(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o'); e.print.apply(e, args); if (e.BufferArray.length > e.BufferMax) { e.BufferArray.splice(0, 1); } else { e.javaconsole.scrollTop = e.javaconsole.scrollHeight; } }; e.showconsole = function () { e.wrapper.classList.remove("hidden"); }; e.hideconsole = function () { e.wrapper.classList.add("hidden"); }; e.closer.onclick = function () { e.hideconsole(); }; e.hideconsole(); return e; }; },{}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Processing.js default scope */ module.exports = function(options) { // Building defaultScope. Changing of the prototype protects // internal Processing code from the changes in defaultScope function DefaultScope() {} DefaultScope.prototype = options.PConstants; var defaultScope = new DefaultScope(); // copy over all known Object types and helper objects Object.keys(options).forEach(function(prop) { defaultScope[prop] = options[prop]; }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class inheritance helper methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// defaultScope.defineProperty = function(obj, name, desc) { if("defineProperty" in Object) { Object.defineProperty(obj, name, desc); } else { if (desc.hasOwnProperty("get")) { obj.__defineGetter__(name, desc.get); } if (desc.hasOwnProperty("set")) { obj.__defineSetter__(name, desc.set); } } }; /** * class overloading, part 1 */ function overloadBaseClassFunction(object, name, basefn) { if (!object.hasOwnProperty(name) || typeof object[name] !== 'function') { // object method is not a function or just inherited from Object.prototype object[name] = basefn; return; } var fn = object[name]; if ("$overloads" in fn) { // the object method already overloaded (see defaultScope.addMethod) // let's just change a fallback method fn.$defaultOverload = basefn; return; } if (!("$overloads" in basefn) && fn.length === basefn.length) { // special case when we just overriding the method return; } var overloads, defaultOverload; if ("$overloads" in basefn) { // let's inherit base class overloads to speed up things overloads = basefn.$overloads.slice(0); overloads[fn.length] = fn; defaultOverload = basefn.$defaultOverload; } else { overloads = []; overloads[basefn.length] = basefn; overloads[fn.length] = fn; defaultOverload = fn; } var hubfn = function() { var fn = hubfn.$overloads[arguments.length] || ("$methodArgsIndex" in hubfn && arguments.length > hubfn.$methodArgsIndex ? hubfn.$overloads[hubfn.$methodArgsIndex] : null) || hubfn.$defaultOverload; return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; hubfn.$overloads = overloads; if ("$methodArgsIndex" in basefn) { hubfn.$methodArgsIndex = basefn.$methodArgsIndex; } hubfn.$defaultOverload = defaultOverload; hubfn.name = name; object[name] = hubfn; } /** * class overloading, part 2 */ function extendClass(subClass, baseClass) { function extendGetterSetter(propertyName) { defaultScope.defineProperty(subClass, propertyName, { get: function() { return baseClass[propertyName]; }, set: function(v) { baseClass[propertyName]=v; }, enumerable: true }); } var properties = []; for (var propertyName in baseClass) { if (typeof baseClass[propertyName] === 'function') { overloadBaseClassFunction(subClass, propertyName, baseClass[propertyName]); } else if(propertyName.charAt(0) !== "$" && !(propertyName in subClass)) { // Delaying the properties extension due to the IE9 bug (see #918). properties.push(propertyName); } } while (properties.length > 0) { extendGetterSetter(properties.shift()); } subClass.$super = baseClass; } /** * class overloading, part 3 */ defaultScope.extendClassChain = function(base) { var path = [base]; for (var self = base.$upcast; self; self = self.$upcast) { extendClass(self, base); path.push(self); base = self; } while (path.length > 0) { path.pop().$self=base; } }; // static defaultScope.extendStaticMembers = function(derived, base) { extendClass(derived, base); }; // interface defaultScope.extendInterfaceMembers = function(derived, base) { extendClass(derived, base); }; /** * Java methods and JavaScript functions differ enough that * we need a special function to make sure it all links up * as classical hierarchical class chains. */ defaultScope.addMethod = function(object, name, fn, hasMethodArgs) { var existingfn = object[name]; if (existingfn || hasMethodArgs) { var args = fn.length; // builds the overload methods table if ("$overloads" in existingfn) { existingfn.$overloads[args] = fn; } else { var hubfn = function() { var fn = hubfn.$overloads[arguments.length] || ("$methodArgsIndex" in hubfn && arguments.length > hubfn.$methodArgsIndex ? hubfn.$overloads[hubfn.