Remove old git implementation completely

This commit is contained in:
Brian Picciano 2024-02-16 21:22:39 +01:00
parent 1e8f970486
commit 498a33533f
8 changed files with 267 additions and 701 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# This is an example configuration file intended for use in development.
store_dir_path: /tmp/domani_dev_env/origin
store_dir_path: /tmp/domani_dev_env/domain

View File

@ -1,17 +1,7 @@
# Path under which all origin data (i.e. git repositories, file caches,
# etc...) will be stored.
# This should be different than any other store_dir_paths.
#store_dir_path: REQUIRED
# Path under which all domain data (i.e. domains configured by users, HTTPS
# certificates, etc...) will be stored.
# This should be different than any other store_dir_paths.
#store_dir_path: REQUIRED

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Config {
pub origin: crate::origin::Config,
pub domain: crate::domain::Config,
pub service: crate::service::Config,

View File

@ -87,10 +87,7 @@ async fn main() {
let gemini_enabled = config.service.gemini.gemini_addr.is_some();
let external_domains_enabled = !config.domain.external_domains.is_empty();
let origin_store = domani::origin::git::FSStore::new(&config.origin)
.expect("git origin store initialization failed");
//let origin_store = domani::origin::git_proxy::Proxy::new();
let origin_store = domani::origin::git::Proxy::new();
let domain_checker = domani::domain::checker::DNSChecker::new(

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
mod config;
pub mod descr;
pub mod git;
pub mod git_proxy;
pub mod mux;
pub use config::*;
pub use descr::Descr;
use crate::error::unexpected;

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::path;
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Config {
pub store_dir_path: path::PathBuf,

