
66 lines
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package mcfg
import (
// ParamValue describes a value for a parameter which has been parsed by a
// Source.
type ParamValue struct {
Name string
Path []string
Value json.RawMessage
// Source parses ParamValues out of a particular configuration source, given the
// Component which the Params were added to (via WithInt, WithString, etc...).
// CollectParams can be used to retrieve these Params.
// It's possible for Parsing to affect the Component itself, for example in the
// case of sub-commands.
// Source should not return ParamValues which were not explicitly set to a value
// by the configuration source.
// The returned []ParamValue may contain duplicates of the same Param's value.
// in which case the latter value takes precedence. It may also contain
// ParamValues which do not correspond to any of the passed in Params. These
// will be ignored in Populate.
type Source interface {
Parse(*mcmp.Component) ([]ParamValue, error)
// ParamValues is simply a slice of ParamValue elements, which implements Parse
// by always returning itself as-is.
type ParamValues []ParamValue
var _ Source = ParamValues{}
// Parse implements the method for the Source interface.
func (pvs ParamValues) Parse(*mcmp.Component) ([]ParamValue, error) {
return pvs, nil
// Sources combines together multiple Source instances into one. It will call
// Parse on each element individually. Values from later Sources take precedence
// over previous ones.
type Sources []Source
var _ Source = Sources{}
// Parse implements the method for the Source interface.
func (ss Sources) Parse(cmp *mcmp.Component) ([]ParamValue, error) {
var pvs []ParamValue
for _, s := range ss {
var innerPVs []ParamValue
var err error
if innerPVs, err = s.Parse(cmp); err != nil {
return nil, err
pvs = append(pvs, innerPVs...)
return pvs, nil