$methodArgsIndex] : null) || hubfn.$defaultOverload; return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; var overloads = []; if (existingfn) { overloads[existingfn.length] = existingfn; } overloads[args] = fn; hubfn.$overloads = overloads; hubfn.$defaultOverload = existingfn || fn; if (hasMethodArgs) { hubfn.$methodArgsIndex = args; } hubfn.name = name; object[name] = hubfn; } } else { object[name] = fn; } }; // internal helper function function isNumericalJavaType(type) { if (typeof type !== "string") { return false; } return ["byte", "int", "char", "color", "float", "long", "double"].indexOf(type) !== -1; } /** * Java's arrays are pre-filled when declared with * an initial size, but no content. JS arrays are not. */ defaultScope.createJavaArray = function(type, bounds) { var result = null, defaultValue = null; if (typeof type === "string") { if (type === "boolean") { defaultValue = false; } else if (isNumericalJavaType(type)) { defaultValue = 0; } } if (typeof bounds[0] === 'number') { var itemsCount = 0 | bounds[0]; if (bounds.length <= 1) { result = []; result.length = itemsCount; for (var i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { result[i] = defaultValue; } } else { result = []; var newBounds = bounds.slice(1); for (var j = 0; j < itemsCount; ++j) { result.push(defaultScope.createJavaArray(type, newBounds)); } } } return result; }; // screenWidth and screenHeight are shared by all instances. // and return the width/height of the browser's viewport. defaultScope.defineProperty(defaultScope, 'screenWidth', { get: function() { return window.innerWidth; } }); defaultScope.defineProperty(defaultScope, 'screenHeight', { get: function() { return window.innerHeight; } }); return defaultScope; }; },{}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Finalise the Processing.js object. */ module.exports = function finalizeProcessing(Processing, options) { // unpack options var window = options.window, document = options.document, XMLHttpRequest = window.XMLHttpRequest, noop = options.noop, isDOMPresent = options.isDOMPresent, version = options.version, undef; // versioning Processing.version = (version ? version : "@DEV-VERSION@"); // Share lib space Processing.lib = {}; /** * External libraries can be added to the global Processing * objects with the `registerLibrary` function. */ Processing.registerLibrary = function(name, library) { Processing.lib[name] = library; if(library.hasOwnProperty("init")) { library.init(defaultScope); } }; /** * This is the object that acts as our version of PApplet. * This can be called as Processing.Sketch() or as * Processing.Sketch(function) in which case the function * must be an already-compiled-to-JS sketch function. */ Processing.Sketch = function(attachFunction) { this.attachFunction = attachFunction; this.options = { pauseOnBlur: false, globalKeyEvents: false }; /* Optional Sketch event hooks: * onLoad - parsing/preloading is done, before sketch starts * onSetup - setup() has been called, before first draw() * onPause - noLoop() has been called, pausing draw loop * onLoop - loop() has been called, resuming draw loop * onFrameStart - draw() loop about to begin * onFrameEnd - draw() loop finished * onExit - exit() done being called */ this.onLoad = noop; this.onSetup = noop; this.onPause = noop; this.onLoop = noop; this.onFrameStart = noop; this.onFrameEnd = noop; this.onExit = noop; this.params = {}; this.imageCache = { pending: 0, images: {}, // Opera requires special administration for preloading operaCache: {}, // Specify an optional img arg if the image is already loaded in the DOM, // otherwise href will get loaded. add: function(href, img) { // Prevent muliple loads for an image, in case it gets // preloaded more than once, or is added via JS and then preloaded. if (this.images[href]) { return; } if (!isDOMPresent) { this.images[href] = null; } // No image in the DOM, kick-off a background load if (!img) { img = new Image(); img.onload = (function(owner) { return function() { owner.pending--; }; }(this)); this.pending++; img.src = href; } this.images[href] = img; // Opera will not load images until they are inserted into the DOM. if (window.opera) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.appendChild(img); // we can't use "display: none", since that makes it invisible, and thus not load div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.opacity = 0; div.style.width = "1px"; div.style.height= "1px"; if (!this.operaCache[href]) { document.body.appendChild(div); this.operaCache[href] = div; } } } }; this.sourceCode = undefined; this.attach = function(processing) { // either attachFunction or sourceCode must be present on attach if(typeof this.attachFunction === "function") { this.attachFunction(processing); } else if(this.sourceCode) { var func = ((new Function("return (" + this.sourceCode + ");"))()); func(processing); this.attachFunction = func; } else { throw "Unable to attach sketch to the processing instance"; } }; this.toString = function() { var i; var code = "((function(Sketch) {\n"; code += "var sketch = new Sketch(\n" + this.sourceCode + ");\n"; for(i in this.options) { if(this.options.