View File

@ -1,229 +1,216 @@
use crate::error::unexpected::{self, Intoable, Mappable};
use crate::{origin, util};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::{collections, fs, future, io, sync};
use futures::stream;
use std::{collections, sync};
struct RepoSnapshot {
repo: sync::Arc<gix::ThreadSafeRepository>,
tree_object_id: gix::ObjectId,
struct DescrState {
current_tree: gix_hash::ObjectId,
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
enum CreateRepoSnapshotError {
#[error("invalid branch name")]
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum GetObjectError {
#[error("unavailable due to server-side issue")]
Unexpected(#[from] unexpected::Error),
/// Implements the Store trait for Descr::Git, storing the git repos on disk. If any non-git Descrs
/// are used then this implementation will panic.
pub struct FSStore {
dir_path: PathBuf,
pub struct Proxy {
client: reqwest::Client,
state: sync::RwLock<collections::HashMap<origin::Descr, DescrState>>,
// to prevent against syncing the same origin more than once at a time, but still allowing
// more than one origin to be syncing at a time
// to prevent syncing the same origin more than once at a time, but still allow hitting that
// origin in during a sync.
sync_guard: sync::Mutex<collections::HashMap<origin::Descr, ()>>,
repo_snapshots: sync::RwLock<collections::HashMap<origin::Descr, sync::Arc<RepoSnapshot>>>,
impl FSStore {
pub fn new(config: &origin::Config) -> io::Result<Self> {
let dir_path = config.store_dir_path.join("git");
Ok(Self {
sync_guard: sync::Mutex::new(collections::HashMap::new()),
repo_snapshots: sync::RwLock::new(collections::HashMap::new()),
impl Proxy {
pub fn new() -> Proxy {
fn repo_path(&self, descr: &origin::Descr) -> PathBuf {
fn descr_file_path(&self, descr_id: &str) -> PathBuf {
fn branch_ref(&self, branch_name: &str) -> String {
fn deconstruct_descr(descr: &origin::Descr) -> (String, &str) {
fn deconstruct_descr(descr: &origin::Descr) -> (&origin::descr::GitUrl, &str) {
let origin::Descr::Git {
ref url,
ref branch_name,
} = descr;
(url.parsed.to_string(), branch_name)
(url, branch_name)
fn create_repo_snapshot(
repo: gix::Repository,
descr: &origin::Descr,
) -> Result<RepoSnapshot, CreateRepoSnapshotError> {
let (_, branch_name) = Self::deconstruct_descr(descr);
let branch_ref = self.branch_ref(branch_name);
fn construct_url(
url: &origin::descr::GitUrl,
sub_path: &str,
) -> unexpected::Result<reqwest::Url> {
let mut url: reqwest::Url = {
.or_unexpected_while("parsing url as reqwest url")?
let commit_object_id = repo
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("finding branch ref {branch_ref}"))?
.or_unexpected_while("peeling id in place")?
let new_path = url
.or_unexpected_while("parsing url path")?
let tree_object_id = repo
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("finding commit object {commit_object_id}"))?
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("parsing {commit_object_id} as commit"))?
.or_unexpected_while("converting new path to string")?,
Ok(RepoSnapshot {
repo: sync::Arc::new(repo.into()),
fn get_repo_snapshot(
async fn get_tip_commit_hash(
descr: &origin::Descr,
) -> Result<Option<sync::Arc<RepoSnapshot>>, unexpected::Error> {
let repo_snapshots =;
if let Some(repo_snapshot) = repo_snapshots.get(descr) {
return Ok(Some(repo_snapshot.clone()));
) -> Result<gix_hash::ObjectId, origin::SyncError> {
let (url, branch_name) = Self::deconstruct_descr(descr);
let refs_url =
Self::construct_url(url, "info/refs").or_unexpected_while("constructing refs url")?;
// when fetching refs we assume that any issue indicates that the origin itself
// (and therefore the URL) has some kind of issue.
let refs = self
let full_ref = format!("refs/heads/{}", branch_name);
for line in refs.lines() {
