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package merr
import (
func TestFullError(t *testing.T) {
massert.Equal(t, nil, Wrap(context.Background(), nil))
ctx := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(),
"a", "aaa aaa\n",
"c", "ccc\nccc\n",
"d\t", "weird key but ok")
e := New(ctx, "foo")
exp := `foo
* a: aaa aaa
* c:
* d: weird key but ok
* line: merr/merr_test.go:22`
massert.Equal(t, exp, e.(Error).FullError())
e := Wrap(ctx, errors.New("foo"))
exp := `foo
* a: aaa aaa
* c:
* d: weird key but ok
* line: merr/merr_test.go:34`
massert.Equal(t, exp, e.(Error).FullError())
func TestAsIsError(t *testing.T) {
testST := newStacktrace(0)
ctxA := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(), "a", "1")
ctxB := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(), "b", "2")
errFoo := errors.New("foo")
type test struct {
in error
expAs error
expIs error
expStr string
tests := []test{
in: nil,
in: errors.New("bar"),
expStr: "bar",
in: Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: testST,
expAs: Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: testST,
expIs: errFoo,
expStr: "foo",
in: fmt.Errorf("bar: %w", Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: testST,
expAs: Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: testST,
expIs: errFoo,
expStr: "bar: foo",
in: Wrap(ctxB, Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: testST,
expAs: Error{
Err: Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: testST,
Ctx: mctx.MergeAnnotations(ctxA, ctxB),
Stacktrace: testST,
expIs: errFoo,
expStr: "foo",
in: Wrap(ctxB, fmt.Errorf("bar: %w", Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: testST,
expAs: Error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("bar: %w", Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: testST,
Ctx: mctx.MergeAnnotations(ctxA, ctxB),
Stacktrace: testST,
expIs: errFoo,
expStr: "bar: foo",
for i, test := range tests {
t.Run(fmt.Sprint(i), func(t *testing.T) {
var in Error
ok := errors.As(test.in, &in)
t, ok, test.expAs != nil, "test.in:%#v ok:%v", test.in, ok,
if test.expAs == nil {
expAs := test.expAs.(Error)
inAA := mctx.EvaluateAnnotations(in.Ctx, nil)
expAsAA := mctx.EvaluateAnnotations(expAs.Ctx, nil)
in.Ctx = nil
expAs.Ctx = nil
massert.Equal(t, expAsAA, inAA)
massert.Equal(t, expAs, in)
t, true, errors.Is(test.in, test.expIs),
"errors.Is(\ntest.in:%#v,\ntest.expIs:%#v,\n)", test.in, test.expIs,
massert.Equal(t, test.expStr, test.in.Error())