[package] name = "domani" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" [dev-dependencies] tempdir = "0.3.7" [dependencies] sha2 = "0.10.6" hex = "0.4.3" serde = { version = "1.0.162", features = [ "derive" ]} serde_json = "1.0.96" trust-dns-client = "0.22.0" mockall = "0.11.4" thiserror = "1.0.40" tokio = { version = "1.34.0", features = ["full", "net", "signal"] } signal-hook = "0.3.15" futures = "0.3.28" clap = { version = "4.2.7", features = ["derive", "env"] } handlebars = { version = "4.3.7", features = [ "rust-embed" ]} rust-embed = "6.6.1" mime_guess = "2.0.4" hyper = { version = "1.2.0", features = ["server", "client", "http1", "http2"] } http = "1.0.0" serde_urlencoded = "0.7.1" tokio-util = { version = "0.7.8", features = [ "io" ]} acme2 = "0.5.1" openssl = "0.10.52" rustls = "0.21.1" pem = "2.0.1" serde_with = "3.0.0" tokio-rustls = "0.24.0" log = "0.4.19" env_logger = "0.10.0" serde_yaml = "0.9.22" rand = "0.8.5" gemini = "0.0.5" bytes = "1.4.0" gix-hash = "0.14.1" reqwest = { version = "0.11.23", features = ["gzip", "deflate", "stream"] } gix-object = "0.41.0" async-compression = { version = "0.4.6", features = ["tokio", "deflate", "zlib"] } hyper-util = { version = "0.1.3", features = ["server", "http1", "http2", "tokio"] } http-body-util = "0.1.0" http-body = "1.0.0" awaitgroup = "0.7.0" # The micropelago fork of hyper-reverse-proxy supports hyper v1, and fixes some # bugs from upstream (which appears to be unmaintained). [dependencies.hyper-reverse-proxy] git = "https://code.betamike.com/micropelago/hyper-reverse-proxy.git" rev = "7adb97ceaae311c8ad116dca66a4cb303aefa3e3" [patch.crates-io] # The micropelago fork of tokio-rustls allows for gemini proxying tokio-rustls = { git = "https://code.betamike.com/micropelago/tokio-rustls.git", branch = "start-handshake-into-inner" }