if !line.ends_with(full_ref.as_str()) {
return gix_hash::ObjectId::from_hex(
async fn get_object(
descr: &origin::Descr,
oid: &gix_hash::ObjectId,
expect_kind: gix_object::Kind,
) -> Result<util::BoxByteStream, GetObjectError> {
let hex = oid.to_string();
let (url, _) = Self::deconstruct_descr(descr);
let object_url =
Self::construct_url(url, format!("objects/{}/{}", &hex[..2], &hex[2..]).as_str())
.or_unexpected_while("constructing refs url")?;
let mut loose_object = self
.map(|res| {
use async_compression::tokio::bufread::ZlibDecoder;
use futures::stream::TryStreamExt;
use std::io;
.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e)),
use tokio::io::AsyncBufReadExt;
let mut header = Vec::<u8>::new();
.read_until(0, &mut header)
let (kind, _, _) =
if kind != expect_kind {
return Err(GetObjectError::Unavailable);
async fn get_commit_tree(
descr: &origin::Descr,
commit_hash: &gix_hash::ObjectId,
) -> Result<gix_hash::ObjectId, origin::SyncError> {
let commit_object_bytes = self
.get_object(descr, commit_hash, gix_object::Kind::Commit)
.map_err(|e| match e {
GetObjectError::Unavailable => origin::SyncError::Unavailable,
GetObjectError::Unexpected(_) => e.into_unexpected().into(),
let commit_object = gix_object::CommitRef::from_bytes(commit_object_bytes.as_ref())
async fn get_tree_entry(
descr: &origin::Descr,
tree_hash: &gix_hash::ObjectId,
entry_name: &str,
) -> Result<gix_object::tree::Entry, origin::GetFileError> {
let tree_object_bytes = self
.get_object(descr, tree_hash, gix_object::Kind::Tree)
.map_err(|e| match e {
GetObjectError::Unavailable => origin::GetFileError::Unavailable,
GetObjectError::Unexpected(_) => e.into_unexpected().into(),
let tree_object = gix_object::TreeRef::from_bytes(tree_object_bytes.as_ref())
for entry in tree_object.entries {
if entry.filename == entry_name {
return Ok(entry.into());
let repo_path = self.repo_path(descr);
match fs::read_dir(&repo_path) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => match e.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::NotFound => return Ok(None),
_ => {
return Err(e.into_unexpected_while(format!(
"checking if {} exists",
let repo = gix::open(&repo_path)
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("opening {} as git repo", repo_path.display()))?;
let repo_snapshot = self
.create_repo_snapshot(repo, descr)
.map_err(|e| match e {
// it's not expected that the branch name is invalid at this point, it must have
// existed for sync to have been successful.
CreateRepoSnapshotError::InvalidBranchName => e.into_unexpected(),
CreateRepoSnapshotError::Unexpected(e) => e,
let repo_snapshot = sync::Arc::new(repo_snapshot);
let mut repo_snapshots = self.repo_snapshots.write().unwrap();
(*repo_snapshots).insert(descr.clone(), repo_snapshot.clone());
fn sync_inner(&self, descr: &origin::Descr) -> Result<gix::Repository, origin::SyncError> {
use gix::clone::Error as gixCloneErr;
use gix::progress::Discard;
let should_interrupt = &core::sync::atomic::AtomicBool::new(false);
let repo_path = &self.repo_path(descr);
// if the path doesn't exist then use the gix clone feature to clone it into the
// directory.
if fs::read_dir(repo_path).is_err() {
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("creating {}", repo_path.display()))?;
let (url, branch_name) = Self::deconstruct_descr(descr);
let (repo, _) = gix::prepare_clone_bare(url.clone(), repo_path)
.map_err(|e| match e {
gixCloneErr::Init(gix::init::Error::InvalidBranchName { .. }) => {
gixCloneErr::UrlParse(_) | gixCloneErr::CanonicalizeUrl { .. } => {
_ => e
"cloning {} into {}",
.fetch_only(Discard, should_interrupt)
.map_err(|_| origin::SyncError::InvalidURL)?;
// Check to make sure the branch name exists
// TODO if this fails we should delete repo_path
let branch_ref = self.branch_ref(branch_name);