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var value = this.options[i]; code += "sketch.options." + i + " = " + (typeof value === 'string' ? '\"' + value + '\"' : "" + value) + ";\n"; } } for(i in this.imageCache) { if(this.options.hasOwnProperty(i)) { code += "sketch.imageCache.add(\"" + i + "\");\n"; } } // TODO serialize fonts code += "return sketch;\n})(Processing.Sketch))"; return code; }; }; /** * aggregate all source code into a single file, then rewrite that * source and bind to canvas via new Processing(canvas, sourcestring). * @param {CANVAS} canvas The html canvas element to bind to * @param {String[]} source The array of files that must be loaded * @param {Function} onComplete A callback, called with the sketch as the argument. */ var loadSketchFromSources = Processing.loadSketchFromSources = function(canvas, sources, onComplete) { var code = [], errors = [], sourcesCount = sources.length, loaded = 0; function ajaxAsync(url, callback) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { var error; if (xhr.status !== 200 && xhr.status !== 0) { error = "Invalid XHR status " + xhr.status; } else if (xhr.responseText === "") { // Give a hint when loading fails due to same-origin issues on file:/// urls if ( ("withCredentials" in new XMLHttpRequest()) && (new XMLHttpRequest()).withCredentials === false && window.location.protocol === "file:" ) { error = "XMLHttpRequest failure, possibly due to a same-origin policy violation. You can try loading this page in another browser, or load it from http://localhost using a local webserver. See the Processing.js README for a more detailed explanation of this problem and solutions."; } else { error = "File is empty."; } } callback(xhr.responseText, error); } }; xhr.open("GET", url, true); if (xhr.overrideMimeType) { xhr.overrideMimeType("application/json"); } xhr.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Fri, 01 Jan 1960 00:00:00 GMT"); // no cache xhr.send(null); } function loadBlock(index, filename) { function callback(block, error) { code[index] = block; ++loaded; if (error) { errors.push(filename + " ==> " + error); } if (loaded === sourcesCount) { if (errors.length === 0) { // This used to throw, but it was constantly getting in the way of debugging where things go wrong! var sketch = new Processing(canvas, code.join("\n")); if (onComplete) { onComplete(sketch); } } else { throw "Processing.js: Unable to load pjs sketch files: " + errors.join("\n"); } } } if (filename.charAt(0) === '#') { // trying to get script from the element var scriptElement = document.getElementById(filename.substring(1)); if (scriptElement) { callback(scriptElement.text || scriptElement.textContent); } else { callback("", "Unable to load pjs sketch: element with id \'" + filename.substring(1) + "\' was not found"); } return; } ajaxAsync(filename, callback); } for (var i = 0; i < sourcesCount; ++i) { loadBlock(i, sources[i]); } }; /** * Automatic initialization function. */ var init = function() { document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init, false); var i; // before running through init, clear the instances list, to prevent // sketch duplication when page content is dynamically swapped without // swapping out processing.js while (Processing.instances.length > 0) { for (i = Processing.instances.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Processing.instances[i]) { Processing.instances[i].exit(); } } } var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas'), filenames; for (i = 0, l = canvas.length; i < l; i++) { // datasrc and data-src are deprecated. var processingSources = canvas[i].getAttribute('data-processing-sources'); if (processingSources === null) { // Temporary fallback for datasrc and data-src processingSources = canvas[i].getAttribute('data-src'); if (processingSources === null) { processingSources = canvas[i].getAttribute('datasrc'); } } if (processingSources) { filenames = processingSources.split(/\s+/g); for (var j = 0; j < filenames.length;) { if (filenames[j]) { j++; } else { filenames.splice(j, 1); } } loadSketchFromSources(canvas[i], filenames); } } // also process all