library. The log methods come in different
// severities: Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal.
// The log methods take in a string describing the error, and a set of key/value
// pairs giving the specific context around the error. The string is intended to
// always be the same no matter what, while the key/value pairs give information
// like which userID the error happened to, or any other relevant contextual
// information.
// Examples:
// log := mlog.NewLogger()
// log.Info("Something important has occurred")
// log.Error("Could not open file", mlog.KV{"filename": filename}, merr.KV(err))
package mlog
import (
// Truncate is a helper function to truncate a string to a given size. It will
// add 3 trailing elipses, so the returned string will be at most size+3
// characters long
func Truncate(s string, size int) string {
if len(s) <= size {
return s
return s[:size] + "..."
// Level describes the severity of a particular log message, and can be compared
// to the severity of any other Level
type Level interface {
// String gives the string form of the level, e.g. "INFO" or "ERROR"
String() string
// Uint gives an integer indicator of the severity of the level, with zero
// being most severe. If a Level with Uint of zero is logged then the Logger
// implementation provided by this package will exit the process (i.e. zero
// is used as Fatal).
Uint() uint
type level struct {
s string
i uint
func (l level) String() string {
return l.s
func (l level) Uint() uint {
return l.i
// All pre-defined log levels
var (
DebugLevel Level = level{s: "DEBUG", i: 40}
InfoLevel Level = level{s: "INFO", i: 30}
WarnLevel Level = level{s: "WARN", i: 20}
ErrorLevel Level = level{s: "ERROR", i: 10}
FatalLevel Level = level{s: "FATAL", i: 0}
// KVer is used to provide context to a log entry in the form of a dynamic set
// of key/value pairs which can be different for every entry.
// The returned map is read-only, and may be nil.
type KVer interface {
KV() map[string]interface{}
// KVerFunc is a function which implements the KVer interface by calling itself.
type KVerFunc func() map[string]interface{}
// KV implements the KVer interface by calling the KVerFunc itself.
func (kvf KVerFunc) KV() map[string]interface{} {
return kvf()
// KV is a KVer which returns a copy of itself when KV is called.
type KV map[string]interface{}
// KV implements the KVer method by returning a copy of itself.
func (kv KV) KV() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}(kv)
// Set returns a copy of the KV being called on with the given key/val set on
// it. The original KV is unaffected
func (kv KV) Set(k string, v interface{}) KV {
kvm := make(map[string]interface{}, len(kv)+1)
copyM(kvm, kv.KV())
kvm[k] = v
return KV(kvm)
// returns a key/value map which should not be written to. saves a map-cloning
// if KVer is a KV
func readOnlyKVM(kver KVer) map[string]interface{} {
if kver == nil {
return map[string]interface{}(nil)
} else if kv, ok := kver.(KV); ok {
return map[string]interface{}(kv)
return kver.KV()
func copyM(dst, src map[string]interface{}) {
for k, v := range src {
dst[k] = v
// this may take in any amount of nil values, but should never return nil
func mergeInto(kv KVer, kvs ...KVer) map[string]interface{} {
kvm := map[string]interface{}{}
if kv != nil {
copyM(kvm, kv.KV())
for _, innerKV := range kvs {
if innerKV == nil {
copyM(kvm, innerKV.KV())
return kvm
type merger struct {
base KVer
rest []KVer
// Merge takes in multiple KVers and returns a single KVer which is the union of
// all the passed in ones. Key/Vals on the rightmost of the set take precedence
// over conflicting ones to the left.
// The KVer returned will call KV() on each of the passed in KVers every time
// its KV method is called.
func Merge(kvs ...KVer) KVer {
if len(kvs) == 0 {
return merger{}
return merger{base: kvs[0], rest: kvs[1:]}
// MergeInto is a convenience function which acts similarly to Merge.
func MergeInto(kv KVer, kvs ...KVer) KVer {
return merger{base: kv, rest: kvs}
func (m merger) KV() map[string]interface{} {
return mergeInto(m.base,
// Prefix prefixes all keys returned from the given KVer with the given prefix
// string.
func Prefix(kv KVer, prefix string) KVer {
return KVerFunc(func() map[string]interface{} {
kvm := readOnlyKVM(kv)
newKVM := make(map[string]interface{}, len(kvm))
for k, v := range kvm {
newKVM[prefix+k] = v
return newKVM
// Stringer generates and returns a string.
type Stringer interface {
String() string
// String is simply a string which implements Stringer.
type String string
func (str String) String() string {
return string(str)
// Message describes a message to be logged, after having already resolved the
// KVer
type Message struct {
Description Stringer
func stringSlice(kv KV) [][2]string {
slice := make([][2]string, 0, len(kv))
for k, v := range kv {
slice = append(slice, [2]string{
sort.Slice(slice, func(i, j int) bool {
return slice[i][0] < slice[j][0]
return slice
// Handler is a function which can process Messages in some way.