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("finding branch ref {branch_ref}"))?
// Add the descr to the repo directory, so we can know the actual descr later
// TODO if this fails we should delete repo_path
let file_path = self.descr_file_path(;
let descr_file = fs::File::create(&file_path)
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("creating {}", file_path.display()))?;
serde_json::to_writer(descr_file, &descr)
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("writing descr to {}", file_path.display()))?;
return Ok(repo);
let direction = gix::remote::Direction::Fetch;
let repo = gix::open(repo_path)
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("opening repo at {}", repo_path.display()))?;
let remote = repo
.ok_or_else(|| unexpected::Error::from("no default configured"))?
.or_unexpected_while("finding default remote for fetching")?;
.or_unexpected_while("connecting to remote")?
.prepare_fetch(Discard, Default::default())
.or_unexpected_while("preparing fetch")?
.receive(Discard, should_interrupt)
.or_unexpected_while("fetching from remote")?;
impl super::Store for FSStore {
fn sync(
descr: &origin::Descr,
) -> util::BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), origin::SyncError>> {
// TODO this implementation is kind of cheating, as it's doing everything synchronously but
// then returning the result in an async box. But the git store is going to be
// re-implemented soon anyway, so it doesn't matter.
let res = (|| {
impl origin::Store for Proxy {
fn sync(&self, descr: &origin::Descr) -> util::BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), origin::SyncError>> {
let descr = descr.clone();
Box::pin(async move {
// attempt to lock this descr for syncing, doing so within a new scope so the mutex
// isn't actually being held for the whole method duration.
let is_already_syncing = {
@ -238,171 +225,110 @@ impl super::Store for FSStore {
return Err(origin::SyncError::AlreadyInProgress);
let res = self.sync_inner(&descr);
// perform the rest of the work within this closure, so we can be sure that the guard
// lock is released no matter what.
let res = async {
let commit_hash = self.get_tip_commit_hash(&descr).await?;
let current_tree = self.get_commit_tree(&descr, &commit_hash).await?;
.insert(descr.clone(), DescrState { current_tree });
let repo = match res {
Ok(repo) => repo,
Err(e) => return Err(e),
// repo is synced at this point (though the sync lock is still held), just gotta create
// the RepoSnapshot and store it.
// TODO this is a bit of a memory leak, but by the time we get
// to that point this should all be backed by something which isn't local storage
// anyway.
// calling this while the sync lock is held isn't ideal, but it's convenient and
// shouldn't be too terrible generally
let repo_snapshot = self
.create_repo_snapshot(repo, &descr)
.map_err(|e| match e {
CreateRepoSnapshotError::InvalidBranchName => {
CreateRepoSnapshotError::Unexpected(e) => origin::SyncError::Unexpected(e),
let mut repo_snapshots = self.repo_snapshots.write().unwrap();
(*repo_snapshots).insert(descr.clone(), sync::Arc::new(repo_snapshot));
fn get_file(
descr: &origin::Descr,
path: &str,
) -> util::BoxFuture<Result<util::BoxByteStream, origin::GetFileError>> {
) -> util::BoxFuture<'_, Result<util::BoxByteStream, origin::GetFileError>> {
let descr = descr.clone();
let path = path.to_string();
Box::pin(async move {
let repo_snapshot = match self.get_repo_snapshot(&descr) {
Ok(Some(repo_snapshot)) => repo_snapshot,
Ok(None) => return Err(origin::GetFileError::DescrNotSynced),
Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),
let current_state = self
let path = path
.or_unexpected_while("parsing path")?;
let path_parts = path.iter().collect::<Vec<&std::ffi::OsStr>>();
let path_parts_len = path_parts.len();
if path_parts_len < 2 {
return Err(unexpected::Error::from("path has fewer than 2 parts").into());
} else if path_parts[0] != std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR_STR {
return Err(unexpected::Error::from(format!(
"expected first path part to be separator, found {:?}",
let mut tree_hash = current_state.current_tree;
// The first part is "/" (main separator), and the last is the file name itself.
// Everything in between (if any) should be directories, so navigate those.
for dir_name in path_parts[1..path_parts_len - 1].iter() {
let entry = self
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("decoding dir name {dir_name:?}"))?,
if !entry.mode.is_tree() {
return Err(origin::GetFileError::FileNotFound);
tree_hash = entry.oid;
let file_name = {
let file_name = path_parts[path_parts_len - 1];
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("decoding file name {file_name:?}"))?
let mut clean_path = Path::new(path.as_str());
clean_path = clean_path.strip_prefix("/").unwrap_or(clean_path);
let entry = self.get_tree_entry(&descr, &tree_hash, file_name).await?;
let repo = repo_snapshot.repo.to_thread_local();
let file_object = repo
.map_unexpected_while(|| {
format!("finding tree object {}", repo_snapshot.tree_object_id)
.map_unexpected_while(|| {
format!("peeling tree object {}", repo_snapshot.tree_object_id)
.map_unexpected_while(|| {
"looking up {} in tree object {}",
use gix::object::Kind;
match file_object.kind {
Kind::Tree => Err(origin::GetFileError::PathIsDirectory),
Kind::Blob => {
// TODO this is very not ideal, the whole file is first read totally into memory, and then
// that is cloned.
let data = bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(;
Ok(util::BoxByteStream::from_stream(stream::once(async move {
Kind::Commit | Kind::Tag => Err(unexpected::Error::from(
format!("found object of kind {} in tree", file_object.kind).as_str(),
// TODO handle symlinks
if entry.mode.is_tree() {
return Err(origin::GetFileError::PathIsDirectory);
} else if !entry.mode.is_blob() {
return Err(unexpected::Error::from(format!(
"can't handle entry {} of mode {}",
self.get_object(&descr, &entry.oid, gix_object::Kind::Blob)
.map_err(|e| match e {
GetObjectError::Unavailable => origin::GetFileError::Unavailable,
GetObjectError::Unexpected(_) => e
.into_unexpected_while(format!("getting object for entry {:?}", entry))
mod tests {
use crate::origin::{self, Config, Store};
use futures::StreamExt;
use tempdir::TempDir;
async fn basic() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new("origin_store_git").unwrap();
let config = Config {
store_dir_path: tmp_dir.path().to_path_buf(),
let curr_dir = format!("file://{}", std::env::current_dir().unwrap().display());
let descr = origin::Descr::Git {
url: curr_dir.clone(),
branch_name: String::from("main"),
let other_descr = origin::Descr::Git {
url: curr_dir.clone(),
branch_name: String::from("some_other_branch"),
let store = super::FSStore::new(&config).expect("store created");
store.sync(&descr).await.expect("sync should succeed");
.expect("second sync should succeed");
// RepoSnapshot doesn't exist
match store.get_file(&other_descr, "DNE") {
Err(origin::GetFileError::DescrNotSynced) => (),
_ => assert!(false, "descr should have not been found"),
let assert_file_dne = |path: &str| match store.get_file(&descr, path) {
Err(origin::GetFileError::FileNotFound) => (),
_ => assert!(false, "file should have not been found"),
let assert_file_not_empty = |path: &str| {
use bytes::BufMut;
let mut f = store.get_file(&descr, path).expect("file not retrieved");
let mut body = bytes::BytesMut::new();
async move {
while let Some(chunk) = {
assert!(body.len() > 0);
let descrs = store.all_descrs().expect("all_descrs called");
assert_eq!(1, descrs.len());
assert_eq!(descr, descrs[0]);