// NOTE that Logger does not handle thread-safety, that must be done inside the
// Handler if necessary.
type Handler func(msg Message) error
// DefaultFormat formats and writes the Message to the given Writer using mlog's
// default format.
func DefaultFormat(w io.Writer, msg Message) error {
var err error
write := func(s string, args ...interface{}) {
if err == nil {
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, s, args...)
write("~ %s -- %s", msg.Level.String(), msg.Description.String())
if msg.KVer != nil {
if kv := msg.KV(); len(kv) > 0 {
write(" --")
for _, kve := range stringSlice(kv) {
write(" %s=%s", kve[0], kve[1])
return err
// DefaultHandler initializes and returns a Handler which will write all
// messages to os.Stderr in a thread-safe way. This is the Handler which
// NewLogger will use automatically.
func DefaultHandler() Handler {
l := new(sync.Mutex)
bw := bufio.NewWriter(os.Stderr)
return func(msg Message) error {
defer l.Unlock()
err := DefaultFormat(bw, msg)
if err == nil {
err = bw.Flush()
return err
// Logger directs Messages to an internal Handler and provides convenient
// methods for creating and modifying its own behavior.
type Logger struct {
w io.Writer
h Handler
maxLevel uint
kv KVer
testMsgWrittenCh chan struct{} // only initialized/used in tests
// NewLogger initializes and returns a new instance of Logger which will write
// to the DefaultHandler.
func NewLogger() *Logger {
return &Logger{
h: DefaultHandler(),
maxLevel: InfoLevel.Uint(),
// Handler returns the Handler currently in use by the Logger.
func (l *Logger) Handler() Handler {
return l.h
func (l *Logger) clone() *Logger {
l2 := *l
return &l2
// WithMaxLevelUint returns a copy of the Logger which will not log any messages
// with a higher Level.Uint value than the one given. The returned Logger is
// identical in all other aspects.
func (l *Logger) WithMaxLevelUint(i uint) *Logger {
l = l.clone()
l.maxLevel = i
return l
// WithMaxLevel returns a copy of the Logger which will not log any messages
// with a higher Level.Uint value than of the Level given. The returned Logger
// is identical in all other aspects.
func (l *Logger) WithMaxLevel(lvl Level) *Logger {
return l.WithMaxLevelUint(lvl.Uint())
// WithHandler returns a copy of the Logger which will use the given Handler in
// order to process messages. The returned Logger is identical in all other
// aspects.
func (l *Logger) WithHandler(h Handler) *Logger {
l = l.clone()
l.h = h
return l
// WithKV returns a copy of the Logger which will use the merging of the given
// KVers as a base KVer for all log messages. If the original Logger already had
// a base KVer (via a previous WithKV call) then this set will be merged onto
// that one.
func (l *Logger) WithKV(kvs ...KVer) *Logger {
l = l.clone()
l.kv = MergeInto(l.kv, kvs...)
return l
// Log can be used to manually log a message of some custom defined Level.
// If the Level is a fatal (Uint() == 0) then calling this will never return,
// and the process will have os.Exit(1) called.
func (l *Logger) Log(msg Message) {
if l.maxLevel < msg.Level.Uint() {
if l.kv != nil {
msg.KVer = MergeInto(l.kv, msg.KVer)
if err := l.h(msg); err != nil {
go l.Error("Logger.Handler returned error", merr.KV(err))
if l.testMsgWrittenCh != nil {
l.testMsgWrittenCh <- struct{}{}
if msg.Level.Uint() == 0 {
func mkMsg(lvl Level, descr string, kvs ...KVer) Message {
return Message{
Level: lvl,
Description: String(descr),
KVer: Merge(kvs...),
// Debug logs a DebugLevel message, merging the KVers together first
func (l *Logger) Debug(descr string, kvs ...KVer) {
l.Log(mkMsg(DebugLevel, descr, kvs...))
// Info logs a InfoLevel message, merging the KVers together first
func (l *Logger) Info(descr string, kvs ...KVer) {
l.Log(mkMsg(InfoLevel, descr, kvs...))
// Warn logs a WarnLevel message, merging the KVers together first
func (l *Logger) Warn(descr string, kvs ...KVer) {
l.Log(mkMsg(WarnLevel, descr, kvs...))
// Error logs a ErrorLevel message, merging the KVers together first
func (l *Logger) Error(descr string, kvs ...KVer) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ErrorLevel, descr, kvs...))
// Fatal logs a FatalLevel message, merging the KVers together first. A Fatal
// message automatically stops the process with an os.Exit(1)
func (l *Logger) Fatal(descr string, kvs ...KVer) {
l.Log(mkMsg(FatalLevel, descr, kvs...))