View File

@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
use crate::error::unexpected::{self, Intoable, Mappable};
use crate::{origin, util};
use std::{collections, sync};
struct DescrState {
current_tree: gix_hash::ObjectId,
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum GetObjectError {
#[error("unavailable due to server-side issue")]
Unexpected(#[from] unexpected::Error),
pub struct Proxy {
client: reqwest::Client,
state: sync::RwLock<collections::HashMap<origin::Descr, DescrState>>,
// to prevent syncing the same origin more than once at a time, but still allow hitting that
// origin in during a sync.
sync_guard: sync::Mutex<collections::HashMap<origin::Descr, ()>>,
impl Proxy {
pub fn new() -> Proxy {
fn deconstruct_descr(descr: &origin::Descr) -> (&origin::descr::GitUrl, &str) {
let origin::Descr::Git {
ref url,
ref branch_name,
} = descr;
(url, branch_name)
fn construct_url(
url: &origin::descr::GitUrl,
sub_path: &str,
) -> unexpected::Result<reqwest::Url> {
let mut url: reqwest::Url = {
.or_unexpected_while("parsing url as reqwest url")?
let new_path = url
.or_unexpected_while("parsing url path")?
.or_unexpected_while("converting new path to string")?,
async fn get_tip_commit_hash(
descr: &origin::Descr,
) -> Result<gix_hash::ObjectId, origin::SyncError> {
let (url, branch_name) = Self::deconstruct_descr(descr);
let refs_url =
Self::construct_url(url, "info/refs").or_unexpected_while("constructing refs url")?;
// when fetching refs we assume that any issue indicates that the origin itself
// (and therefore the URL) has some kind of issue.
let refs = self
let full_ref = format!("refs/heads/{}", branch_name);
for line in refs.lines() {
if !line.ends_with(full_ref.as_str()) {
return gix_hash::ObjectId::from_hex(
async fn get_object(
descr: &origin::Descr,
oid: &gix_hash::ObjectId,
expect_kind: gix_object::Kind,
) -> Result<util::BoxByteStream, GetObjectError> {
let hex = oid.to_string();
let (url, _) = Self::deconstruct_descr(descr);
let object_url =
Self::construct_url(url, format!("objects/{}/{}", &hex[..2], &hex[2..]).as_str())
.or_unexpected_while("constructing refs url")?;
let mut loose_object = self
.map(|res| {
use async_compression::tokio::bufread::ZlibDecoder;
use futures::stream::TryStreamExt;
use std::io;
.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e)),
use tokio::io::AsyncBufReadExt;
let mut header = Vec::<u8>::new();
.read_until(0, &mut header)
let (kind, _, _) =
if kind != expect_kind {
return Err(GetObjectError::Unavailable);
async fn get_commit_tree(
descr: &origin::Descr,
commit_hash: &gix_hash::ObjectId,
) -> Result<gix_hash::ObjectId, origin::SyncError> {
let commit_object_bytes = self
.get_object(descr, commit_hash, gix_object::Kind::Commit)
.map_err(|e| match e {
GetObjectError::Unavailable => origin::SyncError::Unavailable,
GetObjectError::Unexpected(_) => e.into_unexpected().into(),
let commit_object = gix_object::CommitRef::from_bytes(commit_object_bytes.as_ref())
async fn get_tree_entry(
descr: &origin::Descr,
tree_hash: &gix_hash::ObjectId,
entry_name: &str,
) -> Result<gix_object::tree::Entry, origin::GetFileError> {
let tree_object_bytes = self
.get_object(descr, tree_hash, gix_object::Kind::Tree)
.map_err(|e| match e {
GetObjectError::Unavailable => origin::GetFileError::Unavailable,
GetObjectError::Unexpected(_) => e.into_unexpected().into(),
let tree_object = gix_object::TreeRef::from_bytes(tree_object_bytes.as_ref())
for entry in tree_object.entries {
if entry.filename == entry_name {
return Ok(entry.into());
impl origin::Store for Proxy {
fn sync(&self, descr: &origin::Descr) -> util::BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), origin::SyncError>> {
let descr = descr.clone();
Box::pin(async move {
// attempt to lock this descr for syncing, doing so within a new scope so the mutex
// isn't actually being held for the whole method duration.
let is_already_syncing = {
.insert(descr.clone(), ())
if is_already_syncing {
return Err(origin::SyncError::AlreadyInProgress);
// perform the rest of the work within this closure, so we can be sure that the guard
// lock is released no matter what.
let res = async {
let commit_hash = self.get_tip_commit_hash(&descr).await?;
let current_tree = self.get_commit_tree(&descr, &commit_hash).await?;
.insert(descr.clone(), DescrState { current_tree });
fn get_file(
descr: &origin::Descr,
path: &str,
) -> util::BoxFuture<'_, Result<util::BoxByteStream, origin::GetFileError>> {
let descr = descr.clone();
let path = path.to_string();
Box::pin(async move {
let current_state = self
let path = path
.or_unexpected_while("parsing path")?;
let path_parts = path.iter().collect::<Vec<&std::ffi::OsStr>>();
let path_parts_len = path_parts.len();
if path_parts_len < 2 {
return Err(unexpected::Error::from("path has fewer than 2 parts").into());
} else if path_parts[0] != std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR_STR {
return Err(unexpected::Error::from(format!(
"expected first path part to be separator, found {:?}",
let mut tree_hash = current_state.current_tree;
// The first part is "/" (main separator), and the last is the file name itself.
// Everything in between (if any) should be directories, so navigate those.
for dir_name in path_parts[1..path_parts_len - 1].iter() {
let entry = self
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("decoding dir name {dir_name:?}"))?,
if !entry.mode.is_tree() {
return Err(origin::GetFileError::FileNotFound);
tree_hash = entry.oid;
let file_name = {
let file_name = path_parts[path_parts_len - 1];
.map_unexpected_while(|| format!("decoding file name {file_name:?}"))?
let entry = self.get_tree_entry(&descr, &tree_hash, file_name).await?;
// TODO handle symlinks
if entry.mode.is_tree() {
return Err(origin::GetFileError::PathIsDirectory);
} else if !entry.mode.is_blob() {
return Err(unexpected::Error::from(format!(
"can't handle entry {} of mode {}",
self.get_object(&descr, &entry.oid, gix_object::Kind::Blob)
.map_err(|e| match e {
GetObjectError::Unavailable => origin::GetFileError::Unavailable,
GetObjectError::Unexpected(_) => e
.into_unexpected_while(format!("getting object for entry {:?}", entry))